best lizard pic i've seen so far.
Sounds like, by the way you explained your current situation, it would save you a lot of time and frustration by just going to NG+ to get to the point where you have access to Fournival. (and by reclearing BBI you'll gain some levels and gear you probably need)
Having those consumables will save you tons and tons of time if you plan to farm BBI.
Can anyone tell me where to find the idol for the armorer in the capital?
The lack of quest markers can be frustrating at times...
What are you trying to say about Selene?Been taking photos of the wild life recently.
Meh, sometimes the quest markers are too lenient with the RIGHT HERE marker that makes quests trivial. This one doesn't have them because there's multiple idols around the world. The best one would have been from Fournival's daughter's escort quest. The second best is from a notice board quest. You can find the third best at hillfigure knoll or Selene's, and you can find the worst by the abbey.
Shit, are you serious? Agh, I lost the quest with Fournival's daughter because she was walking so slowly and i tried to pick her up and was immediately arrested. I didn't get a chance to do the quest again. Ffffffuuuuuuuuu---
Last night I farmed the final area before reaching the end-boss and got 7 Bitterblack Weapon lv 2 & 1 Bitterblack Weapon lv 3 and NOT ONE of them was a Magik BowI did as you suggested and watched the video and all I keep getting are Sapfire Daggers? From my lv 3 Weapon I got a Dominion Claw for my Magik Archer, when I change to Yellow I would have gotten a Long Bow. I have a pretty nice assortment of lv 2 Bitterblack Weapons ( I did change to both Red as well, no sense in getting doubles ) but no weapon for my Magik Archer... this is truly frustrating
Thanks! It's totally got a =) face!best lizard pic i've seen so far.
Well she is kind of wild, "peeing" in the wild and all.What are you trying to say about Selene?
Oblivion is better.
Oblivion is better.
Also which is better shadow or oblivion
Lol I actually gagged a little.
Is the set that bad, or are you guys confusing his intention for Elder Scrolls?Thanks for contributing.
Is the set that bad, or are you guys confusing his intention for Elder Scrolls?
Yep, the game is like that. Very specific parameters and requirements with real consequences. Very cool, but also very frustrating for a first playthrough.
Yes. However, nothing changes in NG+ (No increased difficulty, mobs stay same level, etc), and all of your gear, skills, money, level, etc transfers over.Is there a New Game + mode?
Yes. However, nothing changes in NG+ (No increased difficulty, mobs stay same level, etc), and all of your gear, skills, money, level, etc transfers over.
What's the point then?
Yep, the game is like that. Very specific parameters and requirements with real consequences. Very cool, but also very frustrating for a first playthrough.
What's the point then?
Does anyone have a bloodred crystal they can send me? I had a bunch but I think I used them to upgrade a weapon and I neglected to keep a spare.
Got my pawn the level 3 daggers and bow so now she is stylin to be sure. Now I'm conflicted though. Every since I had her start showing some skin a lot of people have been hiring her. But now I'm getting the bbi Armor sets which are way better than trophy Armor and I don't want to gimp her but I don't want to get 0 RC going forward...
Also which is better shadow or oblivion
What's the point then?
What's the point then?
Not sure what is going on here, but I was answering Onion_Relish's question about which armor is better, the Oblivion set or the Shadow set.
I don't understand how you can say that these sets are bad stat wise, since they are the best for their vocations. If you don't like them aesthetically, that is a different subject.
Yep, the game is like that. Very specific parameters and requirements with real consequences. Very cool, but also very frustrating for a first playthrough.
I'm in the post-game and doing the Following Orders noticeboard quest, which requires you to find 5 "Priceless Artifacts". They're supposed to be found in the Watergod's Altar, but I've completely cleared it out twice now without finding a single one. Can anyone help me out here?
Sigh I missed out on so many things in this game simply because I chose to do some quests before others, causing them to automatically fail. It's such bullshit. But I still love this game... it's so fun to play. Just really hope the follow-up is a more thought-out experience.
Mercedes is cool, I like her. Definitely getting the Casca vibe from her. I hope (Berserk spoiler)she doesn't end with same fate if you know what I mean.
Anyways, at what level can I choose an specialization? I'm 14 at the moment.
This is what he was responding to.
Yeah the wiki says by mining, the official strategy guide says in chests. Neither is true in my experience, I've been through twice now (with a 7 day break in between) and looted every chest and mined every vein to no avail. I guess I just keep trying (or give up on that quest).Apparently it's only found by mining in the Watergod's Alter. I think you have to wait 3-4 in-game days before mining again.
If you get one, you might be able to get it dublicated?
Yeah the wiki says by mining, the official strategy guide says in chests. Neither is true in my experience, I've been through twice now (with a 7 day break in between) and looted every chest and mined every vein to no avail. I guess I just keep trying (or give up on that quest).
It's mined. Have you gotten the godsbane yet?
In the watergod altar, go up to the large room with columns where you fought the cyclops. At the left side of the room is a small exit. The priceless artifact is in the vein that's inside that tiny rock corridor. Save before you mine it, godsbane and retry if you don't get it.
Thanks guys, I'll godsbane it now that I know it's definitely minedI got my priceless artifact in the room with the saurians by the lever key. It is definitely mined.
I personally didn't experience anything like this is my several BBI runs.Anyone know if BBI features some sort of difficulty scaling? Its weird because although I can kill things faster the damage output of a lot of the enemies seems to be keeping pace with me.
phierce said:I don't know if that's what you're talking about, but I'm almost 100% sure there is no scaling at all.
I think I have one will send your way.
Sometimes the game just screws with you and doesn't give what you want; I had to purify close to 50 lvl3 weapons to get the Revenant Wail Longbow.