
Developer: Clap Hanz
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Release dates: Japan - 17 December 2011, Europe / North America - 22 February 2012
Players: 1-30
Download size: 1.1-1.2 GB
Price: $39.99 in retail, $35.99 as digital download

Land that elusive hole-in-one thanks to intuitive touchscreen controls and a dynamic new shot system.
Plot your route to the pin using the touchscreen and rear touch pad to look around the course.
Play online via PlayStation Network enter thrilling live tournaments or enjoy a leisurely, turn-based round
with friends when it suits you.

Play with other GAFers!

3rdamention Filth_Flannigan
aBhola aBhola
Alex Anderson BJindaheez
AkuMifune AkuMifune
Anastacio Anastacio
Anddo0 Anddo
Android18a Mechmonkeys
archnemesis SuperSharp
AstroLad AstroLad
Baconsammy Bahooki
Bazza Bazza100
Bebpo Bebpojp
Beergut SilverNGold
Bendz Bendz
Benedict Arkeologen
BigNastyCurve BigNastyCurve
BlindMonkey BlindMonkey
Bojanglez Bojanglez
brettchalupa brettchalupa
Bullza2o BladeofAura
Captain N LAAG64
Captain Pants Ragnar
centracore centracore
codhand fhillysubtle
Cookie18 x-360cookie-x
dantehemi dantehemi
darkjedi187 darkjedi187
DavetheSnake DavetheSnake
DemonNite DemonNite
depward depward
Diseased Yak Diseasedyak
DMeisterJ DMeisterJ
doctordoak oasis007
DoctorWho Proteus4
Donthizz# JJAY_1986
Drame Halba
Duffyside Duffyside
Duke Togo duketogo
dvdjamm dvdjamm
ekadish Deku1
Einbroch Einbroch
Evolved1 Evolved1
famousmortimer famousmortimer
Fixed1979 Fixed
fluffydelusions plbelanger
Flunkie Flunkie44
frequency freqpsn
froliq rurunu
g35twinturbo Gr1mj0w
Glassboy Glassboy
Glorious Ownage Glorious Ownage
Got the Shakes GotTheShakes
graywolf323 graywolf323
Gromph Vadrek
gutterboy44 gutterboy44
HiddenAway HiddenAway
HoTHiTTeR hothitter
inc77 inc77
JackFrost JakkuFurosu
Jeff-DSA jar155
JimtotheHum JimtotheHum
kerrak kerrak
Ken nya_08
krae_man krae_man
krumble krysamerica
Lambtron ZackMoney
lastflowers cjarrett3
LiquidMetal14 LiquidMetal14
lljride lljride
madmackem MadMackemUK
Marcellus Wallace AtomBom
Mattiator Mattiator85
maxte MAXTE32
Median median23
MeshuggahMan MeshuggahMan
Midou PeeEsPee
Mik2121 Mik2121
MikeE21286 MikeE21286
Mims Mims03
moogrose Moogrose
mrklaw KlawUK
Mutagenic jaguwar
necrolysis necrolysis
newsguy JohnnieWalkerBLK
NHDave TenPoundTerror
nicoga3000 nicoga3000
Noreturn Nraze
Number45 Number45
Pagusas Pagusas
Plinko RedWingLion
raven777 xenosaga7
ReconPeon ReconPeon
Reluctant-Hero Reluctant-Hero
Risk Breaker EdgeyPoo
robot trev04
Salaadin Salaadin
sfedai0 Sfedai1
Shadow2222 supershadow234
SHarris78 SHarris_78
Sh0k Shokleeto
sikkinixx JessicaAlbaIsHot
Slaylock Slaylock
snorggy snorggy
Spanish Wrath mocolostrocolos
spectyre spectyre
staticneuron staticneuron
steveovig otaku316
Tangeroo Tangerous
thebigkahuna thebigkahuna1
TheBrain76 TheBrain76
TheExecutive TheExecutive
thiscoldblack mztik
Toki767 Knight613
Triz Triz
Vaco6121 Vaco6121
Wazzim Wazzim
WonkersTHEWatilla Mega_Rockman_Z
Xathos Zyantos
Yuripaw Ockman

Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational PS Vita Trailer

Reviews and impressions
Metascore - 75/100 (User Score: 8.8/10)
Destructoid - 9/10 | "With its massive array of play options, courses, unlockables, and online challenges, not to mention its portability and always-on 3G connectivity, this is easily the biggest and best Hot Shots Golf game yet. "
Edge - 7/10 | "Everybodys Golf titles are the best Nintendo-esque games a Sony console has ever seen, and this latest iteration is no exception."
Famitsu - 10, 9, 10, 9 | "全国の仲間がいれば、極端に言えば一生遊べてしまうゲームである。 彼らと切磋琢磨しながら腕を磨き、いつまでもやり続けたいと思う。 そう思わせるくらい、魅力が詰まったゲームであると確信した。"
GamesRadar - 7/10 | "The golf action itself is just this side of perfect."
GamesTM - 8/10
IGN - 6.5 | "Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational has a nice, colorful approach to golf and a respectable set of multiplayer options. But the disconnect between the amount of time required to plan a shot and the milliseconds needed to mess it all up sparks ample frustrations."
NowGamer - 8/10 | "Everybody's Golf is back, and it's one of the PS Vita's must-have games."
Playstation Universe - 9/10 | "If golfs your thing, then Everybodys Golf should be a day one purchase."
TheSixthAxis - 7/10 | "It works to a well proven formula and theres nothing revolutionary about this iteration but this game, on this system is a pretty good match and wed encourage every new Vita owner to at least take a look at it."
This if my first hot shot golf game so i am still a noob but it is still very fun.[...] I highly recommend it.
Put hours into the Japanese version and can safely say that this is a fantastic game. Difficulty starts to ramp up as you progress, but if it gets its claws into you, you'll be determined to keep retrying in order to move on.
Damn this game is addictive.
Trophy list
How to shoot some birdies: Hints, tips, and tricks
Beginners Rank
1-1: Win with 2000pts or more.
1-2: Hit a Rising Shot and Win.
1-3: One shot the green on a Par 4 and Win.
1-4: Par On Keep/Green in Regulation 100% and Win.
1-5: Hit three or more Bogeys and Win.
Vs. Karen/Cosplay: Get an Eagle and Win.
Amateur Rank
2-1: Just Impact 50% or more and Win.
2-2: Fairway Keep 100% and Win.
2-3: Apply Spin on every shot and Win.
2-4: Win with 2000pts or more.
2-5: Win without using Spin shots.
Vs. Tank/Cosplay: Win within the first 3H.
Pro Rank
3-1: Make a Par or better 10m+ Putt and Win.
3-2: Hit a Pin shot and Win.
3-3: Birdie three times in a row and Win.
3-4: Win without landing in the rough.
3-5: Birdie three times in a row and Win.
Vs. Grace/Cosplay: Win with only one putt per hole.
Bronze Rank
4-1: Win with -3 or better score.
4-2: Win with Fairway Keep 80% or better.
4-3: Par On/Green in Regulation 100% and Win.
4-4: Win with -4 or better score.
4-5: Win without any O.B/W.H.
Vs. Edge/Cosplay: Win with consecutive Birdies.
Silver Rank
5-1: Perform a 1m near pin approach and Win.
5-2: Win without using Spin shots.
5-3: Par On/Green in Regulation 100% and Win.
5-4: Win with 1500pts or more.
5-5: Perform a Birdie or better Chip in and Win.
Vs. Max: Win without any Bogeys.
Gold Rank
6-1: Perform a 2m near pin approach and Win.
6-2: Win without any O.B/W.H.
6-3: Win without landing in the bunker.
6-4: Perform a 3m near pin approach and Win.
6-5: Birdie or better the last hole and Win.
Vs. Fatima/Cosplay: Win without using Power Mode.
Platinum Rank
Vs. Isaac/Cosplay: Win without changing the default club selected by the game.
1-1: Win with 2000pts or more.
1-2: Hit a Rising Shot and Win.
1-3: One shot the green on a Par 4 and Win.
1-4: Par On Keep/Green in Regulation 100% and Win.
1-5: Hit three or more Bogeys and Win.
Vs. Karen/Cosplay: Get an Eagle and Win.
Amateur Rank
2-1: Just Impact 50% or more and Win.
2-2: Fairway Keep 100% and Win.
2-3: Apply Spin on every shot and Win.
2-4: Win with 2000pts or more.
2-5: Win without using Spin shots.
Vs. Tank/Cosplay: Win within the first 3H.
Pro Rank
3-1: Make a Par or better 10m+ Putt and Win.
3-2: Hit a Pin shot and Win.
3-3: Birdie three times in a row and Win.
3-4: Win without landing in the rough.
3-5: Birdie three times in a row and Win.
Vs. Grace/Cosplay: Win with only one putt per hole.
Bronze Rank
4-1: Win with -3 or better score.
4-2: Win with Fairway Keep 80% or better.
4-3: Par On/Green in Regulation 100% and Win.
4-4: Win with -4 or better score.
4-5: Win without any O.B/W.H.
Vs. Edge/Cosplay: Win with consecutive Birdies.
Silver Rank
5-1: Perform a 1m near pin approach and Win.
5-2: Win without using Spin shots.
5-3: Par On/Green in Regulation 100% and Win.
5-4: Win with 1500pts or more.
5-5: Perform a Birdie or better Chip in and Win.
Vs. Max: Win without any Bogeys.
Gold Rank
6-1: Perform a 2m near pin approach and Win.
6-2: Win without any O.B/W.H.
6-3: Win without landing in the bunker.
6-4: Perform a 3m near pin approach and Win.
6-5: Birdie or better the last hole and Win.
Vs. Fatima/Cosplay: Win without using Power Mode.
Platinum Rank
Vs. Isaac/Cosplay: Win without changing the default club selected by the game.