David Incorporated Esq.
I was actually able to download it yesterday. It's not for me. It's beautiful, buts it's not arcadey enough.
Hah, and it's far, far too arcadey for me.
I was actually able to download it yesterday. It's not for me. It's beautiful, buts it's not arcadey enough.
I was actually able to download it yesterday. It's not for me. It's beautiful, buts it's not arcadey enough.
It's even harder with a wheel, most of the top leaderboard score are made with a DS4, join us at Drivecult-GAF for more info. (?)
I just can't get the turning down.I've been playing the PS+ version since yesterday. The physics feel very weird to me. I guess it'll take another 5-10 hours for me to get used to them. What's the point of obtaining cars if each mission gives me a set car to use?
I've been playing the PS+ version since yesterday. The physics feel very weird to me. I guess it'll take another 5-10 hours for me to get used to them. What's the point of obtaining cars if each mission gives me a set car to use?
I was able to sneak in yesterday and queue this one up.
And here's my full review after one race.
I suck. But dang is it gorgeous!
So if I already own the full game there's zero reason for me to download this right?
So how long will the DC ps-plus edition be up for? I doubt after all this it'll only be up for a month, right?
I feel myself that the game is more of a arcade/sim hybrid, in that it's arcade through it's framework in how you get cars and there is no cash, purchasing cars, or extra upgrades. But the way the handling of the cars are tends to lend itself more towards sim style than the usual crazy arcade handling.
The physics model is in no way sim-based. At all.
It was available for free via the store.
Lol how did I not know about this? Thanks.Should be any version, you just have to go download it from the store.
Yup, it's the typical thing of 5 simulated points (each wheel and the car body). There's definitely no simulation of internals because every car works flawlessly and can't have running gear damage, as well as every gear change being perfect. It's definitely nowhere near as much of a challenge as I had hoped.
You guys new to the game that are having problems - are you utilizing the roadside flags? They tell you how sharp the next turn will be.
Green, fairly easy turn - you may need to brake slightly
Yellow, sharper turn - prepare to brake
Red flag. sharpest turn - brake EARLY
The key to all of this is to brake early. You never want to hit that brake once you've entered that turn. Do it BEFORE. Then accelerate out of the turn.
And even then they didn't give a shit about physics, just "is wheel on ground? Yes. Okay grip"
Case in point. Full lock turn at high speed, stomp on the brakes, car turns faster and slows down as fast as normal. It's the opposite of what happens in real life but whatever.
The flags lie sometimes and are very inconsistent. I've seen a lot of yellow flags that can be taken flat out while the next green requires braking. Add to that, sometimes the flags will start way before the turn at a braking zone and sometimes they'll start after where you should be turning in.
As someone who just picked it up, they're only useful as reminders for where you are in the track, not for learning how fast to take a turn, i.e., Oh I know this left-hand yellow, I need to brake here and aim there for the apex.
Also braking during the turn is the best sometimes, because lol physics.
Oh whatever, I just don't care for the game no need for me to shit on it. Other people seem to love it.
Braking into the corners is fine (or even preferred) in Driveclub. Cars have ridiculously good brakes and there isn't any wheel lock because every car has ABS so there is zero penalty for braking late as long as you can hold the line you want.The key to all of this is to brake early. You never want to hit that brake once you've entered that turn. Do it BEFORE. Then accelerate out of the turn.
And no, braking during the turn is NEVER the best.
Making an offline version of the PS+ edition. Shit they should have done months ago and was my first suggestion made when I heard about network problems being the reason for the delay.
It really is. Not always, but definitely not never. If I drive it like a proper sim and brake early then accelerate out, the AI will always fly past me.
The proper way to stay ahead in a racer as arcadey as this is to turn while braking because everything seemingly has ABS.
Edit: Aaaahh, I see, I assumed you guys were talking about *not braking at all* before the turn, and not *braking completely* before starting the turn. I felt like I was taking crazy pills for a second. Phew, ok. Carry on!Go to youtube and look at world record hot laps. Look at their braking points. You'll often see brake lights, heavy deceleration and turning all the way up to the apex at which point they'll get back on the gas. That's what I'm talking about. Real cars cannot do that, on a track at least 90% of braking is done in a straight line.
I tried a sim approach to the racing line at first but it failed miserably. When I started hitting the brakes at the same time as turn-in my lap times shot down fast.
And while you're watching these videos, watch at which point turn flags start showing up on the side of the road. Sometimes they're right at the turn, sometimes they're a quarter mile before.
The social multiplayer aspect of this game is very neat and probably the most ambitious I've seen for a racer, but I wonder if initially they had plans to expand social multiplayer even further in this game, that is, before the server setbacks? It's definitely a wakeup call for Sony in that regard and I hope the issues that they faced does not make them too conservative in their plans and approach for the next game. The leaderboards, clubs and multiplayer in driveclub is really excellent stuff.Playstation Blog said:We have to take this precaution because Driveclub connectivity is demanding for a multiplayer game, with countless ever-growing social connections across clubs, challenges, multiplayer, and hundreds of thousands of dynamic leaderboards and activity feeds.
Nope, not true at all.
Nope, the flags do not "lie", but it varies by car for obvious reasons. They are extremely useful. And no, braking during the turn is NEVER the best.
There's no problem with shitting on the game, but you are simply not posting correct information.
The physics model is in no way sim-based. At all.
Of course the game is not punishing enough to never let you brake while turning -- in fact, all of the drift mechanics revolve around that -- but no, it's not the proper way to stay ahead in this game.
Sigh.It really is. Not always, but definitely not never. If I drive it like a proper sim and brake early then accelerate out, the AI will always fly past me. The proper way to stay ahead in a racer as arcadey as this is to turn while braking because everything seemingly has ABS.
Ok, you're right. You guys having trouble progressing are right and the people with well over 100 hours of experience with the driving model are way off base.
Everyone else, don't listen to these guys. Brake early and you'll find success as you begin to learn the courses and figure out how every turn is different, every car is different, and adjustments can be made to maximize your best lap times.
Ok, you're right. You guys having trouble progressing are right and the people with well over 100 hours of experience with the driving model are way off base.
Everyone else, don't listen to these guys. Brake early and you'll find success as you begin to learn the courses and figure out how every turn is different, every car is different, and adjustments can be made to maximize your best lap times.
Beat my time around Loch Dulch Reverse (Rain) with the Pagani Huayra and I'll say you're rightSigh.
Ok, you're right. You guys having trouble progressing are right and the people with well over 100 hours of experience with the driving model are way off base.
Everyone else, don't listen to these guys. Brake early and you'll find success as you begin to learn the courses and figure out how every turn is different, every car is different, and adjustments can be made to maximize your best lap times.
Yep. As soon as I started to learn the car and courses, it got better and better.
People want insta-wins Ariel Atom versus Fiat races it seems. And seeing a lot of these comments, where people try to use "sim" as an example, you question even if they played those sim games proper as well.
? I'm a holder of a NASA competition license. I know what "sim" means.
Fair enough and I don't doubt that, I'm merely trying to teach people how to walk before they learn how to run. At higher levels you can indeed "cheat" the turns (for lack of a better term) but I honestly think its better to learn the basics before attempting that. And in the early going where the AI is pretty dumb, it'll be enough to win and they'll get used to how the different classes react to braking and turning as they progress to the harder stuff.Beat my time around Loch Dulch Reverse (Rain) with the Pagani Huayra and I'll say you're rightI haven't played for a while but I was the fastest in the Huayra at one point.
There is a skill to learn in order to be fast in this game. It just has very little to do with what you'd have to do to be fast in real life. **Shrugs**
Source: autocrossing on the weekends.