Where have they hidden the sliders between Mercantilism and Free Trade? So far I've only been able to change the balance through random events.
Where have they hidden the sliders between Mercantilism and Free Trade? So far I've only been able to change the balance through random events.
Is there at least a way to look at the current balance?No sliders anymore.
Is there at least a way to look at the current balance?
1610, me Portugal.
I have so much cash after doing some "bank wars" against Mali, who has 25k... and something like 90% inflation lol, so now I bank 9k.
Continue to expand into USA and controll that trade, make so much cash so I dont know what to do with it.
I have one BIG problem though...
They have 163k forcelimit, they have a standing army of 110k.
Sure I'm far from them, but I'm soon about to turn my head towards western europe and all the land.
Some funny stuff:
* Castille has been in a personal union since 1466 with Austria.
* France is a tiny spec (YAY)
why aren't you hitting up the east indies? And who control indie?
Thanks!If you bring up your government screen (F1 or click your country shield) and check out the Economy and Trade tabs you should be able to find all that info.
Ah! Stability, I'll try that.
When do new advisors show up? Is there something I can do to get new choices?
Does integrating a union member absolutely give you cores every time? I'm trying to decided if I want to integrate Aragon, which would take just over a decade, or try to inherit it, even though I have only about a 15% chance. I don't want to integrate them only to find that I have to core everything afterward, because they also own Sardinia and Sicily.Damn, I didn't know diplo-annexing gives cores now, I noticed that you always get cores from inheriting/integrating a union now, but I haven't taken any vassals yet, definitely sounds like a great way to save admin power.
You're obviously constrained in the number of vassals you can have by your diplomatic relations, but vassalizing the electors is still probably the best way for a non-member to become emperor, especially if you also cut Austria down to size. In my own Spain game Austria imploded and is now an OPM, and the vote is split between me and Augsburg. I'm not sure what happens when the vote is divided.Any other smart ideas for how to deal with that achievement?
No sliders anymore.
So.... what do you do when you get a shitty leader? Preventing me doing a bunch of diplo things because of the negatives it generates....
Does integrating a union member absolutely give you cores every time?
Make them a general and send them into battle frequently.
I tried looking around in the hint system earlier but couldn't find anything that mentioned unions. I went back just now and got it to work. Apparently it won't bring up the hint if you click on the personal union icon on the province screen. You have to do it through the diplomacy screen.I'm 90% sure that it does. In my current game I had Saxony in a union, and I was going to wait to inherit so that I would get cores, as iirc you don't get cores in EU3 when integrating. So I had a look at the tip for unions and it said flat out that you get cores for both inheriting and integrating, I went for it and it worked. All of their territory was in my primary culture group of German, but I don't think that matters any more.
I think new ones only get added when old ones die, though I'm really not sure on that. I do know that the initial hire costs go down the older they are though. Also, there are some ideas that increase your advisor pool size.
I assume you are blocking the straight at Constantinople? As soon as the game starts start building galleys and nothing else. You need every damn galley you can get. Galleys work better in coastal waters than larger ships. The Ottomans will of course declare war on you shortly which involves a bit of luck of how many galleys you got built in time.
Then just siege there stuff without ever getting in a battle.
Well, I thought about it after I posted and couldn't actually remember if I had received cores or claims for forming the personal union with Aragon. It's easy for me to mistake one for the other. It might've just been claims, for all I know.Yeah I didn't realise initially where I had to click either, the hint system could do with a search feature.
Oh you edited, nvm then!
You guys probably don't care but I was so pumped after winning this war that I had to tell someone!![]()
All i know for sure is that I am positive saying, "You fight like an Englishman." is a common insult throughout Europe now.
True, but in 60 years, 26 years of regency council and another 10 years of a 0/0/0 ruler isnt all that hot either, even for Castile. At the end I was 1-2 points behind everyone in every technology. And its currently not getting better yet. I hope it wont make a big difference soon if other countries I am fighting against are that much better in trade and army tech.
Just got into a pseudo-Napoleonic war, 200 years early. France are even low on manpower after fighting in the east, though it was the Ottomans, not Russia.
Also I challenge anyone to find a better flag than that of Prussia.
Do you even lift?
Formed Germany in like 1575.
(German flag is low res or some shit, looks awful in game)
Is it just me, or does it seem almost too easy to gain a Casus Belli on another country through the fabricate claim option?
The risk of discovery is almost negligible, the cost isn't particularly high and it only takes a single year. I can't really forsee a reason I'd ever need to hang about waiting for an event to trigger one, or to go to war without one.
Poznan's weird shape makes for some ugly borders.Bro you have got to do something about that border with Poland. Yuck.
There are more, but Manhattan is definitely one.Also, are the "Center of trade" provinces set in stone? I notice as I am colonizing I don't see any of these in the new world, just in old world provinces.
Does anyone have a map of all the trade routes? Like it doesn't have to be high rez, just a map of what trade routes connect to what that I can strategize with while at work haha.
Also, are the "Center of trade" provinces set in stone? I notice as I am colonizing I don't see any of these in the new world, just in old world provinces.
The trade routes make this game extremely interesting now. They totally dictate all strategy. I have been playing Portugal and doing the standard Brazil-> Caribbean colonization tactic, but I'm thinking that this is kind of a waste of time.
The Caribbean is clearly the dominant trade zone to control in the new world for Portugal and Spain. Control the Caribbean and the Ivory Coast, and no matter who has South America they cannot avoid being pushed towards Sevilla. Grab the Mississipi River too, and you will control ALL new world trade outside of the NE of North America.
So I am thinking as Portugal, there is absolutely zero reason to waste time on Brazil, and definitely no reason to waste time on North America at all. I'm going to stop all colonization efforts everywhere except the Caribbean, and work on getting bases in East Africa so I can push the trade around the Horn. When I can do that I will finally be ultra rich haha.
So they had time to put those in, but Switzerland is stuck with the generic ones? SMHThere are some pretty interesting countries with unique national ideas that you can only see via the CK2 save converter.
This actually makes me want to use Sunset Invasion, I'd never thought that possible.