Hi, I'm new at gaf

. I didn't see any info about the completed Steins;Gate translation in op, so I thought I'd post about it here. Sorry if it got mentioned on another page and I missed it.
This guy going by Geckoey Lurker finished a patch that was previously abandoned. Apparently the translation was almost complete, so he used the tools they had and what they had translated it and completed the rest of it along with fixing some bugs and typos. The final version of this patch has everything in the game translated, including the text messages and glossary.
I've played it for about 5 hours and the only problem I have is that the game will sometimes crashes when quick loading and reloading in quick succession to try and see what the different possible text messages to reply with are (the way it works is when you get a text, some of the words in the text will be blue and selecting them will show you what text message you will reply with. You can't go back to the previous screen once to select a word though, so the only way to see the other replies is to quickload). This basically isn't a problem though, because i've already quicksaved so no progress is lost.
Here's the forum I found the patch in:
and here's a copy/paste of what to do:
Hope this is useful and hasn't been mentioned already