I took out a 400k loan to upgrade my garage, get another truck and hire a driver. Are the loans a bad idea?
I love love love the music.
Has anyone launched their business off the ground yet?
I noticed that the camera anti speed mod stopped working under this new steam patch, gotta find (or wait) the revised mod.
OK, I'm really confused trying to set up my controller. Is there a way to make it have "normal" driving controls?
Sorry England but your extortionate policy towards speed camera tickets is forcing this small business owner to move to the continent. And 150 spacebucks for a headlight offence? Come on, it was barely dusk! I'm also wonder WTF the speed limit is for most of England, I'm doing barely 90 on a 3 lane divided highway and get a speeding ticket? Cars are whipping past my busted old rig, this is an outrage!
I love love love the music.
Has anyone launched their business off the ground yet?
How you get music? Don't tell me theirs a radio button? I been driving in silence.
Any mod that gives more traffic? Can't seem to find a good one.
Press Esc and pick the Radio option, or just hit the R key while driving to go directly to the Radio menu. Click the "Update From Internet" option to get the default list of stations.
Do I need to activate the mods? I installed some like the essential but I don't see any difference.
Go into your profile and click edit, should have an option to select the mods you want activated
How you get music? Don't tell me theirs a radio button? I been driving in silence.
Sorry England but your extortionate policy towards speed camera tickets is forcing this small business owner to move to the continent. And 150 spacebucks for a headlight offence? Come on, it was barely dusk! I'm also wonder WTF the speed limit is for most of England, I'm doing barely 90 on a 3 lane divided highway and get a speeding ticket? Cars are whipping past my busted old rig, this is an outrage!
I can't get the radio to play, it's annoying...
ADR class 6 and class 2 have the highest payout for some types of cargo (ex: acid, which has a price coefficient of 2.20). However, because ADR deliveries only have a single level, they're not the way to make more money. Heavy cargo has (in general) a higher price coefficient than fragile cargo. Since you can increase your % bonus by leveling these up, with Heavy Cargo at level 6 and just-in-time at level 6 (since these combine), you will get the most money going with those skills.
That being said, Fragile cargo has a slightly higher XP bonus than Heavy Cargo (22% vs 18%). So if you're looking to squeeze out more XP rather than money, then you should go Fragile cargo level 6 and Just-in-time level 6. Personally I feel that leveling up is fast enough already, and you'd be better off going for the cash option of Heavy Cargo + JIT.
You'll also want to level up Long Distance, since this will give you reward bonuses that stack with the other skills.
A typical game would look like this for me: Heavy, JIT, Heavy, JIT, Heavy, Long Distance, Heavy, Heavy, Long Distance, Heavy, JIT, JIT, JIT, JIT, Long Distance (up to max). Lastly I'd spend on eco-driving.
Two final tips: When searching for a job, always list by "Price per distance" in order to get the maximum payout per mile. Learn how to park the trailers and never skip parking them manually, so you always get the xp bonus for that.
Why not? Are you trying custom stations? It should be no different to streaming from a browser.
Sorry England but your extortionate policy towards speed camera tickets is forcing this small business owner to move to the continent. And 150 spacebucks for a headlight offence? Come on, it was barely dusk! I'm also wonder WTF the speed limit is for most of England, I'm doing barely 90 on a 3 lane divided highway and get a speeding ticket? Cars are whipping past my busted old rig, this is an outrage!
I just purchased this game during the Steam sale. I recently got my Rift dev kit, so I'm buying up anything and everything that might work with it. So I found my DF wheel in the garage (which I had never set up on my PC), tweaked some game setting, injected some .dlls, put on my rift and set out terrorize the European highways.
It's so great to read something like this about a game like this.beatiful story
Just trying to add the BBC radio stations is frustrating the heck out of me.
I'm tempted to buy this before the deal is over. Does the wireless Xbox 360 wheel work with the game? I've never tried hooking it up to my PC before.
Should i be running the game normally or click on Direct X when booting up the game?
On the other hand, driving through whole Europe would take agesNoone wants to drive from north Berlin to south Berlin in 3 real hours
Sorry England but your extortionate policy towards speed camera tickets is forcing this small business owner to move to the continent. And 150 spacebucks for a headlight offence? Come on, it was barely dusk! I'm also wonder WTF the speed limit is for most of England, I'm doing barely 90 on a 3 lane divided highway and get a speeding ticket? Cars are whipping past my busted old rig, this is an outrage!
Just trying to add the BBC radio stations is frustrating the heck out of me.
Ensure that where it says stream_data[196] that the one previous is 195. Otherwise change it so that each one has an individual "slot".stream_data[196]: "mms://wmlive-acl.bbc.co.uk/wms/bbc_ami/radio1/radio1_bb_live_ep1_sw1?BBC-UID=45805809f026eed5c54a979ad1d0867f79333672b010a1 91d2f23323f4b4f575&SSO2-UID=|BBC Radio 1"
stream_data[197]: "mms://wmlive-acl.bbc.co.uk/wms/bbc_ami/radio2/radio2_bb_live_ep1_sw1?BBC-UID=45805809f026eed5c54a979ad1d0867f79333672b010a1 91d2f23323f4b4f575&SSO2-UID=|BBC Radio 2"
stream_data[198]: "mms://wmlive-acl.bbc.co.uk/wms/bbc_ami/radio3/radio3_bb_live_ep1_sw1?BBC-UID=45805809f026eed5c54a979ad1d0867f79333672b010a1 91d2f23323f4b4f575&SSO2-UID=|BBC Radio 3"
stream_data[199]: "mms://wmlive-acl.bbc.co.uk/wms/bbc_ami/radio4/radio4_bb_live_ep1_sw1?BBC-UID=45805809f026eed5c54a979ad1d0867f79333672b010a1 91d2f23323f4b4f575&SSO2-UID=|BBC Radio 4"
stream_data[200]: "mms://wmlive-acl.bbc.co.uk/wms/bbc_ami/radio4/radio4xtra_bb_live_ep1_sw1?BBC-UID=45805809f026eed5c54a979ad1d0867f79333672b010a1 91d2f23323f4b4f575&SSO2-UID=|BBC Radio 4 Extra"
stream_data[201]: "mms://wmlive-acl.bbc.co.uk/wms/bbc_ami/radio5/radio5_bb_live_ep1_sw1?BBC-UID=45805809f026eed5c54a979ad1d0867f79333672b010a1 91d2f23323f4b4f575&SSO2-UID=|BBC Radio 5 Live"
stream_data[202]: "mms://wmlive-acl.bbc.co.uk/wms/bbc_ami/radio5/5spxtra_bb_live_ep1_sw1?BBC-UID=45805809f026eed5c54a979ad1d0867f79333672b010a1 91d2f23323f4b4f575&SSO2-UID=|BBC Radio 5 Live Sports Extra"
stream_data[203]: "http://icy-e-02.sharp-stream.com/coolfm.mp3"