I gave it a shot. It's not bad but the rubber band AI is a dealbreaker for me.
Lol there is no rubber banding in this game.
I gave it a shot. It's not bad but the rubber band AI is a dealbreaker for me.
I gave it a shot. It's not bad but the rubber band AI is a dealbreaker for me.
I just cannot get into this game. It feels like it doesn't know what game it wants to be and pulls the worst from both the arcade and simulation styles. I feel like the game wants me to drive really fast, then punishes me for doing so. Maybe if there was some kind of tutorial or driving line, I could figure out what the game wants. Without it, I just keep hitting a wall, both metaphorically and in nearly every turn.
I've honestly not noticed it myself, and I have the Platinum. I've been able to lap cars on some events.
Awesome avatar by the way. GOAT comedy.
I was in first for 80% of the race and they were consistently riding my ass no matter how well I drove. It may not be rubberbanding (I'll take your word for it) but it sure as hell felt like it.Oh my not this again.
It''s not rubberband AI.
It's adaptive AI (tm) aslong as you drive badly.
But the AI cars will never get more power than possible for the type of car they're driving.
They do, however, slow down for you a little if you're a bad driver, as to not crush people's confidence completely (look at some responses in this thread, they're still hard for some)
DamnYou mean like this?
I was in first for 80% of the race and they were consistently riding my ass no matter how well I drove. It may not be rubberbanding (I'll take your word for it) but it sure as hell felt like it.
In real life most tunnels are like this one, with lights inside and visible from outside
For the love of all that is unholy, please patch in an option to turn off rain collecting on the camera, or at least tone it down. Can't see shit, captain.
Also, the AI drivers in this game are assholes. They just don't give any shits whatsoever.
Oh my not this again.
It''s not rubberband AI.
It's adaptive AI (tm) aslong as you drive badly.
But the AI cars will never get more power than possible for the type of car they're driving.
They do, however, slow down for you a little if you're a bad driver, as to not crush people's confidence completely (look at some responses in this thread, they're still hard for some)
It does have a steep learning curve. Can't argue with that. It is however a very rewarding game when you start mastering it.
Being able to fly around corners in a Hennesey Venom or Pagani Zonda R is a lot of fun. One:1 too. And it feels amazing when you pull off a near enough to perfect lap.
I urge anyone to give it time until it clicks, but if it doesn't? Fair enough. I can understand this won't please everyone.
I'm not that bad at most racers. I love some GT also. But I seriously fucking suck at this game. I don't know why, but the best I've managed is second on the earliest race, which presumably I should clear fairly easily.
I would add it annoyed me notably when my very first car unlock for coming second isn't even available in the PS+ version. My first unlock. I thought that was pretty shit form to be honest.
I'll keep at it though and see if I get any better.
ok im starting to get better in this game, but man, I havent played a true racer in years, opting for motorstorm type stuff than anything, but good gosh i suck so bad at driving lol, 1 thing i learned from this, it isnt all about speed, good gosh learning that the hard way
When I hear talk about "no rewind", I just wonder how far we have fallen...
When I hear talk about "no rewind", I just wonder how far we have fallen...
Correct.This isn't as realistic as GT, right? If you get grass, mud whatever on your tires that won't stay on when you're back on the track and cause some slippy grip, right?
In real life most tunnels are like this one, with lights inside and visible from outside
No. I like the rain as is. It's rain. It's weather. It's supposed to be a challenge. Most other games have weak ass rain effects that feel like a cosmetic effect to create a mood, or change the physics of the road. This game actually makes you feel like you are wet.
How would it be realistic to have wipers on the bonnet (hood)?Sure, but my main issue with it is this: In cockpit view you have the wipers clearing the water away, so you at least get short glimpses of good visibility at regular intervals. In hood view (which is my preferred view) you don't actually see the windshield, but instead you get the "water on camera" effect, and there are no wipers clearing that away. The result is CONSTANT awful visibility when it's raining heavily, as you're looking at the road through a thick layer of water droplets. It's not realistic, because in real life you'd have wipers (as you do in cockpit view), it's just annoying.
I was in first for 80% of the race and they were consistently riding my ass no matter how well I drove. It may not be rubberbanding (I'll take your word for it) but it sure as hell felt like it.
Ah, see I've noticed this and wondered why: I would somehow catch up to see all the cars when in last place, when I've crashed or spun out a few times. Neat feature, actually. Because when you get good enough, you wont notice it. Is there a certain distance when this feature kicks into effect?
In real life most tunnels are like this one, with lights inside and visible from outside
That just shows you had no real interest in the game to begin with. Which is fine, but I can't help but wonder if its because you let reviews get inside your head. I mean, there we are with the "soulless" thing again. What a meaningless descriptor for this game.Took me a whole day to download. Played for an hour and then deleted it. This game does sorta feel bog standard and soulless. For all its flashy visuals and weather it really isn't fun to play. Will wait for GT7 for my sim fix and Outrun and Ridge Racer for arcade goodness.
How great that the Startline tour is the only thing you can do in this version then. Everything else is locked behind the upgrade. I knew this version would only have s limited set of tracks and cars, but I actually didn't think it would be THAT limited in terms of SP content. Oh well.
This is a lot of fun! I'm really considering getting the full version + season pass once I finish all there is to do with the PS+ version. It looks great too. I was really impressed with how Project Cars looks, but this blows it away.
lol what does this even mean?
The AI will slow down if you too far behind.I had some fun with it. The sense of speed and levels are amazing. Why is every car faster than me though? I start all the way in the back and can never catch up. I know I'm driving badly but it seems way too harsh for the first few levels. At least give me some confidence and let me win a few races....
I was in first for 80% of the race and they were consistently riding my ass no matter how well I drove. It may not be rubberbanding (I'll take your word for it) but it sure as hell felt like it.
That just shows you had no real interest in the game to begin with. Which is fine, but I can't help but wonder if its because you let reviews get inside your head. I mean, there we are with the "soulless" thing again. What a meaningless descriptor for this game.
I really do suggest people take a moment, go into single event, pick a time trial, and relax for a bit and just drive to come to grips with things. Not only will you start to get a feel for the handling, you'll get familiar with a course or two and organically get better at the game. Plus pick up how the roadside flags assist you, how to brake more effectively, or just play around with weather effects, time of day, or whatever.I had some fun with it. The sense of speed and levels are amazing. Why is every car faster than me though? I start all the way in the back and can never catch up. I know I'm driving badly but it seems way too harsh for the first few levels. At least give me some confidence and let me win a few races....
That just shows you had no real interest in the game to begin with. Which is fine, but I can't help but wonder if its because you let reviews get inside your head. I mean, there we are with the "soulless" thing again. What a meaningless descriptor for this game.
Heh, I admit nothing. I buy racing games to race, I don't want most of the fluff other devs feel the need to put in their games. Like having a story, or having someone constantly chattering in your ear about what you need to do, or anything of that kind. Just let me race.You could replace the phrase and say people think it's not stylish or has a dry/monotone presentation and you should be able to get what they mean. Different people had that same reaction, even in the release window and through various reviews. Particularly before the weather systems or even having a replay/photo mode, you have to admit the experience was pretty flat.
Heh, I admit nothing. I buy racing games to race, I don't want most of the fluff other devs feel the need to put in their games. Like having a story, or having someone constantly chattering in your ear about what you need to do, or anything of that kind. Just let me race.
Just because I don't care for a lot of modern conventions I feel are tailored for new players, don't make the mistake of thinking I'm out of touch. I play pretty much every racing game out there as much as I can. Though this last year that's been hard, being out of work for so long. Thankfully I'm working again so I'll be trying out Project Cars asap.It's fine if you like games that other people don't enjoy as much (story of my life), but if you seem obtuse about other people's reactions, it just makes you sound out-of-touch with the genre. And when most people are talking about style, it doesn't mean a story mode. Something as simple as having a soundtrack good enough that the director doesn't disable it by default would be the sort of thing people notice.
It's fine if you like games that other people don't enjoy as much (story of my life), but if you seem obtuse about other people's reactions, it just makes you sound out-of-touch with the genre. And when most people are talking about style, it doesn't mean a story mode. Something as simple as having a soundtrack good enough that the director doesn't disable it by default would be the sort of thing people notice.