So, psn is down for maintenance, and DQH took forever to load, and then took around 3 minutes to start a level as it kept trying to connect. The timeout need to seriously be changed on this.
Is DQH one of those mandatory online games? I never noticed. I always say NO to that option at the beginning that asks if you want news and shit. It was downright obnoxious in Dragonball Xenoverse.
Hold the Playstation button then hit adjust sound and devices when it pops upNo one has a solution for the headphones thing?![]()
That doesn't help at all. Please re-read my post, I think you misunderstood the issue.Hold the Playstation button then hit adjust sound and devices when it pops up
So I got this for Christmas. Pretty decent so far, I just got to the Dwarfs' place, but not nearly as good as Hyrule Warriors, I think (the singleplayer + lack of varied objectives make this less interesting so far).
I have a weird question; what is with the voice volume when using headphones? When I started playing it, I had the sound on the TV normally, and heard the voices in my controller, which was weird but I didn't mind it. But after my boyfriend went to bed, I needed to put on the headphones (I use the Sony headset) and holy shit.... the voice volume nearly destroyed my eardrums. WTF??
I went in the game's settings and had to completely mute the characters; even at 1 volume it was still way, way too loud. Music and sound effects were at normal volume so it wasn't my headphones that were the problem.
Any better way to fix this? I don't want to mute all voices (I honestly don't miss them when talking to NPCs or in battle, but it mutes them in cut scenes too) if I can help it.
Two posts above you, I said I tried that and it didn't work.Hasn't tried it with headphones myself, but...
I assume you are running your headphones with all audio being sent to them (best imo). What if you change that so the voices continue to come out of the controller, and then turn the controller volume to 0 in the system settings. This has no effect with all audio going to the headset, but maybe helps when it isn't?
I had the shield that regenerates health every now and then equipped. Other than that? Dodge, dodge, dodge. I had also invested points in skills that regenerated Mp, ie: regenerate mp on critical hits. Extend dodge distance and the amount of time you are invincible after a dodge. Make sure to maximize the amount of time you can be in high tension mode. This is when you go all out attack.Anyone have tips onThe Serpent of the Scales?
Cheers, thanks.The fault is not the last area. And even if you beat the game, you can just go on and do side quests as it lets you play on your file after you beat the final boss.
Yeah it starts out easy for a while, but some of the later missions are quite tough. Rarely because you'll die and more because the objective you need to protect will die because you'll get overwhelmed. Gotta balance taking out the Mawkeepers ASAP and collecting enough medals to not leave the objective too vulnerable and all.Started playing a couple days ago. Sunk about 7 hours In so far. Easy as hell for the moment and really simple mechanics but I'm enjoying it loads.
Yeah it starts out easy for a while, but some of the later missions are quite tough. Rarely because you'll die and more because the objective you need to protect will die because you'll get overwhelmed. Gotta balance taking out the Mawkeepers ASAP and collecting enough medals to not leave the objective too vulnerable and all.
They probably should have used a different word than "recruit". When I saw that word, I thought they meant I could recruit a party member if I endured enough waves. After an hour I Evac'd out of it, and learned that it was just a simple grinding mission.Most of the ones in town that say like Blah blah - Recruit or Blah blah - Captain are just endless areas meant for practice or farming and you have to leave manually.
Any way to train a character without making my other characters (particularly Aurora) overlevelled? I just wantto catch up to my main party 'cause I'd like to use him, he seems cool, but he's level 36, and Aurora (my main) is 46 and my other main party members are around 42 or so. I just wantPsaroto catch up to like level 40-42 or so but not if Aurora becomes level 50 in the meantime... Hell, she turned from 45 to 46 beforePsaroturned from 35 to 36, WTF? Shouldn't he gain levels quicker, being so much lower?Psaro
I saw a recipe for an accessory that boosts XP gain, but it's only 5%, and it costs 15 mini medals. -_-
Also XP gains and levelling up seems really unbalanced in this game. I used Terry a lot, but for some reason he seems to never really level up that fast and lags behind several other characters that were out of rotation more often. I just don't get it...
Yeah so I saw... the last few missions were a bit easy so I figured I was overlevelled but then post-game started and.... huh. I could deal with the first boss grudge match, but everything else just annihilates me. FuuuuuIf you intend to do all the missions and bosses (not just the main story) don't worry about overlevelling. You'll want everyone at max anyway... the game gets real tough in a few sections. I'd go as far as saying, unless you've grinded and grinded xp during the main story quests, the real game begins after the ending.
The game was in the middle of quitting after I went to save>quit, and the Seasoned Soldier trophy (get 30 hours of playtime) trophy popped. When I load the game, the reward for this hasn't shown up to be redeemed from the woman at the accolades counter. Is there no way to get the reward now?
I'm about 5 hours in so far. Does the game remain a tower defense musou hybrid to the end?
If you have PS+, download the backed up game save, meet the condition again, and the game might give you the reward once it's clocked over 30h again. Not sure if it'll work, just a suggestion.
Anyone got the platinum? How do I get to level 99 quickly? Gilthunder (main) is level 55 so I have 44 more levels to go. I beat the main quest last night and it was pretty underwhelming. Shadroth was supposed to be this tough adversary and I wiped the floor with him. Psaro gave me a good beating though.
Pretty much. There are missions where you have to fight your way to a destination, but there is alot of tower defense missions in it.
I got the plat for this game.
Great place to get your people to lvl 99 is a place which opens up later where Metal King Slimes appear. Keep spamming multi-hit attacks with Alena or Terry on them, and equip accessory that increases crit hit rate (Raging Ruby). Good luck!
Thanks. When should this Quest show up?I'm haven't got the plat myself, but there is a mission that spawns metal slimes like crazy and you cna easily level everyone to 99 in a couple of hours if you have good luck.
I feel like you're supposed to win through brute force, so level 99. I know what you're talking about with minions. It's like they do little damage compared to when you fought them so massive waves of enemies swarm in they're practically probably the hardest mission until post-game. Everything else is quite manageable. Some of the "defend the root/gate/etc." missions are a bit annoying but usually manageable, until you reach post-game and fuuuuuuuuuuu.Psaro
I tried the post-game one in Colissea. I handle all the mawkeepers just fine, even managed to clear each one out before the next one spawns, but when like 4 of them spawn at once at the end and they all come rushing the central area, even all the minions I deployed (some of which I even left near those gates to distract the mobs that will spawn there) and spamming all my Tension moves on everything isn't enough. With all the undead zombie gladiators, Unit-9s and even a Belial, the Yggdrasil root goes from bright green to red in like a minute, it's insane. I have no idea how I'm supposed to win this.
Same thing with the root in Isla's hometown, I can't imagine even winning this one. Sigh.
Just go with whatever you feel is necessary for each character.Just picked it up yesterday and am am allocating points for the first time.
Any real priority or pretty much go with the basics and eventually it will all even out?
Just picked it up yesterday and am am allocating points for the first time.
Any real priority or pretty much go with the basics and eventually it will all even out?
Yeah, I can't beat that one and some others like it. Level 66 with Aurora too. Sigh.Morrigan, now I see what you meant about the tower defense post-game. The one in the coliseum is so dumb because of how many enemies you have to face and how easily the Yggdrasil foot goes down. Sigh
I have no idea about stats. But it seems like we are meant to start new game+ considering they give 50 skill points for doing so. That would about cover everything for me.Yeah, I can't beat that one and some others like it. Level 66 with Aurora too. Sigh.
I also tried the giant beast (?) but my projectiles did 1 per hit and of course theBjorn the Behemoose I thinkgets destroyed. No idea how to win this either. Feel like I'm missing something.Stonecloud
I haven't tried Nokturnus or whatshisname (forgot, the other demon boss thing post-game) yet, the way people talk seems like it's gonna be impossible. I'll try them at least once some time, but right now I've hit a wall. I cleared all the notice board quests, and did some grudge match fights, but everything else (the remaining grudge match fights which include defending someone/something, and of course those post-game tower defense challenges) is way out of my league. Don't know if I'll have the patience to grind to 99 just for that. -_- Plus it seems the diminishing returns hit pretty hard, at least for skill points. Do stats gains from levels have diminishing returns too?
Thanks. When should this Quest show up?
67 for Bjorn and 71 for Nokturnus. If you still need help with Bjorn,What level were you?