whoaw ... can you actually do that currently in the game while using VR or was this just a later build?
I'm seriously considering getting the Vive when it comes out, do you think you could still use a keyboard if you have a good perception where all the keys are (i prefer to play with a keyboard)?
These Crime Sweeps are too real for me. I keep dying!
These Crime Sweeps are too real for me. I keep dying!
I want to believe, but it seems like they're transferring the tedium of the current space game to a planetary backdrop. Also landing on planets won't affect exploration data in the initial 2.0 release which is odd considering how utterly neglected that part of the game is.
That said it really looks like they've put as much effort into SRV handling as ship handling.
As long as you are aligned with an Imperial faction, you will be neutral to all other imperial factions. So he's, you'll be safe there.Thanks for the info. So since the Apam Napat is not an ALD system, I will be treated as hostile in that system? Or will I just be pestered by non-ALD aligned ships with interdictions? It is Empire controlled but I'm pretty sure it's a different power.
There will be a somewhat repetitive nature to Horizons, that's a given. However having planetary surfaces to land on, there's a lot more procedurally generated possibilities. In space you just have...space, and planets, and stations, etc. These things are there or they aren't. Everything else is mostly events involving other ships being at a specific location.
Planets have more possibilities since actual land can be much different than just empty space. We've seen the canyons, mountains, things like that. We know caves will come eventually, and we'll have base raiding when Horizons comes out. That should add a whole new layer to the game.
The SRV handling looked amazing today though, I am really excited for that. They didn't show it today, but I'm curious how SRV combat will work. You don't have as much space to manuever whichever way you want on the ground, so will non-turreted weapons still be locked forward like for ships? I'm sure gimballed and fixed will still be available for SRVs, but I do have to wonder if gimballed weapons will have a wider field of view. Also fixed might run into some issues since turning SRVs will be a lot slower than ships. Maybe fixed will be replaced to aim wherever you headlook or something like that?
Haly you have the best stories already.Got jumped in Af Leporis WELP.
Crafting might be wild card here, maybe planets will have exclusive resources to make those new goodies.
"Greeting commanders, servers will be going down in 30 minutes for maintenance."
Servers go down 5 minutes later.
did you get a chance to turn in your merits????
Haven't played since before this factions stuff went live. Never should have "upgraded" to that fat boring Python. Hoping to hop back with the expansion though.
Driving the SRV looks even more fun than flying the ships. I didn't think this was possible, since they really nailed the flight model imo.
Hi everyone,
Fantasticon is taking place this weekend and I will be there on the Saturday, so if you’re there feel free to say ‘Hello’!
The exploration issues from the 1.4 release should have now be fixed, however if you still have missing data then raise a support ticket (https://support.frontier.co.uk/kb/) which as much information as you can provide and we’ll look into it further. As I type this we’re reviewing some of the tickets already raised to determine what’s going on.
We’ve talked about some of the key features coming in the forthcoming Horizons Planetary Landings release and this week I’d like to take a little step back to look at the flow of some of those changes. The most obvious addition is the ability to fly down and drive on the surfaces of airless worlds. This obviously requires some changes to how space flight is handled.
In the game currently supercruise ends with a hard wall when you get too close to a planet. If you have Horizons then your ships will automatically be assigned a module that enables the ship to operate at orbital heights down to the surface in what we’re calling Orbital Cruise. With this module you will transition into orbital flight when you reach the appropriate altitude.
The ship handles a little differently in orbital flight. They key difference is that if you fly within orbital parameters (essentially perpendicular to the surface) you will travel faster and provides a mechanism for moving quickly around the planet. This is also highlighted in the UI by showing the sweet spot on your pitch control. Below orbital cruise you enter into surface flight and the controls change again to reflect the flight model operating within gravity and your thrusters compensating for you flight close to the surface.
As well as handling differences (and high gravity worlds feel different to fly on compared to low gravity worlds) the flight UI has been updated to provide the pertinent information you need when flying near the surface like altitude, pitch and so forth. We’ll show more on this in the coming weeks, but for this week I just wanted to establish the different zones that you can be in and how that affects you while playing.
This is especially pertinent in multiplayer and wings, as you can now be operating across very different environments, but you will have a need to support each other between these environments. It’s also key that transitioning between these is a seamless experience.
One of our favourite examples of mixing these is ‘combined arms’ operations. When operating near a planet the ships have different advantages and disadvantages to the SRVs and combining them together can make operations more effective. We’ll be talking about settlements next week, so we’ll see a little more detail on that then, but in essence different types of base defences can be more effective against ships or against SRVs, so combining the forces in an attack can make it much more likely to succeed.
Naturally you can use the same tactics in single player by landing and deploying the SRV as needed. If you drive too far away then you can call your ship to your location, although you do need to make sure that there’s a suitable landing location (so not too rocky for example) and no anti-ship defences nearby!
This week we have released client updates for Xbox One and PC/Mac. There does still appear to be an issue with some mining transactions which we are investigating.
With the rapid churn of new features and changes since release we haven’t been able to keep localised languages as up to date as we’d like. For 1.5 and the Horizons planetary landing release we’re aiming to get completely caught up with missing translations and start working with the feedback that we’ve received to improve the translations in game.
It’s great fun playing these new additions and we look forward to sharing them with you soon
Oh man I wanna see a landing, with full travel.
Not directly related to ED, but as that's another Frontier team, maybe they'll be able to reuse the crowd tech from Planet Coaster when they get around to implement things with NPCs in Elite:
Planet Coaster crowds
Very cool--I'd have to think this kind of tech would be used by FD to create the entirely populated/civilized worlds that they want. That + their LOD tech, of course.
This is what it feels like learning how to dock for the first time.
Since my HOTAS broke I tried with a XBO pad and it works pretty well, although I need to find a setting that let's me roll and yaw individually and still have the h&v thrusters.
X52. First the resting switch/button on the joystick broke and then it got more and more wobbly. I tried fixing it with the CD trick but it just feels off. That's what you get if you want to save money![]()
Driving on lifeless planets gets a lot more dramatic, when you're under fire and ships pass over you. NEW SNEEK PEAK!
What's the performance on Xbox one like?
That looks a lot like Interstate76.I think this warrants a double post. ;-)
Driving on lifeless planets gets a lot more dramatic, when you're under fire and ships pass over you. NEW SNEEK PEAK!
Heh, tell me about it. Although spending 175€ on a X52 Pro in my case is not what I consider saving money. It worked perfectly but in the end, the sum of minor design and software issues made me sell it again. Seriously, why the heck does Saitek put switches on the stick's base - and they're doing it again on their Star Citizen HOTAS prototype. Unfortunately, the next better options - Thrustmaster Warthog and CH products HOTAS -are far less gentle on the pocket, being both in the 300€ range here. Which is not the final price, as you need a set of pedals to even get the same range of useful analogue axis. Still waitig for my MfG crosswinds...
On another note: anybody else considering picking up Planet Cosster? I've never had the Rollercoaster games myself, but remember good times playing one at a friend's back in the day...
Driving on lifeless planets gets a lot more dramatic, when you're under fire and ships pass over you. NEW SNEEK PEAK!
I think this warrants a double post. ;-)
Driving on lifeless planets gets a lot more dramatic, when you're under fire and ships pass over you. NEW SNEEK PEAK!
On Wednesday's livestream we showed off the handling and controls of the SRV, teasing what's to come as part of Elite Dangerous: Horizons. Earlier today, David Braben leaked another sneak peek at SRV gameplay, with this action-packed sequence showing the beginnings of a base approach.
We've got so much more to show you, so we're continuing the Elite Dangerous: Horizons series of livestreams with "Exploring the Unknown".
Tune in to our official YouTube channel at 7PM GMT on Tuesday October 27, to watch Edward Lewis, Michael Brookes and other guests give you a further look at a live build of Elite Dangerous: Horizons, showing combat on the planet surfaces for the first time.!
For $15 it better be made of fucking gold.
For the past few months, a development group founded by the Explorer's Association has been working on plans to build a starport in the Pleiades Nebula. Now, it appears the plans are about to become reality. A spokesperson from the Explorer's Association made the following statement:
"A starport in the Pleiades Nebula would be of tremendous value to pilots, serving as a reliable resupply point and sanctuary in the depths of space. But breaking into deep space is always costly, not to mention potentially dangerous. Fortunately we have received generous support from the Brewer Corporation, Pacap Limited and Universal Cartographics, and are now in a position to begin construction. The first phase of the project involves collecting the necessary materials to create the starport superstructure, and to this end we are willing to offer generous premiums to pilots delivering metals to Neville Horizons, our base of operations. I encourage all those with an interest in exploration to join this exciting project, and contribute to the next phase of humankind's expansion."
One of the pilots involved in the programme was quoted as saying:
"Hopefully, getting a station farther out into uninhabited space will be the first step towards human expansion out into the wider reaches of the galaxy."
Pilots who wish to contribute to the campaign should deliver metals to Neville Horizons in the Kaushpoos system.
Oooohhh, there is a new trading / mining CG to build a new station down in the Pleiades Nebula! That was the first nebula I explored in Elite.
I think I'll do some mining this weekend and sell all of my ores to Neville Station for this!