To the person whining about game getting too easy: beat the game.
I just did (awesome "final" boss fight) and damn is Gransys even more dangerous now than ever:
- packs of Undead Lords (!!!) + Undead Mages roaming around
- a fucking dragon with the weakpoint on his back in front of Gran Soren gate. He was harder than the "last" boss for me! With one spell(?) or roar(?) he killed all my Pawns and brought me into the red. Luckily I managed to revive them, I don't really know why I didn't die there. Very intenste battle with no ballistas to help you in sight

- Gargoyles that turn your pawns into stone. How do you counter that BTW? I tried grabbing the solid stone statue but I could not. Is there any "needle" item like in Final Fantasy that cures Stone?
You are not safe anymore. Any random pack of Hellhounds + the Undead can kill your "high-level" 70 level party, untill you buy a better equipment that is. It would seem I will need millions of gold to purchase all this stuff because quality items cost $300k on average.
Everfall is a scary place. And LOL Beholders. Dragon's Dogma is the best "D&D" game ever.
Only three RPG series get Dragons right:
- Baldur's Gate
- Souls games
- Dragon's Dogma