Was a good laugh last night, great fun. We all appreciate your spreadsheets Shannow.

We on for doing it again sometime?
Glad you enjoyed it
Yeah I'm thinking of making it a regular thing every week if enough peeps are up for it. I was thinking of doing a different country each week (as circuits work too, just need to set the lap count to give us 3-4 minutes racing). Alternatively we could do themed weeks like night racing, extreme weather etc
Conclusions from last night :-
Quick and consistent won in the end - Auctopus 'only' won 2 events but he never finished lower than 4th. Vaga also won 2 events but had a 7th, 8th & 9th! Skillet and AnythingBut won the two other events but also had 7th places. Ainsz you lost 8 seconds to Auctopus in the first event then only 3 seconds more in the following 5 events.
The events where peeps had a free choice of car were the ones that caused the most damage - choosing the wrong car could really hurt people's times. No one chose a radical car and won, it was the usual suspects (RS5, RGT8 & 1:One) that claimed the victories.
I hate only hearing my voice on the recordings, I sound like a nutter chuckling away to myself! Sort it out people! ;-)
The private servers worked really well, I think the reverse grid helped keep it close and it was great to see such damn close racing even if there isn't quite the same buzz from passing through people as from out maneuvering them.
I'm happy to run these events weekly from now on but if anyone has an issue with Tuesday night I can make it on Monday or Wednesday instead if that suits you better - just let me know