Will there ever be a time where gamers won't have to ignore Earth Defense Force reviews? This and Dynasty Warriors, I swear.
People need to appreciate B-tier.
Will there ever be a time where gamers won't have to ignore Earth Defense Force reviews? This and Dynasty Warriors, I swear.
Will there ever be a time where gamers won't have to ignore Earth Defense Force reviews? This and Dynasty Warriors, I swear.
Now all I have to do is find a store that actually has this!!!
Great OT btw
edit: nooooo! No store has it((((((((((((((((
Guess I will have to get it through amazon or something.
edit2: omg, the EU version will release in february((((((((((((((((((
there's a physical version, not sure how many retailers will stock it though. GS should have it, at least.This game digital only?
Got paid today, probably gonna get this and yakuza 5
there's a physical version, not sure how many retailers will stock it though. GS should have it, at least.
Haha, WTF is wrong with the bike in this game? It just glides around, uncontrollably, like it's on ice.
what I did in this one (and 2017) was farm an early stage on Hardest then play the rest of the game on Hard until I hit a wall and had to go farm Hardest on some other stage. Level 2 is really short and has a decent amount of bugs to shoot.
might jump back in tonight, it's so hard to balance this and Xenoblade since either game just grabs me and does not let go until I go to bed.
What's the difference between this and the vita game?
I disliked 2025, but LOVED 2017.
Wondering if this can change my mind.
I cant remember if it has the obsessive weapon collecting of 2017
I think you need someone in the other seat to balance it???
Time to become an American chief! GUNS AND BUGS FOR ALL!
Is the Vita one worth playing then?Reviews are totally irrelevant with this series. It does what it says on the box and it delivers every time. There is no sense in holding it up to whatever arbitrary AAA standards.
4/2025 is sort of a remake of EDF2, like 3/2017 is sort of a remake of EDF1. Different graphical styles and different spins on things, but similar play styles and concepts. 4 has more character classes and new enemies/weapon types/stages/etc.
Is the Vita one worth playing then?
damn, this looks awesome...if i adored 2017 and liked bits of IA, how will this rate for me?
Well, I wouldn't mind getting the US version since PS4 is region free (right?)...what is the dlc situation?
damn, this looks awesome...if i adored 2017 and liked bits of IA, how will this rate for me?
So far they just have a few weapons for DLC though I am pretty sure that will change. Kinda bothers me they are changing for a few weapons instead of just including them in the game even if they are just a buck.
Are there any penalties for blowing buildings up? Some of the more destructive weapons like my 3-way grenade launcher pretty much guarantee shitloads of collateral damage which looks great, but I wanted to check it isn't going to screw me over.
Are there any penalties for blowing buildings up? Some of the more destructive weapons like my 3-way grenade launcher pretty much guarantee shitloads of collateral damage which looks great, but I wanted to check it isn't going to screw me over.
Are there any penalties for blowing buildings up? Some of the more destructive weapons like my 3-way grenade launcher pretty much guarantee shitloads of collateral damage which looks great, but I wanted to check it isn't going to screw me over.
Well, I wouldn't mind getting the US version since PS4 is region free (right?)...what is the dlc situation?
Anyone know what's going on in online co-op when you try to revive someone and you can't? You stand over them, but there's no button prompt to get them up.
Is it a bug/lag error or is it some gameplay thing I'm not understanding yet?
One more question - anyone checked splitscreen multiplayer to see if both signed in users get a weapon pickup when one player picks one up? I think on PS3 it didn't do that - only the player picking it up gets a weapon.
Right. That makes sense - I felt it was deliberate, but couldn't quite suss it out. Thank you!You probably don't have enough health. Reviving someone takes half of your health and gives it to the fallen teammate.