All the Brad songs were soooooooooo good. I was smiling the whole time. Much needed since it's been a rough wk.
Now I gotta get my Ian on...
Ben, please change your video series title. It reeks orientalism and that's not not coo. You went to Japan. Japan doesn't represent the East. The East aka the oriental, coined by racist white assholes who think they're the center of the universe.
This is not being PC, this is asking you to be aware and be respectful.
In case you don't see this, I'll post it in the youtube comments as well since ya'll usually read it there.
So everyone's coo w/ the name, "Tales from the East"? Got it.
Also, does anyone have any idea what he spit out?
So everyone's coo w/ the name, "Tales from the East"? Got it.
Come on of all the things to get worked up about.So everyone's coo w/ the name, "Tales from the East"? Got it.
So everyone's coo w/ the name, "Tales from the East"? Got it.
All the Brad songs were soooooooooo good. I was smiling the whole time. Much needed since it's been a rough wk.
Now I gotta get my Ian on...
Ben, please change your video series title. It reeks orientalism and that's not not coo. You went to Japan. Japan doesn't represent the East. The East aka the oriental, coined by racist white assholes who think they're the center of the universe.
This is not being PC, this is asking you to be aware and be respectful.
In case you don't see this, I'll post it in the youtube comments as well since ya'll usually read it there.
So everyone's coo w/ the name, "Tales from the East"? Got it.
but Japan is part of the eastern world as has been defined, so it isn't exactly wrong.
I've never heard of racism being related to how the term came to be. I'd like to read more about it, if you have a credible source. I've always just assumed that the term came to be when Europeans traveled eastward and found new cultures that were unlike their own. As they traveled further and further, their definition of the east expanded, even though the cultures that were in the east were very different from each other. It wasn't so much that they thought they were at the center of the world, but rather than the countries and cultures were east from the cultures they were familiar with. We say that Europe is part of the west, after all, not the center.
As a Brazilian, i don't see anyone here or in any place offended that United States call themselves America. And Japan isn't even widely known as East.
Seems to me you are throwing gasoline in a non situation.
I can definitely see how "Tales From The East" could be an issue. The thought didn't cross my mind, not that ignorance is an excuse. I plan on naming future episodes "Tales From Japan". I'm sorry if the wording alienated anyone. The videos are meant to be a celebration of culture.
I think thats a smart decision Ben. After all the Japanese gaming culture is not onky very different from the US gaming culture but also extreme different from Koreab or Chinese or Taiwaneese gaming cultures, each of which could be identified as being the East.I can definitely see how "Tales From The East" could be an issue. The thought didn't cross my mind, not that ignorance is an excuse. I plan on naming future episodes "Tales From Japan". I'm sorry if the wording alienated anyone. The videos are meant to be a celebration of culture.
There is nothing racist or wrong with the name, the thing is that people get offended by everything now and the internet gives them a place to be loud and express their shitty complaints about the more irrelevant things ever.
Not only that, Ben will probably explain, even if very briefly, why he changed the name, and then you will likely see outrage in the comments.
But, whatever.
To be fair in this particular instances Tales from Japan offends no one while Tales from the East does. It's an easy decision.Yeah, I agree.
Imo there is something wrong with the internet when a minority of people can complain and let artists/developers/video creators change their work because of what some people think.
While I don't see a problem with the name, I am not saying the people who feel strongly about this can't speak their mind as it is not my place to tell other people what to say or think. The problem I have is that they do push their ideas on other people and they did let Ben change his mind about the title while almost nobody has a problem with it.
Again, I don't want to attack somebody as they are in their right to speak their mind and I don't think they wanted to push their ideas on everybody, but I think it would be better to just let it slide when you don't agree with something which is put on the internet instead of trying to change it.
Speaking your mind about it is of course ok (and I think it is a good thing to do, I am doing it as well), but trying to have something changed because you don't like it can come over as a selfish thing imo.
Btw, I tried my best to not attack or hurt somebody. If I did, I am really sorry, I can try to change it if you want (I am not joking here).
I think it is a very difficult balance to speak your mind without having people to disagree (for EZA as well) as it is impossible to please everybody. Sometimes you just don't agree with thing your read or hear and that's ok. Because of this, I think it is best to let creators just do what they do best without trying to change it to your preferences too much (but yeah, that's my 2 cents).
Also, Tales from Japan is fine for me as well, it is just that I don't think it is our place to change too much about the creative output EZA does.
And Ben, I loved the episode. I think you did very well for a first time editing and I didn't really had a lot of problems with the narration, but I am not a native English speaker either (like somebody else mentioned), so maybe that's why.
Happy birthday Hasney!
To be fair in this particular instances Tales from Japan offends no one while Tales from the East does. It's an easy decision.
Its like that discussion a few pages back about how homogenized the gaming history became and how it basically ignores European gaming history and instead follows the American gaming history as the one true history. Similarly you can't really talk about "eastern gaming cultutre" when the market in Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, China, Vietnam, Malaysia or the Philippines is completely different.
All the Brad songs were soooooooooo good. I was smiling the whole time. Much needed since it's been a rough wk.
Now I gotta get my Ian on...
Ben, please change your video series title. It reeks orientalism and that's not not coo. You went to Japan. Japan doesn't represent the East. The East aka the oriental, coined by racist white assholes who think they're the center of the universe.
This is not being PC, this is asking you to be aware and be respectful.
In case you don't see this, I'll post it in the youtube comments as well since ya'll usually read it there.
Good point US gaming history.Someone might be offended with the "American Gaming history" thing as well, since you know, America is not a country is a huge continent. You should be more specific there as well.
Good point US gaming history.
At the same time people in the USA refer to thrmselves sometimes as Americans, with the meaning of being from the USA. No one in Japan refers to thrmselves as an Easterner.
Good point US gaming history.
At the same time people in the USA refer to thrmselves sometimes as Americans, with the meaning of being from the USA. No one in Japan refers to thrmselves as an Easterner.
Hmm, one of the most influencial Hard/Heavy bands from the 80's is a Japanese band called Loudness, this is their most famost album:
While I get your point, I hope you're not trying to use this to convice us that the Japanese people (or any people in Asia) refer to themselves as Easteners. Or simply say that they come from "the East".
can i still say wrpg
While I get your point, I hope you're not trying to use this to convice us that the Japanese people (or any people in Asia) refer to themselves as Easteners. Or simply say that they come from "the East".
He didn't call it "Tales from the Orient" you dorks. If he did that, you might have a leg to stand on. He called it "Tales from the East."
Is anyone in here remotely Japanese?
It does indeed reek of Westernsplaining in but (im an expert)
He didn't call it "Tales from the Orient" you dorks. If he did that, you might have a leg to stand on. He called it "Tales from the East."
Is anyone in here remotely Japanese?
He didn't call it "Tales from the Orient" you dorks. If he did that, you might have a leg to stand on. He called it "Tales from the East."
Is anyone in here remotely Japanese?
no but (im an expert)
I mean, the original post was almost correct. Orientalism isn't a great thing to partake in, and the term "Orient" or "Oriental" is generally seen as outdated and as a pejorative. A few years ago, Obama actually struck both the terms "Oriental" and "Negro" from Federal law (which gives a clear comparison of "Oriental" to that familiar pejorative).That's not how these things work. People get offended behalf of others, without actual knowledge if something is indeed considered offensive. I mean, they might be right. Maybe it is offensive then I'm glad that I've learned something today. But I didn't find anything to support that claim while trying to search.
That's the thing, I'm sure the people complaining about the term being "racist" are white people from the US, but I'm sure like the poster above me said, they seem experts in japanese culture.
Real talk.I'm more offended at the vertical video than anything else.
Never let an opportunity go to waste to make a great, well-meaning guy like Ben feel potentially bad/awkward over an opinion presented as fact without evidence.
time to commit sudokuBen shot himself in the foot?
can i still say wrpg
Pseudo-intellectualism bollocks. This can easily be one of the worst communities around sometimes.
Nope. Better scratch out the E in your compass too because if you follow it and end up in Japan, you are now problematic.
The burden of proof is on the poster who made the claim. It's been clearly stated by most people who disagreed why we think it's ridiculous.There's nothing wrong with that poster talking about something he believes. I happen to agree with him. What's really more annoying is the backlash going all out and lambasting modern pc culture and whining about how everything is seen as offensive. If you disagree, explain why. This is a discussion forum after all.