My copy showed up today. Took exactly two weeks.
Took me 6 days from Buygame2. Did you use them too?
Play Asia. Free shipping via regular mail from Hong Kong to Seattle, so I can't complain.
Just out of curiosity, did you go for the recorded option? Used it a couple of times recently and it has taken the waiting time for the cheap option from ~6 weeks to 1-2 weeks.
Recorded option, what's that?
Just went for broke and ordered the JP version, should have this bad boy in a couple days.
Going in pretty much blind!
Any more secret codes? I've inputted all the ones posted in the thread.
Just went for broke and ordered the JP version, should have this bad boy in a couple days.
Going in pretty much blind!
Just went for broke and ordered the JP version, should have this bad boy in a couple days.
Going in pretty much blind!
Just FYI game is mad easy. I still had a good time though.
I'm mostly just expecting a very colorful third person shooter with a Japanese twist. Being a little easy won't be a dealbreaker.
I'll be going through the campaign before touching multiplayer, but I'll definitely stop by this thread (and or send PMs) when I start multi.
Just FYI game is mad easy. I still had a good time though.
If one side is "depressingly easy to the point you hate what it asks you to do" and the other is "breezing through the game at a nice pace", where would it fall?
IMO, the story missions have just the right difficulty. Not too hard, not too easy. The only objective is to clear the mission. I've never died, but I've been on the verge of dying a few times.
But I guess the real meat is in the VR missions as they have more objectives to clear for medals. I've been going through the missions with a friend. Some missions are pretty tough and can take a few retries especially if collecting medals. We've died plenty of times on a few and we haven't hit EX missions yet.
I would say the game is a bit easier if you are using the right weapon/upgrades/bonuses.
i think most of people here is playing the PS3 version, they are skipping 3DS version due to region lock or because it's inferior compared to PS3 one (except PS3 with online multiplayer while 3DS just local) ?
i played the demo on my 3DS some times ago and i liked it
I would have bought it on 3DS but for the lack of online multiplayer. But yeah, I'd think most people are leaning towards the PS3 version as it's region free.
I got me the 3DS version. I started it last night <3
I thought I read that the 3DS version is actually the superior version as it runs at 60 fps during gameplay (in 2D mode), while the PS3 is 60 fps in cutscenes but only 30 in gameplay? Was that confirmed by anyone or did somebody get mixed up?
Man, that was a surprise. If it was a meal, I wouldn't call it satisfying, but it was very, very tasty. The soundtrack ends up very high on my year-end list, too.
Thanks for re-convincing me after sales kicked back on the great Japanese marketing campaign, NeoGAF!
Although I'm also curious how the language barrier is.
How was the language barrier for you?
Non-existent, story aside.
I've only played the demo (3DS version) but no issues whatsoever. Just hoping Capcom release it digitally...How was the language barrier for you?
But I need to go VERY slowly to get through text, so the constant flashing of art with text on it made me decide after 5 minutes to just ignore anything nonessential in battles. Luckily, as has been mentioned, it's not very difficult. If I had needed to figure things out with in-battle cues or really decipher the story text for clues, I would have had to use a walkthrough.
Right this is every Unlock Code that has been released, Now my Japanese Sucks so I hope I translated them correctly for the ones that I could.
Turned on the game today and..
New years mood in E.X. Troopers aswell lol!
Turned on the game today and..
New years mood in E.X. Troopers aswell lol!