The Beatles Rock Band: This shit is embarassing and boring. Please hurry the fuck up.
Tony Hawk Ride: Wow. Lame. Please hurry the fuck up.
Modern Warfare 2: Don't really care. Please hurry the fuck up.
Final Fantasy XIII: Potentially awesome show cut far too short, would've loved to see some more stuff about the summons.
Epic XBLA: Looks kind of crap, though the concept is neat.
Racing XBLA Game: Free, cool stuff. Could be cute.
Crackdown 2: Never played the first, didn't really care. Looks cool though.
Left 4 Dead 2: Never played the first, didn't really care.
Splinter Cell Conviction: Ho. Lee. Shit. Game of the conference, absolutely blew me away. It looks incredible.
Forza 3: The definitive racing experience, unlikely to ever be surpassed, no matter how hard we try for all of time. [/spoiler]Didn't give a shit.[/spoiler]
Halo: Didn't care.
Alan Wake: Looked nowhere near as good as I was hoping, actually reminded me a lot of Alone in the Dark. Hugely disappointing, hopefully it'll look better to me when I see it in higher quality.
Online features/Networking/Stuff: Don't give a shit, but the red head was cute.
Metal Gear Rising: Don't care about the franchise.
Xbox Camera Stuff: Nothing looked fun. I loved the diss about waggle gameplay while a girl flailed her whole fucking body wildly to hit balls in a shitty looking breakout clone. I had huge expectations when Spielberg walked out for something as incredible as Boom Blox, but it's too soon I suppose. I'd love to see his ideas for it though.
Milo: Moly should be congratulated, he's almost attained his goal of making the ultimate gameplay-free and fun-free game. This shit will change everything forever. Looking forward to it so much.
Overall: Splinter Cell stole the show for me. Looks insane, and I want it so much. The show was generally pretty good, probably going to please the hardcore, but the pacing was all over the fucking place. 15 minutes for The Beatles Rock Band against like 3 minutes for FFXIII? Anyway, there was enough there to keep me interested, even if I wasn't interested in the games themselves at all times. Give it a C.