Considering the first actual game Kadokawa did on their own was Natural Doctrine I wouldnt put high hopes on their projects yet lol.
ahhh, was wondering if they were working with experience inc. or something.
Considering the first actual game Kadokawa did on their own was Natural Doctrine I wouldnt put high hopes on their projects yet lol.
ahhh, was wondering if they were working with experience inc. or something.
weeeee. next! hehe.
nice haha how many more characters left to crown?
still not sure how many I want. at minimum 2 more but will probably aim for around 8 crown character total. there's some boss where you need for exemple a mitress, but I'll probably bring a etoile too.
then I need to farm the boss of the other tower again for their seal, because it's so good hehe.
haha very cool. Man I cant wait till you go and fightsince no one else I know that has the game has gotten to her yet lol am curious as to how bad she really is, but from what I heard its pretty insane.maid sensei
getting a bit tired of crowning. I think I'll level these and gear them a bit and clear a few boss...
Without the EXP accessory nonetheless, taking double the time it could've taken ( ゚Д゚)pretty amazing you crowned that many already (°▽°)
yeah the double exp item would of been nice. it takes around 8 hours to crown one character :S
so I've been doing the same thing for 40+ hours lol.
You really need to make yourself a JPSN account lol. Might as well seeing how many JP games you play also.
but,but my trophies ;,,,( hehe
the worst thing is I'll probably have to do it again next year with DT2-2 lol.
Eh the loading/notifications never bothered me too much. Will probably turn them off if I ever bother to record Vita games though (still haven't bought a Vita TV).
Have never cared or thought about trophies for showing off as I myself usually never bother to view other people's trophies. Mostly find them as personally fun side goals etc. Like for example in an action game it might be fun to create a 100 hit combo but if there wasn't a trophy for it I probably wouldn't think to try it or even know if the feat is possible in the first place.
Other thing is that for games I really like, if I plat it I feel like I've completed everything there is to do in the game and have no regrets moving onto something else. DT2 is probably the first time in a while where that hasn't been the case as you can get the plat long before you complete the game's contents lol.
Man some of those end bosses look really cool design wise. Also waaaaat @ no defeat CG (`゚A゚´)
Man some of those end bosses look really cool design wise. Also waaaaat @ no defeat CG (`゚A゚´)
Wow what, dang that's messed up. Was it Aquaplus who filed the complaint?oh, looks like my youtube account is closed.
It's for the humorous dialogue I swear ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
oh, looks like my youtube account is closed.
Wow what, dang that's messed up. Was it Aquaplus who filed the complaint?
I have no idea what happened, haven't received any notice. Maybe they didn't like that I uploaded the entire soundtrack for DT2, other than that, maybe some of the track for wizardry sequel on ps2(atlus)
but then again, it could be anything, had no notice, nothing...
wtf thats weird, so you cant even check the channel now to see what got flagged?
trying to contact youtube.
from what they told me so far is my account is in good standing lol.
and that I may need to verify my account.
if only I could lol.
wtf lol.
btw with those vids that are flagged you should get those taken care if regardless. i had two like that so removed and fixed them. made the chan unlisted for most vids so makes it harder for stuff to be flagged at random
yeah I might do that, weird thing is sometime for exemple I have an elminage gothic video, and some random guy from somwhere in asia claims to have copyright for the music lol.
I've been distracted by Dragon Age and now Persona Q, need to get back to this soon since Stranger is out in about a month.
It sucks that your channel got taken down, Dorarnae. Hopefully it's just suspended and you can get it back online.
About time you got back lol. No shit right with dragon age insanely huge game.
seriously bout dorarnaes chan since hes like one of the few people that puts up good dungeon crawler footage.
Yeah, I'm over 65 hours in Dragon Age, near the end though. I think I'll just do the last story missions and ignore the rest of the side stuff. Otherwise I'll be playing it for another month.
I'm about 10 hours or so in to Persona Q in the 2nd labyrinth and liking that a lot even though I've never played an Etrian Odyssey game. I really should check those out too, seems like a good time with the originals being remade for 3DS and a new one just announced.
I just beat maid sensei. wasn't too bad overall but maybe I got a bit lucky...will make a video![]()
So I finally have some information this time. Maybe I'll be able to do something about my account.
and the winner is Atlustube lol.
wat they were the ones that flagged you?
Gonna take a break from GAF for a while to get some work done (´=ω=`)
Probably not going to finish this since there's still too much left to do lol. Will probably come back for DT2-2, or maybe the Stranger of Sword City port. Hopefully they remove job doors and/or make crowning easier in the sequel, but there also seem to be hard core fans out there who enjoy having that aspect ヽ(`Д´)ノ
Also good luck on getting your account restored Dorarnae