Someone mentioned before that Daimon 2.0 is very unfair to melee classes. Bullcrap.
I killed him for the 2nd time today as an Assassin (sword+bow) in 20 minutes and here are some tips:
1) get rid of your Pawns immediately. They are worthless in this fight and they can throw you out of your rhytm by deconcentrating you when runnig around.
2) stay near Daimon's feet and whack him there.
3) do not grab his feet for Dire Gouge etc. I never did scale him, not even once.
4) always, ALWAYS run in circles around him when dodging his attacks. ALWAYS have him in the center of the screen as well.
5) his every attack can be dodged:
- lightning bolts: immediately run in very small circles around his feet. When you hear the 3rd bolt you can attack the feet again - the 4th one should always miss you.
- fire rings: immediately run in medium circles around his feet.
- Bolide: whack him at the feet all the time when he is casting the spell. When the meteors are about to hit the ground will shake a bit - this can throw you off balance for 2 seconds - IMMEDIATELY press the left stick and run the fuck away in BIG circles around him. After the 2nd meteor hits you can run back to him and start whacking him again because the 3rd meteor will always miss you.
- Seism: this is the only attack that could hit you in this battle. It is tricky to avoid because of low framerate and lots of stuff on screen obscuring the view. When you see medium sized red rings popping up around run the fuck away (IN CIRCLES!!!) trying to squeeze in between them. It is doable just don't get stuck on the rubble or the throne.
- Immolation: the only attack where you should not run in circles to avoid it

press the left stick immediately and run away for about 3/4 of screen distance then immediately turn back and run to him. The attack will trigger when you are turning around. You will get the timing right very soon.
- Dragon Swipes: they cannot hit you at all because you are always close to his feet, correct? You don't even have to run around him to hit him in the back - just stay under his feet.
- Blue Magic Roar: get behind him and whack away.
- that Blue Magic Sink that sucks your Pawns in: run the fuck away in a straight line. Stop. Then Lycaean Sight or Pentad Shot to the head. Easy.
You don't have to scale him. You don't have to have Pawns. This battle is very easy when you know what you are doing and are constantly on your feet as a melee character. You can beat him w/o taking any damage - this time he only killed me
twice vs ~12 times a few days ago.
I know there are cheaper ways to beat him but I always like to face bosses in RPGs in pure melee fights.
Daimon 2.0 battle reminds me of False King Allant this way. When you know what you are doing and not make any stupid mistakes he cannot hit you.
Daimon 1.0 on the other hand...