Completed the finish line tour today, as others have mentioned it was really nice to see the dev teams names in that final event even though it was bitter sweet too. Nice to see Nick Pope in there too as he is the guy who met up with us for a few races after the private servers landed.
Is it just me or is the XJ220 way better than it should be? I always liked the car (and bought that old game on my Amiga) but is it really going to be passing McLarens? And I hadn't used the Regera on that Swedish event so wasn't prepared for how deceptively quick it is - it sounds so lazy that it's only when you need to stop that you really how bloody fast it's going!
Finally there is a message saying look out for new content after you finish the tour which I guess is confirmation that they will continue to support it, I guess Sony just decided that they just need content producers and not a full dev team going forward.
Sorry for my kinda downbeat post the other day, I'd had a drink and it did make me melancholy. Like But says, I've had so much fun, met so many great people and had such a laugh playing this game that the news got to me -I'd been pretty fortunate and had a very active team until recently which also affected my views. Anyway, I'm sure we'll all drift away for a while a play the other fantastic games that are due out this year but DC isn't going anywhere just yet and your Amigos will still be lurking on this thread every day