Clean cloth removes Drenching,
Absorbent Rag removes oil/tarring. If drenched, you can also go in the item menu, unequip the lantern, then re-equip it and it'll relight itself even if you're drenched (though if you get splashed again it goes off again). Kinda annoying but you don't have to wait til the Drenched status goes away to use your lantern. Also, do pay some meager RC to light those beacons, they're fairly useful and can damage nearby enemies shortly after you light them.
The Forgotten Hall is really, really tough if you don't cheese it somewhat. You're probably underlevelled, aye. Have you beaten the main game at least once, or reached the post-game at least?
Make sure you have the very best weapons and armours you can and upgrade them (preferably dragonforged of course), it makes a big difference. If needed, try to farm a drake or wyvern in the main game to dragonforge stuff if you're still too weak to kill a Cursed Dragon (it's weak to Holy and Fire, FWIW). Once you get Sapfire Daggers, for example, the Cursed Dragon is pretty easy, just spam at its heart (snipe at its heart when it's aloft to ground it), and you can farm it for easy dragonforging (I found that other than the guaranteed Dragonforging like Grigori or the Ur-Dragon, it's the best Dragonforging rate in the game by far, almost always works for me).
My Forgotten Hall strategy the first time was... die to Maelstrom, then die again, and again. xD Eventually I got fed up and just ran like mad to the exit, hoping my pawns wouldn't get left behind. When I returned later, I used the following strategy with a Magick Archer (you can probably use a similar strategy with a Strider or Ranger), with plenty of savescumming between each step:
- Go on the second floor where the railing is, stand on the railing and snipe the mages and sirens one by one with Sixfold bolt (never got ninefold bolt ;_

. If you see a Maelstrom form up in the room below, retreat to the room with the statues for a bit until it's gone. Make sure your pawns don't jump downstairs like idiots.
- If a Garm spawns, it'll run upstairs to attack you, so meet it in the second floor room with the statues and fight it there. Spam Ricochet bolt, it'll utterly annihilate it (it's lightning-based and they're weak to lightning).
- Do this for every Garm that spawns. Sometimes they spawn one by one, so save after killing one. If they spawn in a group of two it's still doable, use the statues as sort-of cover. Wear blind-resistant gear or bring blind-curing curatives if you need.
- Once the sirens, mages and Garms are dead, advance into the Hall, then kill the remaining Corrupt Pawns in the corridors so that only the Chained Gorecyclops are left.
- You can fight the Gorecyclops one by one, if you stick to one area and don't aggro the other. Easier with ranged attacks, Sixfold Bolt and Hunter Bolt work pretty nicely. If you really want to cheese it, you can stay under the balcony where the corridor joins the hall, the cyclops can't follow you there, and just spam ranged attacks until it dies. Boring, but effective. xD Then you can do the same with the other. If your damage output is really really low, though, this is gonna be fairly boring, I warn you. Bring Conqueror's Periapts, or just skip them and come back later when you're stronger, 'cause the rewards for killing them (dropped materials etc.) aren't all that interesting. It'd probably give you some nice XP though.
I'm gonna retry that room soon, and this time I'll try not to cheese/savescum too much, but those damn Maelstrom mages are just plain annoying. I wouldn't know how to deal with them without sniping them from afar. Maybe rush them with melee really quickly before any of them can cast and hope the pawns do the same...