Games like these I usually enjoy seeing the new helmet i just found on my character so it doesn't bother me that im covering up the face that i spent so much time customizing ... also helps for the roleplaying aspect when i get into town to go in, remove my helmet for talking to merchants and getting quests and such .. then put it back on once i get outside the walls. I understand the appeal of making equipment invisible for the looks of things but i kind of hate it at the same time. Honestly .. the fact that you can have like 4 layers of clothing in this game is so fucking awesome in itself that all i can think about is how f'ing awesome my Arisen is going to look after I get his god tier shirts, armor, helmets and cloaks. In the middle of slaying that devil drake in a death swamp i wanna see a fully armored kitted out dark black/grey assassin with my hooded cloak billowing behind me as I jump for a kill shot ... not zooming in on his facial features.
From the reviews I've read, I think you can count on that. The biggest debate seems to be whether the difficulty is fair or not. Think Demon's Souls-lite, difficulty-wise.Hope its more challenging than Skyrim at least.
Thanks for the |OT| Mr. Dresden!
So I'm thinking of making my main pawn in the image of Clare from Claymore, anyone read it?
I loved the Claymore anime. GIMME MORE cool Japanese high fantasy!!:x
I've got the guide.
Your vocation does affect the stats you get when you level up. It's also different from 1-10, 10+ and 100+. Slows to a crawl after 100 it seems, some vocations stop gaining stats in certain areas at all then.
As expected, the preorder armor and weapons aren't exclusive bonuses.
They are however, a good deal better than the starting weapons, but they're still pretty low-tier items. Also all equipment has an "expected level" and if you're below it you use more stamina when you take actions.
I prefer natural gear progression, anyway. I enjoy using all the jank weapons the game starts you with - it's part of becoming a badass.
100 is a high level-cap for this type of game - wonder how long it takes to get there.
holy awesome armor batman
edit: sounds like it has high level content as well, dunno if it's considered NG+, but there are tougher enemies, new loot, etc
InsertNamehere: I would love a full rundown of the assassin class abilites. Passive and full on abilites... how they scale and what the high end skills actually are. If that's too spoilery for people a PM would be MAD appreciated. Also - what class attributes transfer over from leveling different jobs that would help an aspiring disc world style super killer![]()
Character creation in Dragons Dogma is handled via a robust creation system wherein the player can change nearly every part of their avatars body to their liking. Because size, length, and weight plays an important role in the combat, it is advisable to sit back and consider the ramifications of each choice during the creation process. A large, heavyset character will have trouble climbing trolls and mountains, whereas an small nimble character will struggle to use heavy armor and weaponry.
Is... is this for real?
I think this is fair, given that some of you already have the game. Time to use tags, perhaps? This talk of gear and mechanics doesn't bother me at all, but i can understand why it would bother others.Can we start being more careful with the spoilers? =P I don't know if this thread is safe anymore.
Is... is this for real?
Yup. Consider carefully the build of your character before you choose their vocation.
Or don't and enjoy the challenge of using a fat, inept Strider.
Very real. While a heavy character may have more trouble climbing and will lose stamina faster, they can also use their weight to hang on and prevent flying enemies from taking off, while the rest of the party goes nuts attacking. Lots of attention paid to little details like this, with advantages and disadvantages that cause you to balance your party accordingly in order to compliment each other for any given situation.
Do you know what would attributes (if any) would effect a Sorcerer?
I'm kind of scared to play a small Fighter, wonder if I should buff her up to Light or Medium...
I think the important thing to remember here is...that there is no "right build".
Some builds might be optimal, yes, but who can deny how fun it would be to play a character who's build totally contradicts their vocation? It's cool that you can have a built-in handicap like that for advanced players to experiment with. Perhaps there are hitherto unknown advantages to being Smee, the Tiniest Warrior?
I'm just scared it might be tough to play as a warrior if I want some augments from the class or something, lol
I'm just scared it might be tough to play as a warrior if I want some augments from the class or something, lol
Heart is really in the eye of the beholder, I think. I see tons of heart in Skyrim while others view it as a soulless desert of a game. I think people unable to see the "heart" in DD likely went into it expecting not to. A self-fulfilling prophecy.I think this is a game I'd really have fun with. I love these kinds of RPGs and adventures.
I'm kind of concerned about reviews saying there's no heart, but I never thought Skyrim or Dark Souls had heart either. It's all about the nerdy goodness!
I'm also worried about DLC. I wonder how Capcom will handle it with this game.
Unfortunately when I was flipping through the bestiary it was... kinda small. Not much more out there than what we've seen in videos.
Oh well.
By unique equipment, do you mean rare items that can only be obtained once? Or items that have a unique appearance, name, or set of stats? Like in the 202 unique weapons, would you include items like "iron sword" or "steel shield"?
Either way, that sounds like a godly amount of variety.
Are you still having server problems?hey maybe I'll get to actually play this RPG on day one unlike a certain other RPG this week
waiting in line...
waiting in line...
Possibly. Heavier builds have a longer reach and the ability to wear heavier gear, but they also regenerate stamina more slowly. Having not played the game much, at least not long enough for stamina to become an issue, I can't say if the tradeoff is worth it. Really it could all depend on your personal playstyle. There's so much diversity in gear and movesets that your Fighter could be totally different from someone else's Fighter.
Heart is really in the eye of the beholder, I think. I see tons of heart in Skyrim while others view it as a soulless desert of a game. I think people unable to see the "heart" in DD likely went into it expecting not to. A self-fulfilling prophecy.
Small bestiary? You guys make it sound bad.
has this preordered from amazon since i saw the first video of it.
GIVE ME BESERK ARMOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how long until berserk armor hits? griffin and guts...
Way I figure, at least you have to employ different strategies to bring down different beasts. A game could have a bestiary twice DD's size but it wouldn't matter if all you had to do to them was hack them to death ala Elder Scrolls. If we don't have incredible diversity in creatures, at least our encounters with said creatures will be diverse.It's not that it's small, there's just nothing new.
Small bestiary? You guys make it sound bad.
It's not that it's small, there's just nothing new.
Just off the top of my head.
Saurians (lizardmen)
I am sure there are more. Looks pretty good to me as it is, though.
This is every creature type in the game. There are a lot of variations of those creatures, but that is it.
My mystic archer will pierce the night.
For those that want to go out at night, there's a few Assassin augments that raise your stats when it is nighttime.
Just off the top of my head.
Saurians (lizardmen)
I am sure there are more. Looks pretty good to me as it is, though.
Well that's Spoiler fucking riffic.. but thanks. Nice amount. I hope there are at least 5-10 more though.
Check your PM.
That is the enemies that have been showcased in hours of footage. Sorry that I remembered them all, lol.
My Capcom store copy came in today. Playing tonight!
Fair pointIn that case, I remember seeing a 'Death' type enemy in some Catacomb level. Could have been a 'sorcerer' to you though.
My Capcom store copy came in today. Playing tonight!