Anything else the OP needs? More screenshots or something?
Anything else the OP needs? More screenshots or something?
Anything else the OP needs? More screenshots or something?
Yeah... I guess classic is just like a real remake. The skills are all redone and everything. The story mode is where you play those.Pisses me off you can't have those two classes in classic without beating story first.
I just can never get into the mapping parts of these games
the combat and skill trees are stuff i'd dig but alas.
Yeah... I guess classic is just like a real remake. The skills are all redone and everything. The story mode is where you play those.
Here's how I built my highlander in the demo
As I understand it, although the two classes are unlocked after beating story mode, you can't create all new characters in those classes; you have to "transfer" an existing character to that class and the character's portrait doesn't change. It's basically a way to use those skill trees in classic mode rather than being a proper class with portraits and whatnot.If we can get any confirmation on unlocking the classes that would be great. I did a quick google and didn't find anything. I'd probably go through story mode first if that was the case instead of just skipping to classic.
Hearing about the difficulty level makes me want to give this game a shot at some point. I've wanted to try this series, but I've always been scared by how hard I've heard they are.
I wish they would release a Wizardry IV equivalent of Etrian Odyssey
Thread title? It's because Frederica is from 1000 years in the past.BTW the title is bugging me. Shouldn't it be the other way round?
Hearing about the difficulty level makes me want to give this game a shot at some point. I've wanted to try this series, but I've always been scared by how hard I've heard they are.
So to get through the post-game you had to counter-break it? Yeah, guess EO1 really was faithful to retro dungeon crawlers.
... I'm morbidly fascinated to see how the original GI reviewer would've reviewed this. It DOES kind of address his most infamous complaint afterall.
All the classes are basically revised in classic mode if story doesn't interest you; I just hope it sells well in NA.Passing, the new things are largely meaningless to me.
I finally finished the demo today after mostly just playing it while I was queueing up for GTA5 on launch day. I think the production values and the story stuff is pretty neat, and the anime FMVs are a lot nicer than I expected, but I dunno about the gameplay. A lot of it feels designed around more casual RPG fans and it feels less like the EO I remembered loving. The fact that you can teleport to exits now after "clearing" a floor by finding both the entrance and exit totally removes all tension from dungeon crawling, and instead emphasizes progression over exploration. Kinda weird honestly.
I still haven't beaten EO4 anyway, so I won't be picking this up any time soon.
nice OT.
one week left. I should call in sick so I can play all day.
did not notice the drill hair chick for Classic HNNNNG I want her. I don't got time to play the game twice doe :/
So as a person new to EO1... what were the least used classes? When I played 4 I played a pretty standard party.. I wanna do soemthing crazy in EO1.
So as a person new to EO1... what were the least used classes? When I played 4 I played a pretty standard party.. I wanna do soemthing crazy in EO1.
I guess everybody plays it differently. Wasn't Hexer bad in EO1 or something and then was one of the best in EO2?
I see the same people posting back in EOIV thread here, guess thats expected lol
I see the same people posting back in EOIV thread here, guess thats expected lol
In fact, there is just 4 of us, the rest are alt accounts.
In fact, there is just 4 of us, the rest are alt accounts.
Actually for EO1 the best party is a pretty standard party, since Hexer and Ronin are unlocked later meaning you have to grind them up from lvl 1, and binds were too weak so Dark Hunters were kind of meh. But they should be better now since binds are so much better and Hexer and Ronin are available from the start.
Downloading the demo now. I hope it starts at the 6th Stratum!
For those on the fence, who didn't play the original, EO1 is my favorite. Best story, best cast(for what it had). The remake should be even better.
Sadly I don't feel it's worth $40, but it certainly is if you missed it the first time(you monster).
Downloading the demo now. I hope it starts at the 6th Stratum!
For those on the fence, who didn't play the original, EO1 is my favorite. Best story, best cast(for what it had). The remake should be even better.
Sadly I don't feel it's worth $40, but it certainly is if you missed it the first time(you monster).
two carts and one digital? you crazyMost "remakes" are usually lazy ports and "HD remakes" that change nothing, few times we get something as awesome as a true remake like in this case. It's well worth 40 bucks, I'm already buying this game three times so it's well worth 120 bucks for me.
Monsters look really pretty in this one. Diggin' the demo, but like most EO games, I doubt I'll buy it. They just don't hold my attention for long. Great dungeon crawling, but even with the "story mode," there just isn't a story and/or lore I'm interested in. And the music in these games never helps. It's like lounge-lizard music. Weird in an RPG.
I believe yes. I saw somewhere, for example, that the best weapon can only be acquired via story mode for whatever reason. There is a story-only side dungeon and there are probably monsters/drops that you can't see in classic. I don't know the details, but I know there is story exclusive stuff.I asked this in the other thread but are there any items or enemies specific to Story mode?