i agree with you. 9 times out of 10 discussing anything on the internet is a fruitless experience. people dont change their opinion so why even bother engaging? it normally just ends up in an argument since you cant tell someone that their subjective thing is right or wrong. its incredibly hard to prove/disprove sentiment. and i think its why, more and more, the internet is separating itself into little echo chambers where you are only exposed to people you agree with [looks at /r/the_donald].
so then you have to ask, why even put an opinion out there if its not to be discussed/deconstructed? does that make a review a one way conversation, the ultimate internet opinion that will never change? are they just to be consumed and not engaged with?
Maybe not quite what I was speaking to(I was thinking more on why the score comparison to other games don't really work nor does the break game down by aspects and comparing them to "reverse engineer" scores to seek a mistake in the "score engineering").
But my comment on this, I think the issue is about approach. People that go into a discussion with the aim to reach a conclusion/consensus rarely ever leave happy in my experience. It's often more enjoyable/enlightening when discussions become more about broadening perspective agreeable and disagreeable ones(although I admit some perspectives, referring largely to non game related ones, are hard to compartmentalize).
That's also the difference I was referring to, trying to find justification for a score seems to me more often than not motivated by reaching a conclusion, whereas trying to make perspectives understandable seems to me more about broadening one's view.
It gets muddy when you're kind of forced into the conclusion thing(like with politics, they're conclusion motivated by necessity). I don't think that approach is all that great for games.
I much prefer the allies to have different opinions on games since it's more valuable to our audience.
Hehe me too, looking forward to Frame Trap

Also gotta appreciate games that can bring forth many different perspectives and that's not to take away from games that garner somewhat universal praise/respect or dislike. Games like FFXV make the gaming Landscape more varied even if I personally might not enjoy the game which is always a good thing in my book.