4 days off just to play DD my manAnyone else calling in off work this Tuesday?
I will be paid briefly to sit at home and play DD. Bliss.
I read some info way back that... when you share your pawn's pics on Facebook or Twitter - the image itself has some info on the pawn that users can use it or something on your game?
Is this still valid?
Here is a bit more of my first impressions. This is what I posted over on Unity.
Happy to report that the PS3 version looks and runs great, with ony a bit of stutter when the game auto-saves sometimes. But that is only for a few seconds when it even does it. The game is precisely as advertised. If you love what has been so freely shown, then you will feel right at home and love it once you start playing.
Enemies within your level range are fair game, but be careful how far you wonder off. As you can get in trouble fast and will be quickly reminded just how mortal you really are - despite still walking around with your heart ripped out. It's this that gives the world a real sense of danger and that is something lacking in most games within this genre these days. It actually feels like an adventure.
All in all, I am still in the early goings and I can already tell that it is going to be a time sink that I will love every minute of and will come back to replay many times. Underneath things like some quirkiness here and there with some of the NPCs, a finicky camera in tight corners or maybe not the sharpest textures in places, there is a very special game in a world that feels alive and is brimming with attention to detail. In short, it delivers on being something that feels unique on the whole.
No probs. Just an FYI that I have a pretty unvarnished view of games and I love games so even if I have a little issues here or there and I talk about them I don't play a game if it isn't Fun. That is all I care about. I don't care about reviews, previews, bad GFX, or whatever I just care if it puts a smile on my faceAnd frankly this game is damn fun despite any little issues
Also as a new IP and the way the story has been going. I can see there being a sequel perhaps even in a different land or based in the same world but different occurrences.
I'm jealous of some of you. Doesn't look like I'll be able to pick this up until around E3 time when I'll be watching over a friend's cats, at least I'll have this to keep me busy though.
Twitch cops killed the stream
Anybody got any other stream links?
They've done the same to other people. It will be that way until Tuesday. I can't find one that stays up.
Edit- What if Capcom reps are following his thread and others getting the links? That would explain how some have been found so fast. They could just email the mods of the sites and tell them to take it down or face suing.
Quite possibly, but then again if Capcom were really that bothered you'd think they'd have sent takedown requests for the Let's Play that is up on YouTube by now.
TwitchTV has some VERY overzealous patrons who seem to delight in informing mods of pre-release streams.
I reported the lower price... amazon is really generous in matching prices but we'll have to see. Mine will probably ship from amazon later tonight so there might not be enough time. They could always match the price later and give out credit, but I'm not crossing my fingers.Dragon's Dogma will be $49.99 at Fry's:
You can get Best Buy to price match for the armor pack or submit the price to Amazon so you can get the $10 credit + weapon pack DLC.
Good impressions, thanks.
2 questions for ya:
What character Class did you pick? Happy with your choice?
Do you think that a strategy guide would really enhance the experience, or have you been able to figure out all of the game systems, etc. on your own?
Catsitting will you be?
I finally caved and ordered off of Amazon. Damn, I hope they price match and bring it down to $50 though.
Looking awesome though. Question: Are there class branches, because a poster above said something about a warrior>>then mystic knight?
Question: Are there class branches, because a poster above said something about a warrior>>then mystic knight?
I finally caved and ordered off of Amazon. Damn, I hope they price match and bring it down to $50 though.
Looking awesome though. Question: Are there class branches, because a poster above said something about a warrior>>then mystic knight?
Could anyone tell me if you swing faster using Fighter if you start with a small character?
Can't make up my mind with my character and pawn![]()
this is one of those games I have a feeling that will be great if you don't use a guide until your second play through, it seems to encourage a replay judging from the achievement
I don't have the guide to tell me for sure. But it really does feel like a smaller character completes animations faster than a larger one. I could be out of my mind but it feels like that is occuring.
I thought this applied to every game.![]()
Some games just have mandatory missable quests and items like tales and ffxii (zodiac spear)![]()
Could anyone tell me if you swing faster using Fighter if you start with a small character?
Can't make up my mind with my character and pawn![]()
The guide says nothing about animations being different speed, or health and damage being different, from character size.
Stamina usage, carrying capacity, running speed, wind resistance, and weighing down enemies you are climbing on seem to be the main effects. Those are all weight though.
Size seems to have no specific "stat-based" effect but of course affects things like your hit box (i.e. smaller = less likely to be hit). One person pointed out that they waded into a stream and their lantern went out, but their taller Pawn could wade in and the lantern stayed lit because it was above the water level. A taller character could also have an easier time reaching flying enemies. Apparently height doesn't directly benefit ability to get to higher places though, it seems to change the jump height such that both tall and short characters can reach the same ledge and grab on to it (shorter characters technically jump higher but it is offset by their actual reach so it evens out).
Apparently height doesn't directly benefit ability to get to higher places though, it seems to change the jump height such that both tall and short characters can reach the same ledge and grab on to it (shorter characters technically jump higher but it is offset by their actual reach so it evens out).
The guide says nothing about animations being different speed, or health and damage being different, from character size.
Stamina usage, carrying capacity, running speed, wind resistance, and weighing down enemies you are climbing on seem to be the main effects. Those are all weight though.
Size seems to have no specific "stat-based" effect but of course affects things like your hit box (i.e. smaller = less likely to be hit). One person pointed out that they waded into a stream and their lantern went out, but their taller Pawn could wade in and the lantern stayed lit because it was above the water level. A taller character could also have an easier time reaching flying enemies. Apparently height doesn't directly benefit ability to get to higher places though, it seems to change the jump height such that both tall and short characters can reach the same ledge and grab on to it (shorter characters technically jump higher but it is offset by their actual reach so it evens out).
Yep, those pig tails are just too damn cute.
Well I used to have Amazon Prime Student but that was a while ago so I don't think its a member thing. Aha! As I was typing this I think I figured it out. I think you added the strategy guide and the game together which disqualifies you from getting release date shipping. I replicated the order and the option wasn't there. You need to cancel and reorder them separately mang
I made the mistake of starting Skyrim while I wait for Dragons Dogma. I hate starting things and then pushing them back into the backlog. At least was Skyrim though, who the hell knows when I would "finish" it anyway, I was barely 30 hours in.
I will say that height DOES affect some quests though. There's one quest early on where you have to conduct a raid, but there's actually a shortcut located in the area, and if you examine it, it clearly states that a shorter/smaller person would be able to fit in no problem. Unfortunately my character could not.![]()
I'm sorta in this situation, two weeks ago my summer break started so I started Skyrim. Last week I've started summer classes so I haven't been playing as much. I don't how many hours I've put, but it says Days passed: 52. And I'm no where near the end.. I'm catching myself doing side/misc quests even after my trophies. I've only done 5 main quests. I think skyrim will be a good 'go to' game IF I ever need a break from DD... IF
There is a great deal going on in this game. I 100% see that someone with a guide would find an incredible amount of use.
Could anyone tell me if you swing faster using Fighter if you start with a small character?
I don't have the guide to tell me for sure. But it really does feel like a smaller character completes animations faster than a larger one. I could be out of my mind but it feels like that is occuring.
Does it have a new game +?And if so what is carried over?
It does. And I'm pretty sure your level and everything carries over. The only thing I'm not entirely sure of is items. I dunno why you wouldn't though.
I just wanted to answer you with what I knew. =p
I have been messing around with this very thing. I started 2 games on 2 other profiles and one with a small character the other large. The difference is minimal but god damn it if it isn't there and noticeable enough when you load one game and then load another soon after. Now how that equates in combat I am not sure. Perhaps it barely does thus its exclusive from the guide(wouldn't be the first time I guide was missing stuff that really was a small thing).I am starting to read the "Forging your Hero" section of the guide and "Vocations." The amount of information alone, is not only interesting but good to know when making decisions. There is a lot of information for each character, pawns and understanding the system, controls, etc. A lot of good to know information without even getting to the walk-through part of the game.
The individual character's vocation pages does not specify changes due to "character size" but rather their general attributes, for instance, your Fighter will have greater strength (attack, defense, health), than a Strider, which will probably help when handling heavier weapons.
I am literally savoring every bit of info since I do NOT have the game yet *sighs* but I will tell If I find any information on character size and consequences.
I think you are right about that; it would make sense. We might be able to check that changing our character's build on the Demo as well.
I will say that height DOES affect some quests though. There's one quest early on where you have to conduct a raid, but there's actually a shortcut located in the area, and if you examine it, it clearly states that a shorter/smaller person would be able to fit in no problem. Unfortunately my character could not.![]()