The latter, the hypothetical route will unlock as long as you've done all the requisites at some point, in one sitting or not.
I finally figured out how to use Lu Lingqi/the Crossed Pike's gimmick the other day (the game stupidly tells you to "press" the left stick after throwing the weapon, when in reality, you flick it left, right, or down to get different effects). I used to think her moveset was just kind of average, good, but nothing special and not super fun to use. Knowing the gimmick changes everything, and paired with Shadow Sprint, she becomes one of the best combo characters in the game.
So... one wallpaper unlock condition is finish all stages from story mode and Free mode.
If I finish all stages of story mode without playing free mode, will be still locked?
Yes, because in free mode there'll be stages where you play the opposing side, like Shu in Jin's last stage or something like that. Those count towards getting that wallpaper.
So much for me...
Another question, once you obtain 6th weapon can you exit the stage or must finish it?
You gotta win win win. Even if you interim save, you have to complete a stage for the results (weapons, xp, animals, etc.) to register.
Stone Pillar weapon (called Stele) and two new stage packs today.
Any word on PC release?
Any word on PC release?
- The Japanese Voice option (free DLC scheduled for release) can be applied. Coming July 29 (US), July 30 (EU) for free.
- The addition of depth of field adjustment settings in the Options menu.
- The addition of a view all and filter function for weapon selection.
- The ability to view the cleared status of stages according to difficulty level in the Free Mode battle preparation screen.
- Options have been expanded when fusing weapons so that secret and unique weapons can also be selected.
- The ability to reset personal best records in Challenge Mode.
- Fixed the bug where depending on the user login order, sound disappears after the game starts.
- Fixed the bug preventing sound output from the 2P wireless controller speaker.
- During online play, the bug preventing the player (host) from setting his/her bodyguard character as the same character as the guest players character has been fixed.
- During online play, the bug that causes the game to freeze if the host starts the stage after the guest leaves has been fixed.
- Fixed the bug when interim save data consists of the player character wearing a DLC outfit, the DLC data is then deleted, and when the stage is continued the game freezes.
- Fixed the player character model when knocked down.
- When viewing models in the Gallery, certain character models/motions that did not appear properly have been fixed.
- Fixed the bug where connections are dropped during online play.
- Bugs that prevented progress in certain stages have been fixed.
- The adjustment of the number of enemies that appear in Free Mode only stages.
- Additional game balance adjustments and bug fixes.
Since there doesn't seem to be a Dynasty Warriors Community thread, I guess I'll ask this here. My brother somehow got into Samurai Warriors 2: Empires and is enjoying the strategic side of conquering territory and unifying Japan and all that. He's more of a PC gamer who loves Civilization, Alpha Centauri, Total War, and other sim/strategy/historical-based games. He said if there was a game like this based on American history he'd be all over it.
What games would you recommend he try next? I don't know much about these sorts of games and I hear they get a "another Dynasty Warriors? 7/10" type of reaction from the press and reviewers.
I also gotta say it looks like you guys have some great discussion in here, I look forward to reading this if Hyrule Warriors convinces me to get into the series.
Sure there is, but it may have been under a different name than your search. Clicky there for the link and all the musou of all makes.![]()
Welcome aboard!
DW8 XL is on special sale on steam all weekend: $25
DW8 XL is on special sale on steam all weekend: $25
I'm very tempted to pick it up. Is there anything about the local co-op that is bad? Any restrictions or such for the second player?
other than not being able to pick the same character? nothing really no.
Great news, the biggie patch is coming next week. As a reminder, it includes:
PS4/Vita will most likely be getting the Deerhorn Knives or Dragon Bench that day as well.
For PS4 Ver.1.01 Update Details:
- The Japanese Voice option (free DLC scheduled for release) can be applied. Coming July 29 (US), July 30 (EU) for free.
- The addition of depth of field adjustment settings in the Options menu.
- The addition of a ‘view all’ and filter function for weapon selection.
- The ability to view the cleared status of stages according to difficulty level in the Free Mode battle preparation screen.
- Options have been expanded when fusing weapons so that secret and unique weapons can also be selected.
- The ability to reset personal best records in Challenge Mode.
- Fixed the bug where depending on the user login order, sound disappears after the game starts.
- Fixed the bug preventing sound output from the 2P wireless controller speaker.
- During online play, the bug preventing the player (host) from setting his/her bodyguard character as the same character as the guest player’s character has been fixed.
- During online play, the bug that causes the game to freeze if the host starts the stage after the guest leaves has been fixed.
- Fixed the bug when interim save data consists of the player character wearing a DLC outfit, the DLC data is then deleted, and when the stage is continued the game freezes.
- Fixed the player character model when knocked down.
- When viewing models in the Gallery, certain character models/motions that did not appear properly have been fixed.
- Fixed the bug where connections are dropped during online play.
- Bugs that prevented progress in certain stages have been fixed.
- The adjustment of the number of enemies that appear in Free Mode only stages.
- Additional game balance adjustments and bug fixes.
For PS Vita Ver.1.01 Update Details:
- The Japanese Voice option (free DLC scheduled for release) can be applied. Coming July 29 (US), July 30 (EU) for free.
- The addition of a ‘view all’ and filter function for weapon selection.
- The ability to view the cleared status of stages according to difficulty level in the Free Mode battle preparation screen.
- Options have been expanded when fusing weapons so that secret and unique weapons can also be selected.
- The ability to reset personal best records in Challenge Mode.
- Bugs that prevented progress in certain stages have been fixed.
- The adjustment of the number of enemies that appear in Free Mode only stages.
- Additional game balance adjustments and bug fixes.
For PS3 Ver.1.01 Update Details:
- The Japanese Voice option (free DLC scheduled for release) can be applied. Coming July 29 (US), July 30 (EU) for free.
- The addition of a ‘view all’ and filter function for weapon selection.
- Options have been expanded when fusing weapons so that secret and unique weapons can also be selected.
- The ability to reset personal best records in Challenge Mode.
- In the stage “Battle of Baidi Castle,” the glitch that causes the game to freeze when destroying the enemy ballista from aboard the transport ship has been fixed.
- The bug that prevents battles from starting when the supporting officer has been set to Cao Mao has been fixed.
- Bugs that prevented progress in certain stages have been fixed.
- The adjustment of the number of enemies that appear in Free Mode only stages.
- Additional game balance adjustments and bug fixes.
It's here!!!
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition (PS4, PS Vita) and Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends (PS3) Patch AppVer. 1.01 is available now! Here are the details:
It's here!!!
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition (PS4, PS Vita) and Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends (PS3) Patch AppVer. 1.01 is available now! Here are the details:
- Options have been expanded when fusing weapons so that secret and unique weapons can also be selected.
What happens to the unique weapon that's fused? Can I re-earn it?
From what I heard, it sounds like you can only choose them as a base, you can't use them as the thing to toss new skills onto something else.
which is understandable from an aesthetics and practical point of view.
why would you destroy a 6 star weapon when it has unique skin, highest atk power, and brings +10 skills which can just be replaced if you don't like them?
but then again, maybe the lower star weapons might have better aesthetics, but even then you can still manually modify all of their stats.
Do they limit your combo chain? Like Lvl 1 weapons can only do up to C4.
There's no limit anymore to the amount of times you can increase the weapon strength?Nope, that's dependent on your current level.
Actually with this patch, you can make any weapon as powerful as you want with enough gems.
There's no limit anymore to the amount of times you can increase the weapon strength?
I don't think there ever was, but I don't know who has that many gems and is willing to keep grinding to see if there's ever a limit, lol
There's no limit anymore to the amount of times you can increase the weapon strength?
Wang Ping (surrendered from Wei. Tried to persuade Ma Su not to make his big mistake at Jieting)
Yan Yan (served Liu Zhang, then was beaten and surrendered to Shu. Design here is supposed to emphasize an unexpectedly youthful vigor from an older man)
Zhao Cang (Fictional. Former Yellow Turban. Rocking that half-helmet, half-sombrero.)
Fu Shiren (Betrayed Guan Yu and defected to Wu. Tried returning to Shu later and was executed by Guan Xing. D'oh!)
Jian Yong (A vassal of Shu who was born in the same home village as Liu Bei and joined his lord as an envoy and strategist. Noted for being humorous)
Liao Hua (former Yellow Turban. Served Shu from it's rise to it's fall. May actually be suffering from progeria. [bad joke, but seriously, he looks way too young to be old[)
Mi Fang (served all three kingdoms. Betrayed Guan Yu at Fan Castle and defected to Wu)
Zhang Yi (defended Yi Province during the northern campaigns)
Xiahou Ji (Niece of Xiahou Yuan. Captured by Zhang Fei, and made his wife when she was 13/14. Great pick!)
Xi Shi (Not one of the 4 beauties of ancient china.)
Cao Hong (Cao Cao's cousin. He and Cao Ren helped raise Cao Cao's army)
Man Chong (assisted in the defense of Fan Castle)
Wen Pin (served Liu Zhong, then submitted to Cao Cao)
Cao Xiu (Cao Cao's nephew. Notably skilled archer. Succeeded Cao Ren as commander-in-chief of the Wei army)
Cao Zhen (raised by Cao Cao as one of his own sons, though adopted. Became commander-in-chief of Wei's western armies)
Zhu Ling (Astrid?)
Wang Lang (Yuanji's grandad)
Bian Shi (wife of Cao Cao, mother of Cao Pi. Hopefully wouldn't be Zhang Chunhua 2.0)
Zhao Equin (mother of a Wei dude. Killed a guy once to avenge her father)
Cheng Pu (Wu 3-generation veteran)
Gu Yong (was a Wu prime minister)
Jiang Qin (Former pirate. Led volunteer forces that helped out Sun Ce in a battle)
Sun Yi (another one of Sun Jian's kids. Was a rival to Sun Quan, then was assassinated at a banquet. Great pick!)
Xu Sheng (officer who served in Chi Bi and invasions into Wei)
He Qi (joined Sun Ce, served him and Quan, known for extravagance)
Lu Dai (served late Wu. Longest recorded lifespan [96 years] of any 3 kingdoms figure)
Yu Fan (convinced Mi Fang and Fu Shiren to defect from Shu)
Zhu Zhi (another 3-gen vet. Watch out Huang Gai, you might have to grow a personality.)
Zhu Huan (excellent commander, though a bit insane)
Wu Guotai (fictional wife of Sun Jian and sister of Lady Wu)
Lady Xu (Wife of Sun Yi. Helped avenge his murder)
Lady Yuan (daughter of Yuan Shu and wife of Sun Quan. Rejected the chance to become empress)
Sima Hui (teacher of Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong. Bodyguard guy in Dynasty Warriors 5
Gao Shun (Lu Bu general. Defeated Xiahou Dun at Xiapi)
Hua Xiong (Yuan Shao wonders if there are any warriors here [Si Shui gate] who can defeat him)
Wen Chou
Yan Liang (great expression)
Gan Ji (gave Sun Ce evil ganja)
Huang Zu (served under Liu Biao. Ultimately responsible for Sun Jian's death. Commanded Gan Ning before the latter turned on him and killed him, then joined Wu)
Li Jue (served Dong Zhuo, then later took control of the imperial court with Guo Si)
Yan Baihu (fought against Sun Ce in the Wu territory battles. Sun Quan/Liu Bei's evil blonde brother)
Ji Ling (officer of Yuan Shu)
Yuan Shu (I'm totally the emperor guys)
Zang Ba (served Lu Bu and Cao Cao)
Dong Bai (Granddaughter of Dong Zhuo)
Hua Man (Fictional daughter of Meng Huo)
Lady Zou (someone's wife who Cao Cao was attracted to. Oh Cao Cao.)
is there a hard limit on gems? im at 7k+, pretty much made the best weapons for my favorite characters.
I havent done 100 straight stages in ambition mode, but i heard that doing so nets you around 6-8k. and if theres a hard limit i'd rather waste as much as i can on giving every single chars uber weapons now instead of wasting 500 per +1 atk.
9999 from what I've heard.
I know we can mod it ourselves, but have they still not put the Japanese voices on Steam? I don't see it on that dlc page.
Is there no Japanese voice DLC yet for the PS 4 Dynasty Warriors 8 XL version?
Can't find an option in the sound menu, and no dlc in the EU psn store.