Are the black bars removable?
Are the black bars removable?
Being the creation whore I am (Bought all of the Soul Calibur 5 costume packs....yeah), I would like to see some pics of these hairstyles.
Just to look...
whoever said the first village was covered in vaseline was right - this game is rough around the edges for sure. I would take a patch that fixes the tearing any day over some goddamn rift crystals, god i am tripping rift crystals the only thing i have more of are tears in my screen.
I'm loving this so far, just got to Gran Soren at level 11. The actual quest getting here was great, it turned to night at the final stretch for me and I had to fend off zombies before the gate was reached.
There's a LOT of stuff to find in the first city. I was able to buy the best daggers, bow, and armor before I even went through the gate for the first time. Even outside there's chests all over the place just off the path a bit.
Also, the song that plays at the menu is weirdly awesome. What's it called?
I bought it on a whim; I'll post some later tonight
Glad you liked it because I swear I wasn't joking. It looks JUST like Vaseline. However, despite that the lighting in the game is great. Like I said a couple days ago. For every negative the game has a positive. Its insane.
I'm curious about them, too.
From what I've heard, the PS3 version does install, but it happens in the background while you're playing.
Found some bandits near a rolling boulder at the start of the game and was doing pretty well against them, until this fucking shield bandit came and 1 shotted me & my pawns.
I died like 8 times trying to kill him. Eventually I just gave up.
Shop here has 2000 rift crystals as a pre-order bonus, is it worth getting for that and makes things easier early on or are rift crystals just something you end up quickly having a billion off and I wont care?
So, if I find a safe rock before nightfall, will it stay safe? I beat an armored cyclops after at least 20 min of fighting thanks to a nice big rock, but its just about night fall now and I am far away from any safe place. Dunno what to do![]()
Great I'm going to die for sure. Staring at idling characters has never been so scary.No sir!
The framerate is horrible in the encampment(360), I wonder how the ps3 fares there, haha. God, this game needed a pc version badly.
Someone on Gamefaqs just put them up:
I think it does, because my PS3 sounded like GT5 pre-loading all the stuff at the start. It was making a LOT of noise for close to 30 minutes during the intro town.
edit: Yep, just checked my installed data on PS3: 4644MB for Dragon's Dogma.
By being tempered by fire of Dark souls, going out at night isn't half as bad as I expected!
Still died after fighting an ogre for 30 minutes. Not to the Ogre, some random bandits jumped me while returning to the fort.
I can't seem to make this game dark enough at night unless I turn the brightness way down, and then that just looks bad... and I have the in game brightness setting set to 0, but I can still see everything at night without a lantern. I don't know what the hell the deal is. Dark Souls looked perfectly pitch black in the Tomb of Giants as it was supposed to, and I don't remember having this problem with the demo for this game
360 version? I tried both ps3 and 360 versions and the ps3 looked fantastic as far as black levels were concerned. The 360 one was washed out no matter what I did with the in-game gamma and tv settings.
I can't seem to make this game dark enough at night unless I turn the brightness way down, and then that just looks bad... and I have the in game brightness setting set to 0, but I can still see everything at night without a lantern. I don't know what the hell the deal is. Dark Souls looked perfectly pitch black in the Tomb of Giants as it was supposed to, and I don't remember having this problem with the demo for this game
PS3 version actually
I can't seem to make this game dark enough at night unless I turn the brightness way down, and then that just looks bad... and I have the in game brightness setting set to 0, but I can still see everything at night without a lantern. I don't know what the hell the deal is. Dark Souls looked perfectly pitch black in the Tomb of Giants as it was supposed to, and I don't remember having this problem with the demo for this game
Damn. I didn't realize my pawn would be so short. Didn't have any frame of reference in the creator, so I couldn't tell. She's way shorter than my main character and it looks a bit creepy...now I'm contemplating restarting the entire game just to remake her. Not that I'm all that far, but I really don't want to start over...
I can't seem to make this game dark enough at night unless I turn the brightness way down, and then that just looks bad... and I have the in game brightness setting set to 0, but I can still see everything at night without a lantern. I don't know what the hell the deal is. Dark Souls looked perfectly pitch black in the Tomb of Giants as it was supposed to, and I don't remember having this problem with the demo for this game
How does the save system work?If you had saved after the fight with the Ogre would it be possible to load the game exactly at the time and place you saved?