Nice! Spent last night trying to beat The Forgotten Hall. 9 times out of 10 I'd get Maelstormed by the mages in there and then half the time (seems like way more) the 3 hellhounds would spawn and wreck me. At around lvl 80ish, I feel like I wasn't suppose to be in this room yet but man, I had to beat it.
After about the 10th retry, we head upstairs to the balcony for a new approach. Here I would kill off the mages then head back downstairs to 'pull' out the dogs. The 1st dog met us halfway back down and I jumped on him quick and kissed him down. The next dog came with the third, but since jumping on em worked well last time, I jumped on these too. Landed right on his face and went to town (sounds bad out of context, but I captured the moment for posterity
Once the room was cleared of any lingering Harpies, we ignored the Cyclops and went to the opposite side and collected the loot and quest item upstairs.
After a quick save I was gonna take out one clops then the other...(I'm sure this is everyone's plan in this room, and I'm sure it always ends up the same way as what happened to me.)
Climbed to the top of his head and started kissing him, he breaks free, about 2 bubbles down, he starts to frenzy across the room. Next thing I know my pawns are attacking the other Cyclops still chained up and boom, now he's free.
It didn't take long for the second one to start to frenzy as well and in the meantime this dipshit mage pawn I randomly hired keeps getting smacked to death and everytime I run over to pick him up, the 1st thing he does is start casting heal right on the spot and gets whacked off again.
I pick him and my pawn up and run back up to the balcony. I figure I can take out the clops with my bow from the safety of the second sorta worked. The ledge was a bit high and my arrows would only hit the clops 50% of the time. This would take forever.
Then I noticed my pawns were just jumping around on the second floor, looting shit and being generally dumbass pawns, so I give them the 'GO' command. I don't know if this was a mistake or not because they all 3 bolted downstairs into the room with the 2 rampaging Cyclops.
The mage and my pawn die instantly as expected but what really surprised me was Mercedes was down there taunting and going toe-to-toe with both the clops! At this point, I make my way over to a ledge in the back of the room where 90% of my shots were hitting. About 45 minutes later I
finally get the 1st Cyclops down and jump off the ledge to loot it. Mercedes is still taunting and has the clops full attention. I try to climb up him a few times but get frenzied off, so I go back to the ledge and 30 minutes later he's dead.
Whew! I warp back to the enterance and get my pawn and release Mercedes, she earned a rest

Hopefully all the shit don't spawn back when I play today, that would be bad lol.
Here are a few pics of the adventure.
Tonight I'll try to tackle the next room The Bloodless Stockade