Bath episode (350¥):
An additional quest, with additional portraits for Arianna and Chloe.
Bought so fast, Sanic would never see that coming.
Bath episode (350¥):
An additional quest, with additional portraits for Arianna and Chloe.
OP updated with a few minor things for the two newest games and FAQ section added. Also included length in edit message to show how much (little) room there is to work with right now with regards to adding more stuff. Maybe time to move some of the text into more images.
I think Etrian Odyssey X Mystery Dungeon should get a mention as well.
I'll see if I can trim something to fit it into the FAQ part. I don't think it really should be with the main entries section.
I feel you can cut the classes section, or replace it with a bunch of pictures.
For now, I fit MDxEO into the FAQ part for now with a link to the thread L~A made yesterday.
As for classes section, I kind of hate to toss out all the nice banners after DandyCroc worked on them!. That said, that section is rather large, over 7000 characters. I'd kind of hate to just cut the entire section because people new to the series might find the overview helpful, but I'm definitely open to ideas for condensing it. Maybe like group them by game and remove some/all of the description text?
Any new(er)comers to the series have an opinion on the usefulness of the class section? Us old EO farts don't really need it, it's there for you young'n's.
That would save space but just the images with no context looks weird to me when previewing.I say you leave the paragraph and remove all the text below the images, leaving just the images.
Maybe I'll check with Dandy about designing fewer, larger images to include class stuff. Moving the text into images would cut about 6000 characters from the post which would be nice, plenty of room to expand other sections.You could also put the text in the images themselves.
Yeah, I will when there is room, like make another heading under the main entries and I'll include PQ, too, since it's kind of in the same boat (EO game with Persona skin).As for EO x MD, maybe a special or crossover section? Just putting it in the FAQ doesn't feel right as it's still a game with the Etrian Odyssey brand, and there might be similar collaborations in the future.
The bright future of Etrian Odyssey: anime trope DLC.
Looking forward to the Beach Episode and the Festival Episode.
EO had a good run guys.
Going for that Fire Emblem: Awakening audience.
I think EO will finally get the one million WW sales it deserves.
there's something for everyone in the bath DLC.
The one lesson that can be learnt from Fire Emblem: Awakening is that waifus sell.
No special portraits for male characters though
No special portraits for male characters though.
The other DLC is a money grinding one, huh. I'm pretty poor right now, and still not quite understand how food selling works. But the DLC looks useless at end game.
At this point, I'd just recommend playing them in release order starting with IV onwards. Each game adds enough usability enhancements that make playing much more convenient. Even just going from IV to Untold, the game speeds up so much more, making IV seem really, really slow.
There are enough subjective differences between the originals and the remakes to warrant going back (the most obvious being that the dungeon designs are completely different), but as a first exposure, I'd just go with the remakes at this point.
Did you ever get the first Untold?
EO3 holds up well IMO, interface & design would feel familiar if you were coming from EO4, also the music was without a doubt my overall favourite. I would have liked to hear FM versions of EO4 music - could have tipped it in its favour. The only really noticeable difference would be the graphics and if that bothers you enough wait for the remake.
The first game really benefited from the remake - the original was poor; no strafing, clunky menu system and laggy map drawing made the game more of a chore.
EO2 is an odd one, the game was difficult but fair: Map making was not as quick as EO3, certain designs are different (no FOE exp, no dual classes, no secondary 'quest') and leveling a new party is slower than in new games (no quick EXP like new games) but it didn't need a remake IMO, but I can see how some would appreciate a remake.
Chrom's ass is a sight I'll never forget.
I feel conflicted about the DLC, I like to give my favorite series monies but at the same time I don't like to support this kind of DLC... unless the bath stuff is actually cool and not just the portraits
I can only hope it provides something worthwhile at all levels of the games rather than something only useful early in the game.IS kmew exactly what they were doing~
Well there is an assorted quest with it so... maybe?
I can only hope it provides something worthwhile at all levels of the games rather than something only useful early in the game.
IS kmew exactly what they were doing~
Well there is an assorted quest with it so... maybe?
It'll only be available when you reach the 12th floor, and recommends you to be level 27 at least.There will almost certainly be more DLCs to come, and if they're going with the Fire Emblem: Awakening route for them I hope they'll at least give us something similar to Apotheosis.
Ah, I might have to hunt down a copy of EO3 from ebay then.
Ahh, well that makes me feel a bit better about it then.It'll only be available when you reach the 12th floor, and recommends you to be level 27 at least.
There will almost certainly be more DLCs to come, and if they're going with the Fire Emblem: Awakening route for them I hope they'll at least give us something similar to Apotheosis.
"We want the waifu audience"
I hope it's a challenge or at least interesting, but that sounds good at least. Even if whatever you get from the quest will be useless for the end game.
I mean, of course they'd give bonuses.
Visual bonuses
I've never seen so many animu avys in a thread :3
What is the best place to start in this series? I have a DS and 3DS.
EO3 is currently $19.99CDN from as part of their Atlus sale, lowest price i'd seen for a while so bought one myself![]()
I've never seen so many animu avys in a thread :3
What is the best place to start in this series? I have a DS and 3DS.
Gotta legitimize the purchase with stat bonuses!
Visual bonuses
I've never seen so many animu avys in a thread :3
What is the best place to start in this series? I have a DS and 3DS.
Those Visual Bonuses are going to distract me!
EO3 is currently $19.99CDN from as part of their Atlus sale, lowest price i'd seen for a while so bought one myself![]()
I... I don't have the money...
I could go without eating for a week...
Eating is overrated.
So is EO 3, the second worst game in the series behind 4.
It's still better than most other games out there but man, it's got some questionable design decisions all around.
Money grinding? There's always a way to get easy money but I'm not sure what you can do in Untold 2.
More portraits are a great idea.
On the other hand, I'm not quite so sure what to make of the bath episode. I wonder if it'll be a mappable location.
Why are you doing this to me, it's because the games aren't difficult or what?
God bless Expert mode.
Killed the Sand Leviathan and now it's back into maze 5. Still really enjoying the game, and now I'm glad 5 was announced!
Things that bug me about three.
1. I don't like subclassing in this series. When they first announced three I was so excited. Subclasses are one of my favorite things in RPGS and EO is one of my favorite series. Two great things that go great together? In execution though it both made things too complex on the surface and instead of expanding the really viable classes at the end by taking a bit from here and there it dramatically shrunk the options down to about 4 or 5 really great builds and then a bunch of sub optimal ones. 4 does fix this by having more balanced classes to begin with and many more builds that work just fine, though part of it is because it's a dramatically easier game.
2. I really don't like the story. Too much talking about this boring, boilerplate plot (it's better than 4's even worse attempt at it) It's not cool or mysterious like 1/2 at all. It's overly chatty, not very well written, and goes on too long.
3. I find most of the new classes to be awful. I pretty much only like Princess and Buccaneer (and the rebranded Alchemist was fine too, but barely a new class) while the rest just fell flat. Super disappointed in Monk, Farmer, Beast Tamer, Robot and not overly fond of the rest.
EO IV is even worse because while it has better classes it is also far too easy, has an even worse story and has those horrible sub dungeons and no real giant mega dungeon. It's a damn shame.
Not to be all doom and gloom there are some things I like about 3 and 4.
1. Princess is dope!
2. 6th slot shenanigans was also fun.
3. I like the sea map minigame and the way 3 did those extra boss fights for leveling.
4. I do like the revamped limit system of 3/4.
5. IV's demo is amazing.
6. I like shiny monsters...though maybe they are a bit too common.
7. Subclassing did do a good job with how it handled additional weapons.
I think subclassing and the awful stories are here to stay but I hope against hope that 5 only has one giant dungeon and an actual honest hard mode. I'll be settled with that.
In execution though it both made things too complex on the surface and instead of expanding the really viable classes at the end by taking a bit from here and there it dramatically shrunk the options down to about 4 or 5 really great builds and then a bunch of sub optimal ones.
EO4 would be perfect if it wasn't so god damn easy, gimme an Expert mode please.