So this is on steam sale today, what DLC is worth it? Is Going East good?
Yeah, Going East is worth the purchase. The heavy loads DLC is nice too but it doesn't add too much so I'd only get it on sale unless you just have to have it. All of the rest of the DLC is purley cosmetic, paint jobs and such, and while some of them are very nice none of them are mandatory in any way.
Since there isn't a thread for the upcoming American Truck Simulator "sequel" to ETS2, I'll post this here:
SCS Software posted some new pics of ATS. Looking really good!
Santa always makes sure that everyone gets the gifts they deserve, and indeed, there is something special waiting for everyone who contributes his or her due to the effort to transport all the gift packages in our Polar Express 2014 Event. Succeed and you will be rewarded with a special Raven Truck Design DLC. This original tuning set cannot be purchased, the only way to obtain is to earn a Steam key for it during this limited-time event.
So ETS2 is having a holiday event in the game for Christmas, where you can do special deliveries and earn a special custom paint job:
Here I go! It's a long trip so I hope no damage since they've raised the penalty. Too much imo.
I had Paris to Dijon because I'm not long-distance certified yet, I guess. 250 miles or so. Wasn't too bad. Problem was, I went VASTLY off track misreading the Dijon signs and added about 10-20 mins to the trip around 20miles left. Thankfully, I recovered and got back on the road after that sidetrack and got an excelllent off it.
You only need to do one delivery for the event to be counted, don't you?
Edit: Oh, Quick Jobs aren't counted?
Yep, quick jobs is the way to go. Search by highest price as the Xmas gifts are always highest paying. Did 2 deliveries and my WoT profile said I'm 14% distance done from SCS to North Pole.Yep, I've started too!
It's not bad searching for them, just sort by cargo weight and look for jobs at 22 tons of weight.
Yep, quick jobs is the way to go. Search by highest price as the Xmas gifts are always highest paying. Did 2 deliveries and my WoT profile said I'm 14% distance done from SCS to North Pole.
Well, I completed enough Xmas deliveries to get the special paint job gifts, and honestly I like the paint skin a lot. It may be one of my favorite paints actually. Here it is on one of my Iveco's:
There are two paints you earn for doing this: the gold one I have pictured above, and another one you can customize with three colors. Pretty cool event IMHO, I wish they would do more stuff like this. Maybe they are planning too.
Is it possible to do the Christmas event if I've just started playing the game? I only had a few quick job options, and none of them were gifts.
Edit: Doing 600 miles or so is deadly when you don't know how to disconnect the trailer to use the rest stops. Whoops? At least I jumped from 64% to 81%
You don't have to disconnect the trailer to use the rest stops. It may not be how you are supposed to do it, but it's far easier.
Gas Station/Rest Stop wouldn't let me rest?
You need to drive to one of the parking lots. You will get a prompt to turn off the engine and press enter to rest. It's a bit finicky.
I guess that explains it. I was in one of the mini-gas-stations on the interstate and I guess I don't have enough "room" for the trailer and me to stay linked/sleep.
Parking at the rest stops along the highway looks sensible and works as it should.
Bump, but Scandinavia coming out May 7th:
Also, anyone have World of Trucks profile?
Bump, but Scandinavia coming out May 7th:
Is the Scandinavian DLC only available in EU? It doesn't show me able to purchase it and the price amount is in euros.
Finally got this (50% off). I like it I guess but I miss some more citites up north and Finland.
Finally got this (50% off). I like it I guess but I miss some more citites up north and Finland.
"It's just the sum of all changes that really makes this as amazing as it is. I really enjoyed it and yes, I did find two bugs, but it is a huge area that it covers... you can see the detail of those maps and how much love went into each and every city. It is truly, truly amazing."
I just installed it. Wow! That's really great. I come from a region of Germany they have apparently rebuilt, and it just feels like the real thing. Pretty great.Hey rallaren, have you checked out the ProMods 2.0 map? It's free as a multi-part download (forum account required) and adds a load of extra roads and countries across the continent to ETS2 for those that have both Scandinavia and Eastern Europe DLCs.
Hey rallaren, have you checked out the ProMods 2.0 map? It's free as a multi-part download (forum account required) and adds a load of extra roads and countries across the continent to ETS2 for those that have both Scandinavia and Eastern Europe DLCs.
Screenshot of the new routes from W2W2's Helsinki to Rovaniemi video - see that the map mod also goes down into Estonia and Latvia on the other side, Ukraine not shown:[IMG]
Fifteen minutes of enthusiasm from TheNorthernAlex here: [url][/url][/QUOTE]
Ohh! I will sure check it out. I tried promods 1.7.1 and if I remember correctly it was better that the official version.
Iceland! Yes!
They could add loads to this game.
Edit: Whoa! Some real detail in promods 2.0! And my map exploration went from 65% to 25%.
Boo! Stuck in the snow on Iceland. Could not do anything but call road assistance and thankfully I was close to town I was heading to. The game has also crashed on three places (promods) and lags quite a bit in some cities.
There are mods that changes seasons (and sun position accordingly I think). Obviously having more variation in actual driving conditions as well as just the visual would be great. Especially on bridges near the coast. Having to inch yourself over (or just wait for a few hours at a rest stop) would add a lot to the realism.The one thing that would make ETS2 even greater would be a bit more varied weather and seasons. Ideally, you'd be able to have the actual weather at the current in-game position, just as, e.g., in flight simulators. It would be really great to drive over icy roads in a snow storm in Norway or have the wind forcing you to steer against it on bridges or at the sea.
And of course, have the sun's path correspond to the current day without it being midsummer all the time. Maybe for ETS3![]()
Yeah I thought of switching to manual afterwards. Good to know that it works. I like automatic. I just hold down the left mouse button and drive around basically.I got stuck at the same spot, but found that if I switched to manual transmission I was able to inch myself up those hills. I usually play automatic because I don't really feel the manual implementation is all that great, but in these spots it upshifted way too fast and I lost all speed. Probably has to do with how Promods implements icy roads since the original game doesn't even have that feature.
Did you get the Promods crashes in Romania? That is the only area I've had trouble with, and according to their forums fixes are coming. I'm staying away from that corner of the map altogether just to be on the safe side.