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Elon Musk: “Make Games Great Again”. Fed up with woke politics and DEI destroying the industry, Elon confirmed that xAI is set to launch a game studio


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Curious if a well known game producer said this what the response would be.
The whole AI art thing is kind of frightening because I'm reflexively against it, and yet it's undeniable that AI can create art and will probably end up doing it better than humans. Not quite sure what to make of that.


I have more faith in these 9 programmers using AI to create a game, than MoDeRn game studios with 130+ employees.
I'm sure of those 130, there are like 10-20 calling the shots and forcing to shove "the message" inside the game despite whatever thoughts the rest of that group have on it and since these types are all about being commie hivemind, even if the rest would voice their disagreement, they would get labeled something bad, cancelled and fired, so in reality, it's not the fault of the whole team
Easy to do when you’re in charge of ensuring the contracts that feed you that revenue don’t get cut from the federal budget, to the tune of 35% of SpaceX’s intake.
Sure - SpaceX started achieving all its success in January when Trump came into office.
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Gaming is and always has been great. We need no toolbag like Elon to come and save anything, he only destroys, lies and cheats. Get the fuck out of gaming with your politics.

Anyone who needs this turd to come and save them is a beta they/them to begin with.
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I was gonna write out a whole thing, but I’m gonna keep it simple. Using AI to develop an “anti-woke” game is going to lead to exactly one thing: derivative boring slop. Musk fans will claim it’s amazing but we’ll all know it’s garbage.

Artistic weirdos may be annoying and pushed things to far into “woke” territory the past few years, but the honest truth is you need at least a few artistic weirdos in the mix to make anything interesting.


If only.

When he contributes he often fucks things worse. See the Cybertruck or Google his idea about "alien dreadnought"
Buddy you gonna have a really hard time convincing me that this very intelligent highly successfull multibillionaire who right now pretty much has the space by himself is someone dumb who fucks things over and its bad for business... but do try ...is always fascinating


The whole AI art thing is kind of frightening because I'm reflexively against it, and yet it's undeniable that AI can create art and will probably end up doing it better than humans. Not quite sure what to make of that.

I think many artists already use it to at least brainstorm and some are integrating it in their workflows, but you wouldn’t really know because it’s still stigmatized, so they keep it quiet. There’s some games coming out where I saw the trailer and to my eyes I feel like it was definitely AI art influenced.

When more portions of game dev pipelines start to become AI assisted maybe then people will get over it at large, when they see how it can be used to make games better.


In this thread, it's so clear and sadly tragic that in 2025 we can’t have a normal discussion.

People hold on to their prejudices “no matter what” without really delving into the subject. It's pathetic and childish, and I hope that those here and elsewhere who react so impulsively will take a good look at themselves and be honest with themselves.

It’s absurd that the very person who exposes all the corruption and all the wasted tax money in order to give it back to the people is treated this way—purely by poorly informed people who get their news from the mainstream media, form their opinions based on that, and never deviate from it.

"Elon Musk is dumb," "Elon Musk is stupid"—how do you even get that out of your mouth? He does with rockets what no government in the world can. He runs a platform called X, Tesla, SpaceX, Neurolink. And then there's DOGE, which has the task of "GETTING YOUR TAX MONEY BACK SO THAT YOUR PAYCHECK LOOKS BETTER AT THE END OF THE MONTH BECAUSE NO MORE IDIOTIC TAXES ARE DEDUCTED THAT GO STRAIGHT INTO THE POCKETS OF RICH ACTIVISTS WHO HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE COUNTRY."

But above all, it's about denying and sticking to the narrative so you can complain. No matter who, team blue, eh? Even if they block the process to make the country and We The People richer and happier.

And Elon lied about his gaming skills. OMG! Elon Musk is human and makes mistakes! How many of you have made mistakes in your life? I guess all of you. Including myself. MANY. And yes, I lied in my life a couple of times.

This post isn’t really meant to be about politics but rather about short-sighted people. My God, take a good look at yourself. Be honest with yourself, use your common sense, and then reach a conclusion based on solid arguments. You’ll feel much better than if you continue being angry all the time.

Those who follow Elon Musk will laugh at the idea that he is going to steal money from the citizens. He doesn’t care much about money, but they probably overlooked that fact because their opinions are based on one-minute news flashes with no context. Honestly, I'm not mad; I'm sad.

Oh yes, and then there’s the Nazi salute. Sure, Elon Musk decided to come off as if he were a real Nazi. Come on—think straight. You WANT him to be a Nazi, but that doesn’t correspond with his actions. This man has saved many lives and has been instrumental during several disasters both at home and abroad because governments failed to provide proper help.

Everyone knows that Musk is not a "Nazi." By the way, what does that term even mean anymore?

And what about the so-called "laughable DOGE team" composed of very young and very smart people doing their work? Or do you prefer to assign those old political farts to that position? Are young people inherently bad? You get trolled so hard, and you don’t even notice—big balls.

Grow up! Learn to have a conversation with people who disagree with you on certain matters.

But hey, who am I, right? I'm probably someone who will now get banned here or whose post will be deleted because it might sound political. But my aim is, like the forum’s, to silence the baseless ranting—because a normal, human discussion about these topics is IMPOSSIBLE with most people and I sincerely hope that some people rethink about their "opinions". Even if it is just 1 person I am a happy man and worth to be banned for.
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Wait, didn't he already announce he's going to make non-woke games last year? Did he forget it in one of his ketamine trips?


Can you imagine the meltdown on Reddit and RE if Elons game ends up being not only very good but also breaking sales records?! Even better if he only charges $59.99 lol!
Meh... this is the only game that I know developed with AI

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In this thread, it's so clear and sadly tragic that in 2025 we can’t have a normal discussion.

People hold on to their prejudices “no matter what” without really delving into the subject. It's pathetic and childish, and I hope that those here and elsewhere who react so impulsively will take a good look at themselves and be honest with themselves.

It’s absurd that the very person who exposes all the corruption and all the wasted tax money in order to give it back to the people is treated this way—purely by poorly informed people who get their news from the mainstream media, form their opinions based on that, and never deviate from it.

"Elon Musk is dumb," "Elon Musk is stupid"—how do you even get that out of your mouth? He does with rockets what no government in the world can. He runs a platform called X, Tesla, SpaceX, etc. And then there's DOGE, which has the task of "GETTING YOUR TAX MONEY BACK SO THAT YOUR PAYCHECK LOOKS BETTER AT THE END OF THE MONTH BECAUSE NO MORE IDIOTIC TAXES ARE DEDUCTED THAT GO STRAIGHT INTO THE POCKETS OF RICH ACTIVISTS WHO HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE COUNTRY."

But above all, it's about denying and sticking to the narrative so you can complain. No matter who, team blue, eh? Even if they block the process to make the country and We The People richer and happier.

And Elon lied about his gaming skills. OMG! Elon Musk is human and makes mistakes! How many of you have made mistakes in your life? I guess all of you. Including myself. MANY. And yes, I lied in my life a couple of times.

This isn’t meant to make it political, but my god, take a good look at yourself, be honest with yourself, use your common sense, and then come to a conclusion with arguments.

Those who follow Elon Musk will laugh hard at the idea that Elon “is going to steal money from the citizens.” He does not care that much about money. But most probably missed that because their opinions comes from 1 minute news flashes without any context. Really, I´m not mad, I´m sad.

Oh yes, and then there’s the Nazi salute. Sure, Elon Musk decided to come out as if he were a real Nazi. Come on. Think straight. You WANT him to be a Nazi. But that doesn’t really correspond with his actions. This man has saved many lives and has been important during several disasters both at home and abroad because governments failed to provide the proper help.

Everyone knows that Musk is not a "Nazi." By the way, what does that term even mean anymore?

And the so called "laughable DOGE team with very young and very smart people doing their work. Or do you want to put those old politic farts in that position? Are young people by definition bad?
You get all trolled so hard and you don´t see it- BigBalls

Grow up! And learn to have a conversation with people who disagree with you on certain things.

But hey, who am I, right? Probably a person who will now get banned here or my post will be deleted because it might sound political. But my aim is, like the forum, to all shut up because a normal human discussion about this stuff is IMPOSSIBLE with most people.

Is that you, Musk..?


Gold Member
In this thread, it's so clear and sadly tragic that in 2025 we can’t have a normal discussion.

People hold on to their prejudices “no matter what” without really delving into the subject. It's pathetic and childish, and I hope that those here and elsewhere who react so impulsively will take a good look at themselves and be honest with themselves.

It’s absurd that the very person who exposes all the corruption and all the wasted tax money in order to give it back to the people is treated this way—purely by poorly informed people who get their news from the mainstream media, form their opinions based on that, and never deviate from it.

"Elon Musk is dumb," "Elon Musk is stupid"—how do you even get that out of your mouth? He does with rockets what no government in the world can. He runs a platform called X, Tesla, SpaceX, Neurolink. And then there's DOGE, which has the task of "GETTING YOUR TAX MONEY BACK SO THAT YOUR PAYCHECK LOOKS BETTER AT THE END OF THE MONTH BECAUSE NO MORE IDIOTIC TAXES ARE DEDUCTED THAT GO STRAIGHT INTO THE POCKETS OF RICH ACTIVISTS WHO HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE COUNTRY."

But above all, it's about denying and sticking to the narrative so you can complain. No matter who, team blue, eh? Even if they block the process to make the country and We The People richer and happier.

And Elon lied about his gaming skills. OMG! Elon Musk is human and makes mistakes! How many of you have made mistakes in your life? I guess all of you. Including myself. MANY. And yes, I lied in my life a couple of times.

This post isn’t really meant to be about politics but rather about short-sighted people. My God, take a good look at yourself. Be honest with yourself, use your common sense, and then reach a conclusion based on solid arguments. You’ll feel much better than if you continue being angry all the time.

Those who follow Elon Musk will laugh at the idea that he is going to steal money from the citizens. He doesn’t care much about money, but they probably overlooked that fact because their opinions are based on one-minute news flashes with no context. Honestly, I'm not mad; I'm sad.

Oh yes, and then there’s the Nazi salute. Sure, Elon Musk decided to come off as if he were a real Nazi. Come on—think straight. You WANT him to be a Nazi, but that doesn’t correspond with his actions. This man has saved many lives and has been instrumental during several disasters both at home and abroad because governments failed to provide proper help.

Everyone knows that Musk is not a "Nazi." By the way, what does that term even mean anymore?

And what about the so-called "laughable DOGE team" composed of very young and very smart people doing their work? Or do you prefer to assign those old political farts to that position? Are young people inherently bad? You get trolled so hard, and you don’t even notice—big balls.

Grow up! Learn to have a conversation with people who disagree with you on certain matters.

But hey, who am I, right? I'm probably someone who will now get banned here or whose post will be deleted because it might sound political. But my aim is, like the forum’s, to silence the baseless ranting—because a normal, human discussion about these topics is IMPOSSIBLE with most people and I sincerely hope that some people rethink about their "opinions". Even if it is just 1 person I am a happy man and worth to be banned for.


In many ways, you're right. It’s almost impossible to have a rational discussion without people clinging to their biases, and it’s exhausting to see good-faith arguments dismissed outright. Regardless of where someone stands, engaging with ideas critically should be the bare minimum. But this is NeoGAF, we’re here to have fun, not take ourselves too seriously. It’s a gaming platform, not a political battleground. I expect wild takes, some hilarious, some not, and if they don’t land, I just keep scrolling. Honestly, I’d rather focus on spreading my butter evenly on toast than debating politics on NeoGAF of all places.
In this thread, it's so clear and sadly tragic that in 2025 we can’t have a normal discussion.

People hold on to their prejudices “no matter what” without really delving into the subject. It's pathetic and childish, and I hope that those here and elsewhere who react so impulsively will take a good look at themselves and be honest with themselves.

It’s absurd that the very person who exposes all the corruption and all the wasted tax money in order to give it back to the people is treated this way—purely by poorly informed people who get their news from the mainstream media, form their opinions based on that, and never deviate from it.

"Elon Musk is dumb," "Elon Musk is stupid"—how do you even get that out of your mouth? He does with rockets what no government in the world can. He runs a platform called X, Tesla, SpaceX, Neurolink. And then there's DOGE, which has the task of "GETTING YOUR TAX MONEY BACK SO THAT YOUR PAYCHECK LOOKS BETTER AT THE END OF THE MONTH BECAUSE NO MORE IDIOTIC TAXES ARE DEDUCTED THAT GO STRAIGHT INTO THE POCKETS OF RICH ACTIVISTS WHO HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE COUNTRY."

But above all, it's about denying and sticking to the narrative so you can complain. No matter who, team blue, eh? Even if they block the process to make the country and We The People richer and happier.

And Elon lied about his gaming skills. OMG! Elon Musk is human and makes mistakes! How many of you have made mistakes in your life? I guess all of you. Including myself. MANY. And yes, I lied in my life a couple of times.

This post isn’t really meant to be about politics but rather about short-sighted people. My God, take a good look at yourself. Be honest with yourself, use your common sense, and then reach a conclusion based on solid arguments. You’ll feel much better than if you continue being angry all the time.

Those who follow Elon Musk will laugh at the idea that he is going to steal money from the citizens. He doesn’t care much about money, but they probably overlooked that fact because their opinions are based on one-minute news flashes with no context. Honestly, I'm not mad; I'm sad.

Oh yes, and then there’s the Nazi salute. Sure, Elon Musk decided to come off as if he were a real Nazi. Come on—think straight. You WANT him to be a Nazi, but that doesn’t correspond with his actions. This man has saved many lives and has been instrumental during several disasters both at home and abroad because governments failed to provide proper help.

Everyone knows that Musk is not a "Nazi." By the way, what does that term even mean anymore?

And what about the so-called "laughable DOGE team" composed of very young and very smart people doing their work? Or do you prefer to assign those old political farts to that position? Are young people inherently bad? You get trolled so hard, and you don’t even notice—big balls.

Grow up! Learn to have a conversation with people who disagree with you on certain matters.

But hey, who am I, right? I'm probably someone who will now get banned here or whose post will be deleted because it might sound political. But my aim is, like the forum’s, to silence the baseless ranting—because a normal, human discussion about these topics is IMPOSSIBLE with most people and I sincerely hope that some people rethink about their "opinions". Even if it is just 1 person I am a happy man and worth to be banned for.
Issue with musk is. He gets alot of things right, but also alot of things wrong.
this so called champion of freespeech. Also seems to have a love affair with murderous dictators. Gives china free pass, while arguing (correctly) that the UK is rolling back freespeech.

Seems to buy into ruskie propaganda and misinformation that it's Ukraine's fault for being invaded etc. he's just inconsistent with his BS.
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