Pretty sure all gifts help affinity. Some, like favorites, help more than others.Is there a point in giving my love interest any presents other than her favorite? Speaking about Madeleine.
I did a speed run, stopped only to do two things: gift Mercedes an Arisen Bond, and to gift Aelinore a vial of Liquid Effluvium, and got Mercedes in my ending. Gifting Aelinore in the post game Liquid Effluvium before getting the true ending without bothering with anyone else got me Selene in the ending though.I tried cloudwining mercedes to death in 3 playthroughs during vanilla DD and I still somehow got selene and the fat merchant noble guy :/
Don't think I'm going to bother this time
I did a speed run, stopped only to do two things: gift Mercedes an Arisen Bond, and to gift Aelinore a vial of Liquid Effluvium, and got Mercedes in my ending. Gifting Aelinore in the post game Liquid Effluvium before getting the true ending without bothering with anyone else got me Selene in the ending though.
Might be worth backing up the save just before beating next time just so that if that happens you can restore and throw him into the ocean.I just recently had a run where I maxed affinities for Quina, Aelinoire, Mercedes, Selene and Madeline.
I ended up with Pablos, the fat innkeeper from Cassardis. =(
Might be worth backing up the save just before beating next time just so that if that happens you can restore and throw him into the ocean.
EDIT: Then again I guess if this is BEFORE the postgame you could just throw him in during that and get someone else in the ending.
He is especially weak but you still need to work him down. Just makes it possible to get him dead ready after 280 generations ....Hmm, which platform is that? On the PS3 side, I thought the opening news feed said very clearly that the grace period would run from the 17th to the 23rd.
Wouldn't that be solved by just giving them a nice little hit with your 2 meter great sword?![]()
I remember reading some time ago that the person you'd end up with is the person with max affinity, whom you last talked to before fighting the dragon. I don't know if there's any truth to it though.
It was a letdown that the map was kind of deceptive about the world design, it's almost more like a hand really with you starting on the thumb and moving to the "palm" (Gran Soren).Kinda sad the size of the world.. I was expecting something a lot bigger. Guess you just run around the same areas with different quests?
So what are the two quests that'll be the point of no return for your affinity choice? I sooooo thought making the jester mine..... but ugh no.
I'll remember to hit all of them before going on the final mission. Not sure if Selene or Madeleine tho. How much of an impact has the choice?
Is the story interesting? Are there interesting characters? Or is it very generic fantasy stuff?
It was a letdown that the map was kind of deceptive about the world design, it's almost more like a hand really with you starting on the thumb and moving to the "palm" (Gran Soren).
Is the story interesting? Are there interesting characters? Or is it very generic fantasy stuff?
Oh, yeah -- forgot about Madeline. If you do all of Quina's quests, you can't speak to her before the final battle, as she leaves the abbey.
Whomever the game picks will be found inside your home in Cassardis after the final battle.
For me, the story was pretty dull when not having anything to do with The Dragon, and then the very end happened and I was like "KFLSDJOFSDFOHNDF!! AMAZING!"
But that's me.
The core plot is actually kind of interesting, but for the most part it's kind of a generic fantasy story with mediocre execution. Still liked doing the non-noticeboard sidequests, but I'm a sucker for that kind of sidequest design and am disappointed whenever a game eschews that in favor of just collecting wolf hides. Not that there isn't a lot of that, but it's not all you do thankfully.Is the story interesting? Are there interesting characters? Or is it very generic fantasy stuff?
Yeah, it's kind of like the game blew its load early on, not that that's really a surprised with some games. Also why I hoped BBI would've been a more explorable area, I guess I hoped for Shivering Isles but instead we got a poor man's Dark Souls... if not a straight beat-em up/loot game.Ya I thought all that space was explorable at first. They nailed the combat though, if they get bigger world and more of everything... it'd be an amazing game.
The core plot is actually kind of interesting, but for the most part it's kind of a generic fantasy story with mediocre execution. Still liked doing the non-noticeboard sidequests, but I'm a sucker for that kind of sidequest design and am disappointed whenever a game eschews that in favor of just collecting wolf hides. Not that there isn't a lot of that, but it's not all you do thankfully.
Yeah, it's kind of like the game blew its load early on, not that that's really a surprised with some games. Also why I hoped BBI would've been a more explorable area, I guess I hoped for Shivering Isles but instead we got a poor man's Dark Souls... if not a straight beat-em up/loot game.
Quina leaves or Mad?
Also, it seems the affection can go beyond giving a Arisen Bond.
edit: quina. x) Mad leaves with Bad Business it seems. Meh. Need to have an arisen bond before that then.
On the other hand this isn't just DLC like it would've been for most games, but a full blown new release with that content. I don't think it's too unfair to expect more, though I would've been OK with a dungeon that didn't just recycle the same handful of rooms rearranging them over and over.I think you were expecting too much with BBI if you actually wanted a new land mass aside from Gransys to explore.
I figured it would just be a new dungeon, and it pretty much was just that. I think Capcom did a really good job with BBI. There were a lot of new enemies, four new boss fights, a fairly lengthy dungeon to explore, and a bunch of new tracks on the OST to go along with it.
The only disappointing part about BBI for me is how they repeat the same rooms again and again; however, it's not nearly as bad as Everfall is in that regard.
The unique areas of BBI like the Pilgrim's Path, the Fallen City, and Duskmoon Tower are all really great. If you could expect something new like that every time you went through a door BBI would have been AMAZING.
I still think BBI was pretty damn good, though. It impressed me.
It would've been interesting if they seriously did alternates for the Dragonforged and Duke, givenThe most obvious love interests being: Quina, Madeline, Aelinoire, Reynard, Valmiro all leave if you complete their quests. The only ones that stay are Selene and Julian. Not all characters are available as love interests though, I tried making it the Dragonforged once but that doesn't work.
Julieni thought he left when you escort him to the greatwall, but i never bothered to check the prison again.
Okay my pawn is wearing skimpy clothing now... let's see if that changes her hire rate... aka 0.
Still using your's lol. I just haven't released her yet.
Wait... you haven't? Wow that means someone actually did hire her.
You still rocking the ranger version?
I keep my pawns around until I outlevel them by like 15, which with my play schedule means I keep them for like a week or two lol. Yes, still ranger. Have you released Aralyn? Last time I checked I hadn't gotten any crystals.
I actually didn't hire her, was kinda worried about trivializing the game since she was 10 levels higher or something. I'm a lot closer now, and the fights are trivial now anyways... so hired!
Still there, the game's just kind of INSANE in that way, given he gets his full get up with that mask, then goes back to plain clothes in the jail cell.
Does anyone know where the Griffin can be found post game? Or what time of day? I can't seem to find him outside of Gran Soren anymore...
Hillfigure Knoll or Extermination Site.
Thanks. I don't seem to ever have luck at Hillfigure Knoll. I will try the Extermination Site.
I want Deep Down to be more like bbi than the main game, but that's probably just me.
Well I want the dungeons to be like bbi compared to the main game dungeons.
After about forty hours in I have to say this game is pretty barren, lifeless, flabby, and paceless. There are some good parts but you are wasting a lot of time not doing very much.
How do I push the main quest. I've killed the Griffon, I met in the Princess Tower, I've got a Level 36 character but now I mostly want to make progress. I've been sent to The Catacombs two separate times but don't feel any more close to finishing the game.
Who do I talk to go get this show moving?
After about forty hours in I have to say this game is pretty barren, lifeless, flabby, and paceless. There are some good parts but you are wasting a lot of time not doing very much.
How do I push the main quest. I've killed the Griffon, I met in the Princess Tower, I've got a Level 36 character but now I mostly want to make progress. I've been sent to The Catacombs two separate times but don't feel any more close to finishing the game.
Who do I talk to go get this show moving?
You can concentrate on that quest for the achievement, no need to clear them all in a single playthrough luckily.Started hard mode, I missed a single quest in my last playthtough's for the all quests achievement. Do I need to do everything again on my hard mode run when I transfer stuff over or just wrap up that last missed quest to get the cheevo?
I've picked up weapons my pawns can't use as I don't know how to change their vocation beyond the initial 3. How does one go about having the other vocations/classes?
First jump into the everfall, room of confusion, had to defeat an Eye. Was quite easy.
There are locked doors within the room, am I suppose to be able to open them now, or later?
Anything locked/closed off in the Everfall cannot be opened.