I'm done Patreon-ing. paying any amount of money is not worth getting a podcast 2 days early

EZA simply does not provide nearly enough content for me to justify giving them comparable monhtly payments to a netflix or a hulu. like... everything's posted on youtube anyway.
If you were patreon-ing to get stuff early I totally understand wanting to bow out.
But if you gave your money to continue to see the guys make the content we love, then realize that without patreon, these guys won't be able to continue.
Thanks for your contribution up to this point. You not only allowed these guys to eat, but you provided us with entertainment.
Unfortunately, we won't get anything new (outside of the one offs) if people pull their patreon support before we reach the next stretch goal.
So I haven't been following developments much regarding EA since I signed up for the Paetron. I mainly signed up for the reviews and retrospectives. The reviews have been ok but are usually at least a week after launch which kinda stinks. Any word on when the retrospectives are coming? Are they all going to take over 6 months to make?
Considering I couldn't care less about the podcasts and twitch streams and anything else they are producing right now I am considering pull my money based on the output. I hope it gets better.
Thanks for supporting up til now, but...
If there is one show you need to give a chance, it's Tabletop Escapades!!
I know what your thinking, and I know it takes several minutes for it to officially start, but the roles these guys play, the world Ben sets up and the drama, comedy, action, and unpredictability that is on display every week is unlike anything you've experienced.