What happened to GameTrailers?
They need more advertisting money. lol
What happened to GameTrailers?
They should really make Youtube ads that in the first 5 seconds has:They need more advertisting money. lol
cool seeing all the new eza subs cause of twitch prime
Used my sub on them too![]()
Mine too, hope they notice a nice bump
On the Love and Respect section of the podcast, they were talking about if EA brought back Theme Park for VR. Well, this isn't EA, and it's certainly not Theme Park, but there is an amusement park builder coming to PS4/PSVR: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2016...dreams-launches-october-13-on-playstation-vr/
More than one, actually. The Gary's Mod devs have something in early access for VIVE which features coaster building and riding.
Very cool, maybe they should make a video though?
Kinda funny got one right out the gate
10:45 dbloodworth2:man I feel weird when you guys copy/paste from here, don't know whySome small info regarding Dear Bosman from Blood on Twitch chat...
Moderator dbloodworth2 : he got a break basically
Moderator dbloodworth2 : his job is behind the scenes, but he got a chance to do a test shoot
Moderator dbloodworth2 : made the cut for ep 1
dbloodworth2 : likewise, I don't expect it to be "Dear Bosman" every time, and I wouldn't expect him to have a segment each week
He probably can not lie.edit:
oh.... oh.... oh my, jones C:
Keep in mind they are still a gaming channel. You are going to get shitty "gamerrr" idiots who troll and say stupid shit anonymously
Hehe nice! I did the same thing. I always wanted to play the Yakuza games, but Huber's description of Yakuza 0 at E3 and his and Ben's joy and hype over it made me dive in.
I recently beat 1 and I'm 3/4 of the way through 2, then I've got 3, 4 and 5 on my PS3 to play!
Absolutely loving it so far, Kazuma is a legend.
EDIT: Haha, just saw Sega America commented on that Easy Allies video of Yakuza 0.
2. I'm pretty disappointed by EZA's take on Palmer Luckey's fuckery. Brushing it off on the EZA Podcast as if the Frame Trap discussion, where they mostly talked around it and got the details wrong, was enough was pretty lame. It paled in comparison to Giant Bomb's take on it.
It doesn't seem to me like GB said anything that peculiar about it either, not that they should've, because there's little to say beyond "fuck that guy"
at least tackling the discussion from a more general POV, broadens the scope of the debate.
Every time one of these big story breaks, you want to hear everyone's opinion on it, but what you end up with, is just the same thing said 40 different times, because there's little else to say, and because it's a subject you have to walk on very carefully.
I can't even imagine how long it's going to take you to do all that, though I assume you're not going for the 3-5 platinums, so it'll be a hell of a lot easier and less time consuming than it was for me.
EZA didn't just tackle it from a more general POV though, the story specifically came up and all they did is talk around it, fail to point out his ties to the alt-right/white supremacists and give him the benefit of the doubt, even though there's a mountainload of evidence pointing to the kind of person he is.
It may be repetitive to hear GB and 39 other sites calling Luckey out for being a horrible human being but at least I know exactly where they stand. Whereas with EZA, it's obvious where Ian stands but the group as whole? Shrug. And that's disappointing to me. Not enough to get me to stop watching or anything but still disappointing.
If they had anyone monitoring their chat during the show and care at all about the individual segment views, they'll make space for Dear Bosman weekly. Assuming Kyle's up for it, of course.
Speaking of views and all, I'm stuck wondering why the video of the stream isn't on the YT guest hosts' channels along with gameslice, considering those channels routinely grab ten times as many views for videos as what LWYTG is getting on gameslice right now. I know there's a lot of business stuff that goes on behind the scenes with big channels that they like to pretend doesn't exist, but it still seems super wishy-washy for YT to pass on what seems like the lowest cost/highest payoff way to get eyes on their fledgling show.
I need some insight on Bosman v. Wozniak lore: who is Chat's Sweeney and why is he responsible for good luck with Tetris' RNG?
Can't believe he just copy and pasted Final Bosman for Keighley, even the mug and Pokemon card.
Feels bad.
Bosmans new (old)show for YouTube if you missed it live
Holy shit that 50 cent quote
Could also be a direct answer to some of the reactions in this thread lol
Finally 400k broken and a very heartfelt moment at the end of the stream. Best BvS week so far, shame I've slept in and didn't catch it live.
Love you Bosman, keep up the good work!
Yes to the BvW. That was sweet. As sweet as his last minute speech, EZA community is strong, at least for now it seems to give the Yoiutube live thing more than the opposite.400k run!!
BvS wishes it had a good week ;p
Yeah. I wouldn't be surprised if they Fonzied up Bosman's on screen roles.Yes to the BvW. That was sweet. As sweet as his last minute speech, EZA community is strong, at least for now it seems to give the Yoiutube live thing more than the opposite.400k run!!
The song was great, too bad about the gameKyle managed to beat 400k while listening to Diddy Kong Racing, the GOAT.
Where do they stand on white supremacy?
Where do they stand on Holocaust denial would be as rhetoric of a question i think.
WTF are you talking about? The issue is Palmer Luckey and whether they call him out as a white supremacist and gross human being, not white supremacy in general. I have no idea how you came up with that.
Can't be all jolly times, all the time. ;Pthis is why they don't talk about this stuff on twitter
Edit: Just to be super clear, so we don't drag this for 2 other pages, I think we can agree what Luckey did, is in no gray area.
He supported a horrid hate group, associating himself with shitty people (that Milo guy etc).
This is something that I'd consider self evident.
Now there were two ways to tackle the news, going at it directly and repeat the obvious ("oh man, what an asshole" etc etc) or, what they sort of did, take it to a more general direction of "how do you deal with buying products from shitty people?", Which can lead to less obvious and more interesting discussion, which is the reason why you'd even want to watch people debate on video, I assume.
I agree that not having all the facts straight was annoying though.
(Edited to be more clear and less aggressive)
Can't be all jolly times, all the time. ;P