How long do you all usually spend on doing those laps from the rally? It was the first one I've done on gaf, I tried maybe 3 or 4x max and just felt like I wasn't improving much and said screw it.
I imagine some of you guys are just sick, I've played the game a ton but I don't know the tracks to save my life. I don't even know the names of any of them.
I'll do it way more than 3-4 times, and restart way more times than I finish. For example, the Munnar challenge. I don't know if I'd done that track at all with bikes before the challenge. I spent the week off and on experimenting with lines, testing which corners I could take full speed, which I could coast, and which I could go faster by braking and getting on the gas early instead of coasting. (First corner was like this. Tapping the brakes and cutting it tighter gave a better line for the second corner than coasting, allowing you to get on the gas sooner and go through the second corner faster. Lots of corners in the first third of the Hills were like this too.) I also test which corners can be cut and by how much before a penalty. By the end of the challenge I'd knocked several seconds off my initial time and still left some on the table.
The main thing I do is intentionally do a slower lap to set up a ghost. Not super slow, but more coasting and no corner cutting. Then I keep running it and comparing to my ghost. Try different lines, different braking, and see how the result compares to my ghost. If I don't gain significant time on it, I try something different. Restart if I know I blew a corner, got a penalty, whatever. Eventually you'll get up to the speed of the top time ghost and can start comparing to it the same way. Also, make sure not to let your tires squeal, try to limit lean, and press forward on the stick to avoid wheelies when getting hard on the gas or cresting a hill.
Something else that helped me is I replaced my sticks with X1 sticks, mainly to get more fine-grain control in Trials Fusion but I think it helps in DC too. I feel I have much better steering control with a taller stick.
Well done mate. But what I really want to know is, where's the Sir Arthur avatar??
Coming at you...