30 tweets in 50 hours is definitely not too much. Especially for a special thing like this. And I don't think the Twitter thing would be for people like us, who frequent this thread and actively pay attention to what the Allies are doing. There are people who don't care enough to keep track of their schedule, but would hop in, if they saw that they are streaming something interesting.There's literally a "Support us at patreon.com/easyallies on the screen for the entire stream whenever they are playing and not in fullscreen picture of the group. And they played what, about 30 games? 30 tweets in 50 hours for one continuous stream seems bit much. But sure I guess they could have tweeted atleast once a day. I really don't understand why this twitter thing is so important. Can't you just open up the easy allies website tab next to twitter tab, or maybe Twitch? Twitter is worse in so many ways as I said in my earlier post. I really hope they don't start to stress with the Twitter stuff, it's unneeded and unnecessary extra workload and will annoy some people if done in excess.
You're right, it's not the Allies' error if someone doesn't know the schedule. However, it would benefit EZA if more people knew about their special stream and came to watch it.It's not EZA error if someone doesn't know the schedule, it's an user error. (unless for some reason they don't update the website ofc). They have given us tools and people refuse to use them, but ask for personal reminders on the website they are accustomed to use.
You'd be surprised by the amount of people who don't care about stream archives. Tons of people like to watch streams just because of the interactive element, and less because the streamer or game are interesting just by themselves.If you miss stream live, they upload it to Youtube. No harm done.
Sure I admit, maybe I'm out of touch with this then. It sounded a lot but I have no idea how others do it, so I'm not the best to comment on it. And I'm definitely out of touch with Twitch chat =D I'd wish that people came for the content and the crew, but if joining the chat makes people pledge and subscribe then I'm all for it! And ofcourse extra eyes gives more visibility to EZA in Twitch I assume. Though I don't know how many viewers they need to have for it to truly make an impact.30 tweets in 50 hours is definitely not too much. Especially for a special thing like this. And I don't think the Twitter thing would be for people like us, who frequent this thread and actively pay attention to what the Allies are doing. There are people who don't care enough to keep track of their schedule, but would hop in, if they saw that they are streaming something interesting.
You're right, it's not the Allies' error if someone doesn't know the schedule. However, it would benefit EZA if more people knew about their special stream and came to watch it.
You'd be surprised by the amount of people who don't care about stream archives. Tons of people like to watch streams just because of the interactive element, and less because the streamer or game are interesting just by themselves.
This is odd, I'm pretty sure it's mentioned in the end of podcast. So I guess they should really promote the website more. How about Facebook, are Allies active there? Isn't Facebook still much more widely used than Twitter? By anecdotal evidence it is. EZA Steam curator group would be nice addition too.I think you have to rely on twitter because a lot of people won't even know they have a website or just exclusively use twitter. Of course I'm not saying spam stuff but they could probably update it more often, especially when big events are happening.
But you need to folllow EZA already for the tweet to reach you? Unless as I said earlier we fans retweet them to our followers, just like Shuhei Yoshida does. Or am I missing something, since I'm out of touch with Twitter.Anyone who listens all the way through the podcasts and pays attention to the end notes is not someone who needs to be advertised to. Besides, that's not really what websites are for these days. The web site is basically a schedule for fans to check. Twitter is for advertising to people who didn't already have EZA on their minds.
There's literally a "Support us at patreon.com/easyallies" on the screen for the entire stream whenever they are playing and not in fullscreen picture of the group. And they played what, about 30 games? 30 tweets in 50 hours for one continuous stream seems bit much. But sure I guess they could have tweeted atleast once a day. I really don't understand why this twitter thing is so important. Can't you just open up the easy allies website tab next to twitter tab, or maybe Twitch? Twitter is worse in so many ways as I said in my earlier post. I really hope they don't start to stress with the Twitter stuff, it's unneeded and unnecessary extra workload and will annoy some people if done to excess. It's not EZA error if someone doesn't know the schedule, it's an user error. (unless for some reason they don't update the website ofc). They have given us tools and people refuse to use them, but ask for personal reminders on the website they are accustomed to use. This isn't really cool. Sorry to say it, but it comes off as bit self-centered. Reminders when the stream starts to people who already follow them won't make them grow financially. If you miss a stream live, they upload it to Youtube. No harm done.
Edit: Pfff, double post sorry. It's late, almost 4 am. I should sleep and soon wake up for work.
Anyone who listens all the way through the podcasts and pays attention to the end notes is not someone who needs to be advertised to. Besides, that's not really what websites are for these days. The web site is basically a schedule for fans to check. Twitter is for advertising to people who didn't already have EZA on their minds.
Facebook is still really big but not for this sort of thing. Facebook is a mom site (not really, but that's the perception).
Yeah, all right. Thanks for the extra clarification. I think I'm bit better schooled on Twitter now. Always enjoy reading your posts, you are willing to go an extra mile to be clear and thorough. And now that I get it, they should tweet about the website =D Also in my eyes the bigger factor for growth is their Youtube content. Twitch ain't just peanuts ofcourse, but I don't think simple tweeting will make it catch up even with their lower viewed shows. While ofcourse Youtube benefits Twitch and vice versa and even a little bit helps.Sure, there is the banner. Just bizarre to audibly not hear them say it/discuss it with hardly any frequency besides the last minute of the podcast/group stream (where probably only a fraction of their potential audience gets to it). Whatever, posting specifically about Patreon wasn't my main point, just that it's odd themselves and EZA in general don't post about new content/live streams habitually everywhere where people potentially can get that information.
30 Tweets in 50 hours I wouldn't say is overkill in the slightest. 30 of the same tweet might be, but 30 describing something new for a specific extremely rare event isn't at all.
You guys are definitely right and I agree the website is fantastic resource. But I'd be absolutely flabbergasted to find out if the website has substantial traffic going to it. Especially compared to Twitter where they all have multiple thousands of followers on a website that for much of the population is constantly checked. This is one of those "why not both" kind of things. It literally takes seconds to post on twitter and its blasted out to 20k followers at a minimum. Knowing my frantic schedule, checking the website and seeing there's a stream multiple hours away is exponentially less valuable than seeing, "hey, I'm live right now at (clickable link) Twitch/Easyallies playing Superman 64." Like I said, this isn't me arguing Twitter is better than the website, just that anywhere possible your audience might be should be a place to post pertinent information because everyone has their own way of doing things.
You can call it user error on my part, which sure I guess it is, but it ultimately is a bad thing for them if less people tune in due to their "personal errors." Also, I don't have Twitter open to specifically monitor whatever EZA is specifically up to. Like probably everyone else, I follow a diverse array of things, they are just a nugget in the beautiful terrible hellscape that is Twitter.
Also, less people tuning into the live stream means less promotion on Twitch, which potentially means less subscribers, which potentially means less people knowing about Patreon/Youtube, which potentially makes people miss out on special events/news or whatever they want to get out there. That's obviously overly dramatic, but less people is not a good thing in any way for them.
I know this isn't scientific in the least, but once again none of them posted about the group stream going on right now and they have sub 550 viewers coming off a weekend long event where they routinely had more than double that.
(Shit, as I was typing this out they just posted they were live. Better late than never posting a link 40 mins late, but they're now around 620.)
Obviously, if you're posting in this thread that really isn't an issue for the vast majority of us. But you gotta remember we are an extremely small fraction of their audience and there's the potential for so many more to be exposed to the greatness that is Don Casanova.
They already do this. For example, on Ben's most stream (Ben's Dojo) he tweeted about it before the start. He even tweeted about the event AFTER it was over thanking people for their participation. Maybe I guess he can tweet about it every minute for 10 minutes leading up to it, but I don't know - - I guess he doesn't want to spam his own twitter account. Seems reasonable to me.
I think this is yet another instance that happens far too frequently in this thread where a problem is created that doesn't really exist. The last of which was the all ongoing stuff with the Devolver Digital E3 conference.
But you need to folllow EZA already for the tweet to reach you? Unless as I said earlier we fans retweet them to our followers, just like Shuhei Yoshida does. Or am I missing something, since I'm out of touch with Twitter.
They already do this. For example, on Ben's most recent stream (Ben's Dojo) he tweeted about it before the start. He even tweeted about the event AFTER it was over thanking people for their participation. Maybe I guess he can tweet about it every minute for 10 minutes leading up to it, but I don't know - - I guess he doesn't want to spam his own twitter account. Seems reasonable to me.
I think this is an instance in where a problem is being created that doesn't really exist.
Yeah, all right. Thanks for the extra clarification. I think I'm bit better schooled on Twitter now. Always enjoy reading your posts, you are willing to go an extra mile to be clear and thorough. And now that I get it, they should tweet about the website =D Also in my eyes the bigger factor for growth is their Youtube content. Twitch ain't just peanuts ofcourse, but I don't think simple tweeting will make it catch up even with their lower viewed shows. While ofcourse Youtube benefits Twitch and vice versa and even a little bit helps.
This has been a complaint since EZA startedI'm not sure if anyone else agrees with this but i'd really like to see them do more 3-5 people streams, the weekly group stream is fun but they drown each other out, it's often just a mess of noise. Ian has an iron grip on that front couch and he tends to talk over everyone, same goes for Jones at times. I enjoyed their stream dynamic a lot more back in the GT days when they had smaller groups.
Just some more unsolicited Easy Allies advice:
-Update the goals/Patreon.
Community comments for May were recently posted so they are a few months behind and I honestly don't think it's worth it all to continue it in the current way. Both April/May were 36 minute long heavily edited videos with Jones reading basically essay after essay. Both videos have less than 4k views. I know it's not about the views and yada, yada, yada...but as someone who could contribute to that tier, I've been skipping it every month. I like the idea of the community being involved in some way, but this just seems like a woeful use of their precious time.
It irks me that Nintendo showed off Samus Returns with Kinda funny yesterday, especially when a few hours later they then said that they have little interest in the game and won't be buying.
Seems like Damiani and Blood (Ben too) would have been much better fit and much more engaging to show the game off with than fake interest Greg.
EZA needs to grease more palms and make more back alley shady deals.
The only reason things aren't tweeted out more consistently is just that we're stupid humans. There's a bunch of stuff to get in order before a stream starts, and tweeting is just one of those things that can be easily forgotten in the chaos. Like tonight when I was updating Brandon's Xbox and getting the game downloaded as we went live. I did want to tweet out more during the weekend too, but it just ended up slipping my mind after the first night.
Otherwise, it's kind of funny to me that Twitter keeps coming up as an issue when we generally tweet things out most of the time. Maybe there are a few of us that aren't as good about it as others, but the Podcast, Frame Trap, Easy Update, Huber Syndrome, and Reviews all get posts without fail, and most of the streams do too.
It's also very much appreciated that there are tweets about the various shows. Unfortunately, they are way less time sensitive than the live streams. Participating and reading chat is half the fun of the live streams and the archives on Easy Allies Plays (Very much appreciated!) lack Twitch chat and all of the stupid charm that goes along with experiencing something live with the group. The not live shows will always be waiting for me on Youtube, while the Twitch streams you kind of have to be there to get that extra "sense" that participating or following chat gives you.
I think this is an instance in where a problem is being created that doesn't really exist.
I like this one best from the ones mentioned so far. That "cum" thing is too blue. Also the classic 'Easy Allies |OT3| Uneasy Alliance' would work for me!Easy Allies |OT3| "That sounds like the Gametrailers guy!"
Just some more unsolicited Easy Allies advice:
I like this one best from the ones mentioned so far. That "cum" thing is too blue. Also the classic 'Easy Allies |OT3| Uneasy Alliance' would work for me!
BBT spoilers blow my stickers.I was pretty tickled by the |OT3| **NO BBT SPOILERS** suggestion a couple pages back too.
Easy Allies |OT3| "That sounds like the Gametrailers guy!"
Easy Allies |OT3| "That sounds like the Gametrailers guy!"
Easy Allies |OT3| "That sounds like the Gametrailers guy!"
Some of the comments on the latest FT make me feel sad![]()
Some of the comments on the latest FT make me feel sad![]()
Easy Allies |OT3| Chims, Choofs, & Sifo-Dyas
Mid-way through Frame Trap and god, I wish Huber would talk about video games like the way he talks about Valerian. I love his passion, obviously but I feel like he's so hyperbolic about video games sometimes that it loses a little impact but everything he said about Valerian (despite not even liking some aspects) was really thoughtful.
The top comment about not letting Ian on Frame Trap has another comment lower down saying "Great, now my favourite EZA show now has Paterson shit rammed down it."
So, he's clearly ignorant through and through.
The top comment about not letting Ian on Frame Trap has another comment lower down saying "Great, now my favourite EZA show now has Paterson shit rammed down it."
If it gets worse (and it's already pretty bad), I'd be turning off the comments, à la John Bain (TotalBiscuit). Direct people to the forum, which is better moderated - and in truth is in dire need of a decent justification for its existence.
I've actually heard of people getting mods for YouTube comments, but not sure how that works or if it's something that would interest them.
I love Ian and I will fight these haters with my fists if possible.
I love Ian and I will fight these haters with my fists if possible.