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E3 2009 Microsoft Conference Thread


MoogPaul said:
I can see why people liked it, it wasn't really my cup of tea though. All the crazy fans need to relax with best conference ever though. There really wasn't anything in there that I'd buy.

You wouldnt buy:

Shadow Complex
Crackdown 2 (with zombies!)
SC Conviction
Forza 3 60 FPS
Halo oDST CO-OP Mode
Alan wake
Halo Reach
Metal Gear Solid Rising
Final Fantasy
Modern warfare 2

What the hell do you like then?


Comics, serious business!
Rare is dead. I'm expecting a FASA/Ensmeble announcement any day now :\ I mean come on... Rare not a part of E3?

unless they're working exclusively on Natal stuff now
Relaxed Muscle said:
It's true, this spin off it's multiplatform, ok nice but what about MGS4? and will be MGS5 multiplatform as well?....

Nice I can play the raiden game on my 360, but...oh wait... I can't play MGS4 on my 360, so i'll miss a lot of things if I don't buy a PS3 and MGS4, thanks Kojima and MS, so useful...

This generation has forced alot of us to become multiplatform owners. You just can't get everything on one system anymore lol


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
That was a hell of a conference.

Splinter Cell looked fucking brilliant and did things unlike any else out there.
Halo ODST is going to be the shit!
Alan Wake - incredible.
CRACKDOWN 2! (good job on all of the little breadcrumbs leading up to the announcement!) :D
Metal Gear Rising - not my type of series at all, but hell, beats the hell of a port of an old game - good job getting a brand new game.
The Natal stuff seriously impressed me - reading the rumors here (not actually reading the whole thing), I was totally against the motion-sensing thing, but seeing the whole thing presented, I was thoroughly impressed with what I saw. That blew away anything out there when it comes to motion sensing in gaming, sorry.
Forza 3 looks & sounds top-class - and the new livery editor & HD replay editor? Master.

Left 4 Dead 2!

Shadow Complex - XBLA game looks hella nice too for sure.

Oh, and all of the media & social stuff, nice extras for those who like them, no doubt...

The only things for me that was a shame was that there were no XBLA showcase & no Rare games, but without a doubt XBLA games will be shown this week I'm sure...

Maaaaaaaaaaaan, I need to watch this whole conference again in HD...
JRW said:

That "BAM There it is" shit had me dieing over here. Deformed ass avatar...
Microsoft just falcon punched Sony and Nintendo into the pervading blackness of oblivion.

Halo: Reach. Metal Gear Solid 5. Killer exclusives. Technology teleported in from the future. Microsoft just pulled about two years ahead.

Sony is finished. Nintendo has been out-innovated. Microsoft have won the generation and secured themselves the console industry for the next decade.

Gameover man.


RSTEIN said:
Rare is dead. I'm expecting a FASA/Ensmeble announcement any day now :\ I mean come on... Rare not a part of E3?

unless they're working exclusively on Natal stuff now

Sadly, you might be right. With all this new Natal stuff, Rare could be doing that & avatar stuff exclusively. Sad for them.

Upon further reflection, its even more puzzling they would upstage Tony Hawk like that. Why go to the trouble of moneyhatting his appearance & preview of the game if they are just going to upstage it with first party stuff? Pretty odd.


Opus Angelorum said:
You won't be happy with the Sony conference then.

Well, from what we know, we've already got Ratchet, Uncharted 2, Demon's Souls, White Knight Chronicles, and Fat Princess. Shouldn't be too bad for Sony.

Their conference will still likely be horrible, as usual.


y'all should be ashamed
More info on the Games on Demand service:

Geoff Twitter said:
Great interview with Schappert. He also announced Xbox 360 catalogue games will be available via download. But not new releases.


sankt-Antonio said:
nearly nobody bought an eyetoy whos gonna buy a 200$ camera?

beside this MGS!!!! yes hopefully no fps or crap like that...

I think the Camera is going to come packed in for free in all 360 SKUs in the future.

chubigans said:
Does this mean we can finally kill GameFork? MGS4 Oxide my ass.

Always possible.. MGS4+O for PS3.. :lol
LCfiner said:
But the lionhead stuff gives me hope that we will be seeing very, very unique things on this tech that goes beyond spazzing out on screen. I'm not 100% sold on it like Whitta but I am still interested in the possibilities and this tech is the closest we have come to a real advancement in gaming in a long time.

Just interested in what you consider an "advancement in gaming" to be. Or what you consider "a long time", considering, you know, the Wii and all.


JoJo13 said:
A bit disappointed in this year's conference from Microsoft. I think Nintendo and Sony should have better showings. The software they showed was good (Alan Wake, Splinter Cell, and Crackdown 2 in particular), but of those games only one is releasing this fall. However, there wasn't a really great showing for any new IPs from Microsoft, and I was really disappointed by that. Most of their games still follow the same genres and/or are sequels to established franchises. Can't say I was impressed with what I saw of Halo: ODST. Also, the lack of Rare this year was disconcerting. I was looking forward to seeing what they had in store.

I suppose this is quite a contrast from years past where Microsoft had a great lineup of games to show for the fall but ignored anything beyond that. This year, Microsoft showed off 2010, but they showed far too little (Halo Reach and Crackdown were just teasers, and not very good ones at that). This fall I'm not going to have a whole lot to play on my 360, it seems.

Overall, however, the biggest disappointment was the Project Natal showing. Microsoft hyped it up to be something big and I don't see it striking a cord with the hardcore. The real magic to motion control is being able to walk that fine line between being applicable to casual audiences and the hardcore, and this device doesn't appear to do that. It's not releasing in 2009, and there doesn't appear to be much (if any) large software focus on it. I think Nintendo's direction for motion control is better.

I don't understand how you can say Nintendo's control is better. Is it because you can just sit on your ass and not move? Is it because you need to hold something in your hands.

It really makes little sense. There is nothing the Nintendo controller can do, that Nadal can't. So why would you prefer it?

The only reason I could see is if you are a fat pig (not saying you are), and will gas out after playing a game for one minute.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Why? They're going to sell the most (well RB Beatles might sell more on Wii) on the 360 and be some of the system's biggest movers. They're hugely significant and profitable releases for the 360. Games On Demand is an ill feature to be sure, but MS' goal is clear: Link Huge Multiplatform Games With Their Console In The Eyes Of The Press And Public.

And it's been working for them for, oh, three or four years now.

As I said, I agree with all business side of these demos. But personally, I don't want to see that on stage for half an hour.

People who aren't on forums and internet, won't notice these demos. People who are on the forums know that these are multiplatform games. They know what they will buy. Showing at one conference is not gonna change their minds. Then why waste imp time on that? Better show something else from their own line-up. They could have shown more XBLA games.


Felium Defensor
Good Conference MS. I liked how they showed no charts and the format was really good.
Can't wait for Sony's conference now. E3 is back baby!


sex vacation in Guam
Whats with some people in here repeating "omfgbbq MS destoyed everyone holy shit oh wow, my pants... " 20 times within seconds..? It was good imho but you dont have to repeat it on every page..

Is MS paying? if so let me in on it papa needs a new car


needs 2 extra inches
BruceLeeRoy said:
I have to say that was probably the greatest showing I have ever seen any console manufacture have at E3.
Hats off Microsoft hats off.


Giving credit when credit is do. I tip my hat to you good sir.


Finally! I got on.
Never leave me again during goddamn E3 GAF :lol

MS conference started out meh, but got seriously awesome during the middle.
All the exclusive games looked awesome. Crackdown 2, Splinter Cell, Forza 3, 2 new Halo games! Epic XBLA game, Metal Gear Raiden etc.
The camera stuff wasn’t even that bad either. Unlike Nintendo, MS knows that you need to demo this kind of shit with hot girls. Abby getting all sweaty was cool, and then the doggy style elephant creation was sweet.
Milo shit was creepy as fuck, but it was balanced out by Claries hot ass.
The camera tech looked impressive, but I'm really disappointed they didn't show any real games for it.

Biggest disappointment was no Rare! WTF?
Not even Perfect Dark XBLA?!


Ghost Leviathan said:
Microsoft just falcon punched Sony and Nintendo into the pervading blackness of oblivion.

Halo: Reach. Metal Gear Solid 5. Killer exclusives. Technology teleported in from the future. Microsoft just pulled about two years ahead.

Sony is finished. Nintendo has been out-innovated. Microsoft have won the generation and secured themselves the console industry for the next decade.

Gameover man.



The Beatles Rock Band: This shit is embarassing and boring. Please hurry the fuck up.
Tony Hawk Ride: Wow. Lame. Please hurry the fuck up.
Modern Warfare 2: Don't really care. Please hurry the fuck up.
Final Fantasy XIII: Potentially awesome show cut far too short, would've loved to see some more stuff about the summons.
Epic XBLA: Looks kind of crap, though the concept is neat.
Racing XBLA Game: Free, cool stuff. Could be cute.
Crackdown 2: Never played the first, didn't really care. Looks cool though.
Left 4 Dead 2: Never played the first, didn't really care.
Splinter Cell Conviction: Ho. Lee. Shit. Game of the conference, absolutely blew me away. It looks incredible.
Forza 3: The definitive racing experience, unlikely to ever be surpassed, no matter how hard we try for all of time. [/spoiler]Didn't give a shit.[/spoiler]
Halo: Didn't care.
Alan Wake: Looked nowhere near as good as I was hoping, actually reminded me a lot of Alone in the Dark. Hugely disappointing, hopefully it'll look better to me when I see it in higher quality.
Online features/Networking/Stuff: Don't give a shit, but the red head was cute.
Metal Gear Rising: Don't care about the franchise.
Xbox Camera Stuff: Nothing looked fun. I loved the diss about waggle gameplay while a girl flailed her whole fucking body wildly to hit balls in a shitty looking breakout clone. I had huge expectations when Spielberg walked out for something as incredible as Boom Blox, but it's too soon I suppose. I'd love to see his ideas for it though.
Milo: Moly should be congratulated, he's almost attained his goal of making the ultimate gameplay-free and fun-free game. This shit will change everything forever. Looking forward to it so much.

Overall: Splinter Cell stole the show for me. Looks insane, and I want it so much. The show was generally pretty good, probably going to please the hardcore, but the pacing was all over the fucking place. 15 minutes for The Beatles Rock Band against like 3 minutes for FFXIII? Anyway, there was enough there to keep me interested, even if I wasn't interested in the games themselves at all times. Give it a C.


Comics, serious business!
lawblob said:
Upon further reflection, its even more puzzling they would upstage Tony Hawk like that. .

I was thinking about that. The thing you gotta remember is any game (I mean, full non-XBLA game) based on Natal is at least 2 years away probably.


MoogPaul said:
I think it's pretty interesting that they had a demo for FF13 on xbox hardware when they weren't even going to work on it until it was done for the ps3 supposedly.

It is done for the ps3 when they start the dubs thats when the porting began. Of course the 360 holding back FFXIII ps3 fans will continue to ignore that tidbit.
Karma said:
You wouldnt buy:

Shadow Complex
Crackdown 2 (with zombies!)
SC Conviction
Forza 3 60 FPS
Halo oDST CO-OP Mode
Alan wake
Halo Reach
Metal Gear Solid Rising
Final Fantasy
Modern warfare 2

What the hell do you like then?
Not directed at me I know, but the only game I will definitely buy on that list is Modern Warfare 2 which I'll get for the PC. The Halo stuff could be interesting, have to wait to hear more. The rest is meh. So yeah, it is possible for people not to be interested in the games one of the three show.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Maximilian E. said:
why alll the comments of L4D2 being to soon? Is that a bad thing?

The rumour about it made it sound quite expansion pack-y rather than new game-y. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing at all as long, as long as expectations are in check.


Comics, serious business!
PistolGrip said:
Whats with some people in here repeating "omfgbbq MS destoyed everyone holy shit oh wow, my pants... " 20 times within seconds..?

Is MS paying? if so let me in on it papa needs a new car

Oooh... I think we're witnessing our first meltdown here folks.
Maximilian E. said:
why alll the comments of L4D2 being to soon? Is that a bad thing?

I think the original had enough level related variety(especially with the randonness everytime you started a new campaign) but not enough diversity in enemies. With the new enemies, environment effects/changes, etc. they have in the sequel, I'm thinking they just took this out of the original and made a new game with it. Otherwise, it could have been a 2 or 3 year classic with an overdue anticipation for the sequel. More $$$$


So no one minds that the conference (at least the exciting parts) was basically all about sequels? I was hoping for a couple of new IPs in there. I guess it's not surprising, in this economy publishers will retreat even more into the safety of established franchises.


Unconfirmed Member
TheExodu5 said:
Well, from what we know, we've already got Ratchet, Uncharted 2, Demon's Souls, White Knight Chronicles, and Fat Princess. Shouldn't be too bad for Sony.

Their conference will still likely be horrible, as usual.

These conferences always are, i felt sorry for MS everytime it was just the one guy on the stage clapping.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Games I am interested in that they showed were:

MW2 and Alan Wake

Decent conference.


My take:
New peripheral for Tony Hawk - i dont care
FF13 for Spring 2010 - pointless footage, same as in demo.
MW2 Exclusive Maps - same as COD4. It will print money
New Arcade game by EPIC - it looks fine, but kinda dont care.
CRACKDOWN 2 - cgi = fail
L4D 2 - cgi = fail
Splinter Cell Conviction - it looks awesome
Halo 3 ODST and Halo Reach, beta included with ODST - i dont fucking care
Forza 3 - i LOLd when they claimed it was best racing game ever :D :D :D
Alan Wake - looks amazing, definitely day one
Zune Video Store, HD1080P, Streaming, Facebook/Twitter - dont care
METAL GEAR RISING - one true MEGATON, its not exclusive i belive
Xbox Fluid Camera - epic fail so far.
Milo - it would be better if they exchange boy for a stripper

Overall, it was OK. Lots of things i didnt care, but games are solid. They didnt show anything groundbraking in tearms of games, no new IP-s, everyhing was known before the show [except MGRising]


New peripheral for Tony Hawk - Lame
FF13 for Spring 2010 - I still haven't decided if im getting this on Xbox or PS3, but it's good to see it running fine on the 360
MW2 Exclusive Maps - Meh
New Arcade game by EPIC - Will get this, nice reveal!
CRACKDOWN 2 - Haven't played the first one, but looking to jump in
L4D 2 - L4D1 is enough for me, thanks
Splinter Cell Conviction - not into SC, but looks pretty damn awesome
Halo 3 ODST and Halo Reach - More Halo? What happened to doing other things?
Forza 3 - Still waiting on Sony's GT presentation, but Forza 3 looks great!
Alan Wake - Day 1 confirmed.
Zune Video Store, HD1080P, Streaming - Not for me
Facebook/Twitter - Cool features, but not sure if I'm going to fully use it. My Blackberry works fine with these things.
Metal Gear Rising - Will definitely pick this one up.
Natal - I still have a lot of doubts.
Milo - Pedobear sim? No thx.


Karma said:
You wouldnt buy:

Shadow Complex
Crackdown 2 (with zombies!)
SC Conviction
Forza 3 60 FPS
Halo oDST CO-OP Mode
Alan wake
Halo Reach
Metal Gear Solid Rising
Final Fantasy
Modern warfare 2

What the hell do you like then?

mainly RPGs, and I've known about FF13 since it was announced in 1982. MGS4 put a horrible taste in my mouth, so Rising is questionable. L4D2seems too early to fork over another 60 bucks, Alan Wake looked awesome in my opinion though.


Distinguished Air Superiority
I really wished Microsoft announced a definitive racing game though... maybe next year.


Felium Defensor
Where the fuck was Rare though? I thought that they would announce PDZ2 for sure.
The Molyneux demo was pretty interesting as well. If they nail the execution, the motion sensing game could be awesome.
dyls said:
So no one minds that the conference (at least the exciting parts) was basically all about sequels? I was hoping for a couple of new IPs in there. I guess it's not surprising, in this economy publishers will retreat even more into the safety of established franchises.

Alan Mother fu#$ing Wake is the only new IP you need to care about.


sciplore said:
It is done for the ps3 when they start the dubs thats when the porting began. Of course the 360 holding back FFXIII ps3 fans will continue to ignore that tidbit.

I had no idea it was done and selling like hotcakes in Japan.


Ghost Leviathan said:
Microsoft just falcon punched Sony and Nintendo into the pervading blackness of oblivion. Halo: Reach. Metal Gear Solid 5. Killer exclusives. Technology teleported in from the future. Microsoft just pulled about two years ahead.

Sony is finished. Nintendo has been out-innovated. Microsoft have won the generation and secured themselves the console industry for the next decade.

Gameover man.
The tech was great. But, really 2 halo games 1 year then another halo next year ? MS is whoring out one of their 3 big 1st party games. You can only flood the market with halo so much before ppl get sick of it.
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