So I started playing this. The problem I have with this game is that it lacks any feeling of satisfaction or a real sense of progress. Combat doesn't feel tight and it feels a bit random. I don't know... am I alone feeling that way?
Iam 15 hrs in and feel way OP with a warrior.
After getting the 2hander, escort quest, at about 20 with fighter you seem to stun/knockdown lock everything. Light combo/jump+heavy to run to whirlwind slash kills almost everything. My party make up of MP healer, nuker, shield type.
Now Iam 34 and in finished catacombs. I havent bought any armor or weapons just use what i pick up. Havent sold anything and seems crafting is a waste of time. All the pawns Ive picked up are about my level.
Got one more mission on wyrm hunt before i talk to the duke.
Is there a sudden jump in difficulty soon or iam I grinding/questing to much?
Ok so I've been running around everfall killing monsters and picking up loot but I kinda want to end the game so I can re roll a new character so how do I beat the game? Is there a place I have to go to beat the game or something or do I have to do all of the dungeons in everfall first? I'm getting the impression that everfall is just a place to grind loot but I'd just like to finish so I can start over again so what the hell am I supposed to do?
Does anyone know if there's an easy way to tell how much RC you gave another player by hiring their pawn? I'm just curious about it.Wow, I just got 2 million RC.
Half of that was from one person. He/she must really liked my pawn.
Does anyone know if there's an easy way to tell how much RC you gave another player by hiring their pawn? I'm just curious about it.
Did you talk to the fellow at the Gran Soren Pawn Guild yet? That progresses the story. Don't do that until you've found Quina first though.
More enemies will open up through the story, you may find some new ones by travelling to other areas of the map though.
The guy who starts some quest about exploring Everfall? Yea, i've met up with him.
Just getting worried about sidequests disappearing after certain story check points from what I've heard. That and I don't have a clear path of progression to follow, and seem to be running in circles.
I've been playing this for around 100 hours, loving it but now i'd like to see the ending. But i have a question about Bitterblack isle... If i beat it once and then i go to finish the game in the everfall, when in the new game + i'll go back to bbi what version of it will i found?
I know that after you beat it once bbi will become much harder, passing to a new game + does reset it?
Thanks for the info, i' ve finished bbi and then i went to finish the game.Yes, BBI resets on new game plus. This helps if you are doing the macabre sculpture quests, since the sculptures respawn.
The only reason for doing NG+ in my opinion is for those kinds of completionist tasks and trophy hunting. I went to play the game again and there really isn't much point to bringing your levels over unless all you want to do is farm bitterblack and make your pawn's gear awesome. Sucks that you can't opt to bring your inventory and ditch your levels. It kind of hurt to lose all my gear starting a new game, but at least it's not dead boring.
Dude, you should just go for it on your own in BBI. Rush through the main game to build up some levels, don't worry about equipment, because once you get to BBI you'll get even better stuff.
I'm currently playing Dark Souls and loving it. Can anyone who's played the Souls series tell me if Dragon's Dogma is as fun? I'm not looking for a similar experience because I know they're not all that alike.
Is the google doc on the first page even referred to anymore? Got myself to level 96
It's similar in that the boss encounters are a fun challenge. It's not directly like it but many people who play Demon Souls like Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen a lot, Vageta311 on twitch for example was a convert![]()
Dark Arison is basically a GOTY version with the original+DLC and a new expansion. Not really worth getting vanilla, IMO.That said, should I go for vanilla Dragon's Dogma or get Dark Arisen?
I'm currently playing Dark Souls and loving it. Can anyone who's played the Souls series tell me if Dragon's Dogma is as fun? I'm not looking for a similar experience because I know they're not all that alike.
That said, should I go for vanilla Dragon's Dogma or get Dark Arisen?
So I beat Daimon for the first time a few hours ago, but the bump in "difficulty" is a bit ridiculous after that. I've done everything there is to be done outside of BBI and having just completed BBI for the first time I just jumped right in and started playing it the second time a few minutes later, because that's pretty much all that's left at this point...
However, when I did, I realized they completely screwed it up on the difficulty bump. I go in, at level 112, using a lvl 2 dragonforged heaven's keys and bam! As soon as I get to duskmoon tower and see what they've done to the game I cringe...
So far, not a single enemy has felt wrongly placed in the sense that the difficulty kept ramping up at a very good pace (except for Death, but I assume that was the whole point in that case), so once I go face to face with my first Firedrake, I just couldn't stop shaking my head... just as easy as the Drake has always been, except now I get to waste 40 mins mashing the same button over and over, because as easy as it was, the sudden bump in "beefyness" just destroyed the balance. I spent 15 mins constantly striking it in it's weakpoint with one ONLY for 1 bar, of which he had 6 more. At this point I just turned my 360 off and proceeded to rant about it in my head all day.
And now I ask you, GAF... WTF is up with this shit? This is what I'm supposed to do next, right? Is this the dev's idea of fun? The worst case of artifficial difficulty I've ever encountered... and let me guess, I'm supposed to grind the game into submission, is that it? Ffs Capcom, I can forgive all the flaws except this one...
I guess I'm done with the game, if this is all it has to offer from now on... oO
Dark Arisen also has improvements to inventory and equipment management, and way more to do once you hit high levels. There really isn't a reason to get the original version at all, unless it's free maybe.
Dark Arison is basically a GOTY version with the original+DLC and a new expansion. Not really worth getting vanilla, IMO.
What vocation are you playing as?
Why are you still using the Heaven's Key? Haven't you gotten anything better while going through BBI? Equipment seems to play a really large role, maybe even a bigger role than level, in where you fall on the difficulty curve.
But I'm also disappointed in how you described the Firedrake. I haven't beaten BBI yet, but the exact same enemies as before just with more HP doesn't sound fun. Change up the pattern a little, will ya Capcom?
Artifficial difficulty at it's lamest.
Naw. Asassin can down a Fire Drake in 10 seconds. You just need better gear.
90 more str on the daggers isn't gonna change anything when I'm already dishing out close to 2000. It's not the gear. It's the sudden bump in "difficulty" (it's the very definition of artificial difficulty, it's the same easy boss with a shitload more HP) that is completely misplaced. There's nothing to do in between these 2 events. I have done everything there is to do except BBI for the second time. I'm at the right place, I have more than optimal gear. Hell, I've even tried going Ranger with a max level Dragon's Glaze (second best longbow in the game, apparently) and spamming those ice arrows (which it's weak to) into it's heart. Same bullshit. The progression is just badly implemented here. At this point I have 3 options:
- Grind my way to the point where it becomes bearable again. Which I won't do.
- Continue as is, brainlessly mashing the same button over and over and over and over again until the thing drops dead. Sounds like amazing fun. -.-'
- NG+ and then hard mode. Beating BBI the first time on hard mode seems to be the perfect stepping stone here. Although I worry the same retarded increase in enemy toughness will happen once I kill Daimon for the first time again, lol.
You've also got to give a round of applause to the pawns, here... I had a Guardian/Challenger fighter right beside me and I get gobbled up by a maneater. The genius starts using Steel Will (he's right beside me, all he had to do was attack once) and after that he leaves and goes and bang on his shield drum in front of the firedrake. Meanwhile, while this is going on, the sorcerer pawn decides it wants to help too so it decides to use High Bolide. Like just attacking or using something faster and equally as effective wasn't good enough. Obviously... I died. Amazing job on the pawn AI, capcom, just amazing.
There is so much potential in this IP that it's easy to overlook the flaws, but they're just so blatantly obvious... I hope the sequel becomes the game I know it can be.
- Continue as is, brainlessly mashing the same button over and over and over and over again until the thing drops dead. Sounds like amazing fun. -.-'