(DC owner since day 1)
So THAT'S how you drift. NOW I GET IT. Press circle.
So THAT'S how you drift. NOW I GET IT. Press circle.
(DC owner since day 1)
So THAT'S how you drift. NOW I GET IT. Press circle.
I really wonder how you managed to clear some face-off before.
I'm 0.7s above. I can see the ghost shooting that much ahead in the first couple corners...How close have you managed to get to the 1:16?
I'm 0.7s above. I can see the ghost shooting that much ahead in the first couple corners...
I've seen Kie's run before (on top of his ghost shaming me through the attempts) but not that guide, I'll give it a shot.
Edit: and done, 1:15:570-ish. Still royally suck at doing corners, all of them, and zero chance I'd have figured how to do that first one properly by myself.
Anybody knows what is up with the DC Bikes servers... Bought DCB yesterday and haven't been able to race online. It's the only thing I have left to do for my platinum.
Edit: normal DC servers seem to work.
OMG this game is so hard and unforgiving.
Playing driveclub online:
-Guys starts the race by pushing everyone even before the first corner , messes up
-Get by the acceleartion of his car but messes up 3 corners afterwards ( again ).
-I take the first place
-Tries to push me from behind and doesn't respect the driving lines of anyone during the rest of the race
-I finish 2nd because he was pushing me so hard my teammate managed to get the first place instead in the last corner.
-He finishes 3rd
-Receives multiples PSN messages calling me a noob from said individual
There's an obscene amount of players who don't understand the concept of racing in DC. They try to destruction derby there way to the finish. I've only encountered a handful of drivers who actually respected other players on the track and understood when and how to overtake. Every online racer has these people, but it seems like DC is littered with them.
Did you try with the recent patch for assists to help you with the game?
There's an obscene amount of players who don't understand the concept of racing in DC. They try to destruction derby there way to the finish. I've only encountered a handful of drivers who actually respected other players on the track and understood when and how to overtake. Every online racer has these people, but it seems like DC is littered with them.
Something to bear in mind, is that these arcade racer types aren't actually that condusive to clean driving, and fair racing. Many people enjoying this game will have come from other arcade racing games, games like Dirt Showdown, GRID, or even Motorstorm, all of which featured aggressive components to their racing. More fundamentally though, in typical racing, in a race that lasts perhaps 20 laps, patience and consistent performance are rewarded. However in these arcade racing games, you're told you need to move from 12th to 1st within a 3 lap race... that goal becomes almost absurd. Either, you race aggressively, or you accept a position that is in large part defined by your grid position. I'm not talking about bumping people on the straightways, that doesn't make any sense, but taking corners aggressively and trying to be 'greedy' is almost essential in these very short race events.
This is especially a problem because games like DC don't appropriately reward positions other than first. They don't assign goals for drivers that are relative to their skill level, so you have a grid of 12 racers all seeking pole position. In a real race, a driver would have a target assigned by their team. On games like Motorstorm, the player could assign their own goals by 'betting' on a player that they could beat. That mechanic in itself was a lot of fun, but also allowed players to manually modify their personal goals. This actually pertains to a lot of psychological princples (see flow, or the zone of proximal development) that apply to good game design. This micro-goal setting helps players learn, engage, and ultimately feel rewarded for their experiences.
Evolution clearly didn't realise what they had with the betting system in Motorstorm apocalypse, but it actually made a big difference on player engagement, enjoyment, sense of reward, and in turn actively modified player behaviour in a positive way. If people could be rewarded for earning a position that isn't first, then in turn, the game feels much more satisfying to play, and the capacity to modify those goals manually while moderating the capacity for reward added a significant tactical element.
Just some thoughts.
Note the lack of my club mates in that race however, if one of those guys had been in there then I wouldn't have got to the front so quickly.
I do agree with you tho that there should be some recognition of your starting grid position and you be rewarded for forward progress from there. It's something I've been saying on here for a looong time however so I doubt it'll change.
Is there an easy way to get the trophy for being on the first of the leaderboard for a challenge when it finishes at this point?
Is there an easy way to get the trophy for being on the first of the leaderboard for a challenge when it finishes at this point?
Oh yeah definitely, it's totally doable, but the reason it's doable is because people are crap.
Against a decent bunch of racers that take similar and consistent racing lines, that just isn't very possible in a three lap race. Small performance differences don't have opportunity to take significant effect across such a short duration.
Send it to a friend who won't beat it.
That's the boring way. You could also send challenges to random people - the game suggests about 20 players on your level when you create a challenge. Usually a few of them will play it, then all you have to do is make sure you beat them.
I agree with you, if I'm at the back and a good racer is at the front then it's unlikely I'm going to be able to catch them unless they get snagged - the reason I saved that vid is because is damn rare to actually get through a pack without someone taking you out, deliberate or not.
Endurance races in theory should help but a good one is damn rare, often there's only the first 2-3 still going at the end as everyone else has quit.
I just don't agree with the 'you *have* to drive aggressive' bit - I think it's possible to still get good results (for your starting position) without descending into slamming into peeps, and often that is counterproductive as it can end up in tit for tat fights that slows you both.
Wow do the bikes handle differently, much more difficult than the cars. Normally I have no problems coming first online in a car but on a bike i was getting destroyed.
Gonna take me a while to get used to it.
Just... create a new user on PS4 and send the challenges from your main account to the other oneIs there an easy way to get the trophy for[...]
Wow do the bikes handle differently, much more difficult than the cars. Normally I have no problems coming first online in a car but on a bike i was getting destroyed.
Gonna take me a while to get used to it.
So I haven't played or posted in the OT in a bit but I have that itch to return to DriveClub. It's still the only racing game (besides kart games) that I've liked in years... And city tracks and bikes were what I wanted them to add the most
So if I had the original season pass... the only content I'm missing is the $15 bikes expansion right? Was anything released in between the end of Season pass 1 and the expansion?
So I haven't played or posted in the OT in a bit but I have that itch to return to DriveClub. It's still the only racing game (besides kart games) that I've liked in years... And city tracks and bikes were what I wanted them to add the most
So if I had the original season pass... the only content I'm missing is the $15 bikes expansion right? Was anything released in between the end of Season pass 1 and the expansion?
It all contributes to an environment where aggression receives more reward than clean racing. If your racing clean, you have to derive your reward from an internal sense of satisfaction, as aggressive, and less skilled drivers willing to play to the games weaknesses (aforementioned) simply have a greater capacity to win. If two drivers are similarly skilled, the one willing to play aggressively will be the one that wins the race. Despite their aggressive elements, that wasn't true on games like GRID or Dirt 3.
I also think part of the problem stems from offline versus online racing. Against the AI, bumps and scrapes are common, and a natural component of the game for many players. I have seen many people playing this game and they will disrespect the AI in whatever means required to take the first position. It's very much rewarded, as it's the best way to win the races and complete many of the games challenges, especially for those of only moderate skill. A lot of that just naturally transition into multiplayer.
Don't believe it, until I feel it.
I don't think there are any Bugattis in Driveclub