What is this MPH? Civilized people use the metric system.
I believe it's the default measurement of speed used in DRIVECLUB, for the 'normal' folk
What is this MPH? Civilized people use the metric system.
Are you still in the lead? What MPH are you typically passing it at? I'm going 163-165.
I found the need for a good exit from the wheelie section wasn't needed. The bike can get up to speed quickly enough, more down to as you say how much you're banking as you take the last bend.
You really need to straighten yourself as much as you can as you pass the trap for that extra couple of MPH.
Are you still in the lead? What MPH are you typically passing it at? I'm going 163-165.
I've gotten 168.4 MPH and still been 500 pts off. I've been trying to figure out how speed correlates to points, but I don't think it's linear. I wish it showed the speed they got instead of only points.
SigSwat551 really nailed that speed trap. I was playing last night and got green in the first 3 skills, then -1200 in the speed trap... fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Race drivers aren't civilized.What is this MPH? Civilized people use the metric system.
What is this MPH? Civilized people use the metric system.
/Grumpy mode.......What's all this bollocks about metric system??!?!!?!?!....../Grumpy mode off.
Race drivers aren't civilized.
The stupid thing is we fill our cars with petrol priced per litre, then ask how many miles per gallon we'll get and for car tax purposes we'll ask what the CO2 grams per kilometre is...Yes Maki, the science and engineering fraternity agree with us, but you'll always get the stubborn old heads who will always get over protective over their Imperial measurements. Even sounds classist.
Point proven.
the funny thing is, here in Oz we still like to measure some things the "old" way, namely;
- height
- engine power
- and dick size, I mean "I have a 20.3cm cock", whilst impressive, just doesn't cut it as a brag.
I played some online multiplayer races last night.... and now I hate everyone.
Why do people drive like this is destruction derby? and these aren't new players, guys with level 85 and most skill levels done, but just ram, ram, ram.
I don't think I'm being whiny, as I don't mind the odd love-tap or two...
I played some online multiplayer races last night.... and now I hate everyone.
Why do people drive like this is destruction derby? and these aren't new players, guys with level 85 and most skill levels done, but just ram, ram, ram.
I don't think I'm being whiny, as I don't mind the odd love-tap or two...
I'm convinced they're not all bad, it's just that they have a "if you can't beat them join them attitude".
mph? Yeah well it is mile per hour (metric system). I changed the setting into Imperial (km/h) because I am living in Asia.
The stoppie to end all stoppies!
Damn thats an awesome picture!
spectacular shot![]()
Amazing screen, great work!
But did he dieded?
This game does not get enough love. It is so fucking fun to play and incredibly jaw droppingly beautiful.
I'm like 50 gold stars into the main tour and I could not be happier with my purchase.
This game does not get enough love. It is so fucking fun to play and incredibly jaw droppingly beautiful.
I'm like 50 gold stars into the main tour and I could not be happier with my purchase.
I am confused by the online menu. Doesn't the game allow for a random quick online race? The online menu is just count down timers with a number of them being completely empty. It isn't smooth for me to play online (and I have no idea what race I'm getting into) and it was especially frustrating since a non-gamer liked the game and wanted to play with real people and I couldn't get him online.
Is there a server search, a mode filter, something? Any tips or guidance on how to navigate the online page?
Not really sure what the issue is here.
Drive | Driveclub | Multiplayer | Event Browser takes you to a list of online events showing track, vehicle type, weather. laps etc - select an event then register and you're in...
There's no quick race option but it doesn't really need one.
Sounds like he may have just been having trouble finding a game due to lack of players online, and was looking for a quick start option to just get into a race. It would be nice to have a cars/bikes option for a quick race, because I myself have had trouble finding any folks to race with at times.
I don't find it surprising that he finds the online set-up odd. You aren't usually presented with events + timers in other racing titles, especially when said events have no players there to compete.
I didn't know Ronnie Pickering had a PS4.Hmmm, just got told after a race "Don't fkin talk to me you ****, don't you know who i fkin am!?!?!!?!"
I didn't know Ronnie Pickering had a PS4.
Probably the best place to ask.
Ordered Driveclub on Amazon and it arrives tomorrow was £12 after I had some money left over from gift card.
I was wondering, the season pass is a must, but has there been any talk of a second season of content?
More out of curiousity the question.
Probably the best place to ask.
Ordered Driveclub on Amazon and it arrives tomorrow was £12 after I had some money left over from gift card.
I was wondering, the season pass is a must, but has there been any talk of a second season of content?
More out of curiousity the question.
I am confused by the online menu. Doesn't the game allow for a random quick online race? The online menu is just count down timers with a number of them being completely empty. It isn't smooth for me to play online (and I have no idea what race I'm getting into) and it was especially frustrating since a non-gamer liked the game and wanted to play with real people and I couldn't get him online.
Is there a server search, a mode filter, something? Any tips or guidance on how to navigate the online page?
Im gonna get lambasted for this but the online setup is terrible. Add some seriously low player numbers and its basically broken.
...and for a game with the quickest loading I've ever seen, the amount of time just sitting in a lobby watching that countdown timer is criminal. Nobody ever waits for it and you end up with a dead room after the first race.
I do however love time trials and can play them endlessly for hours. Really like how the leaderboards are setup, so kudos for that.
Because the game adheres to the rules of the universe.That's what I'm talking about. And why oh why would there be countdowns for rooms that are completely empty?!