I had to respec to max focus, but I caught the divine fish finallyso now I have angler, paladin, mercenary, hunter, and cook at creator/god.
Damn, I'm so far behind you already. You're destroying this game
I had to respec to max focus, but I caught the divine fish finallyso now I have angler, paladin, mercenary, hunter, and cook at creator/god.
Wait, you need Luck in this game? FFS.. I thought it would be one of those useless stats.
Luck is one of the most important stats IMO, because it affects almost every Life.Wait, you need Luck in this game? FFS.. I thought it would be one of those useless stats.
Damn, I'm so far behind you already. You're destroying this game![]()
Wait, you need Luck in this game? FFS.. I thought it would be one of those useless stats.
I can vouch for this.lol, yeah, I haven't been playing anything else. Pretty much play all night til I go to sleep.
Yeah, shops seem like a waste of cash...and building/finding stuff is more fun!
I guess the most important monetary investment is housing, right?
Wow, what is your focus? I have INT of 8, but my focus is at 14 or 16 (can't recall exactly). I Just hit expert and have been thinking how ridiculously easy cooking is. I have gotten almost nothing but superior results since starting the job at level 15. If you are struggling, be sure to eat something that give focus first. I haven't been doing that, but today I decided to before doing a large batch of cooking just in case.I seem to have hit a wall in Cooking and Alchemy due to the fact that I haven't put any points into Intelligence or Focus. Having the best tool and acing the minigame doesn't seem to be enough anymore. Whenever I craft in those jobs, I'm almost always getting regular (non-good) quality on anything higher than Adept (or anything Adept High-Level).
There's this quest where I have to cook a Superior Juicy Burger (which I think is Adept) and I've tried so many times but can only get regular quality (and then the game taunts me by saying I get a duplicate of the crappy item). So apparently I'm a Master-level Chef who can't even cook a decent Juicy Burger.
I'm late in posting here but I've been hooked on the game for a while! I've been playing all the classes at the same time, except for the combat classes where I'm focusing on Hunter. Most of them are at Master and I haven't even started Chapter 5.
I seem to have hit a wall in Cooking and Alchemy due to the fact that I haven't put any points into Intelligence or Focus. Having the best tool and acing the minigame doesn't seem to be enough anymore. Whenever I craft in those jobs, I'm almost always getting regular (non-good) quality on anything higher than Adept (or anything Adept High-Level).
There's this quest where I have to cook a Superior Juicy Burger (which I think is Adept) and I've tried so many times but can only get regular quality (and then the game taunts me by saying I get a duplicate of the crappy item). So apparently I'm a Master-level Chef who can't even cook a decent Juicy Burger.
That was my assumption too so I had Luck left at 5 for a long time. When I realized I spent an hour just to find some scales from a regular enemy, I did some reading on it and it turns out Luck has a noticeable impact in the game. I had it upped to 25 afterwards (now 30) and seem to be doing okay thus far for drops, and I get Critical Hits a lot more.
Wow, what is your focus? I have INT of 8, but my focus is at 14 or 16 (can't recall exactly). I Just hit expert and have been thinking how ridiculously easy cooking is. I have gotten almost nothing but superior results since starting the job at level 15. If you are struggling, be sure to eat something that give focus first. I haven't been doing that, but today I decided to before doing a large batch of cooking just in case.
PS: dexterity helps just as much as intelligence for cooking, so if you are a hunter and have focus in your teens, maybe you are just worse at the mini game than you think? Are you able to get "great" every step and complete in a fast time using the cook special ability?
I think that's enough. I never raised my luck above 30 and was fine.
That should be enough. If it doesn't drop enough directly, try with the trees that gives bounty as both the tree and the bounty itself can drop it usually.
Yeah, I've gotten a lot of elder logs from bounties. I'm not sure if I've ever gotten any from normal trees.
AC GAF reppin'.![]()
So are there any plans to make the game a little more region-friendly? I'm debating on weather or not I should just buy the thing and play single player cause I can't play JP ver. With my US homies.
How are some of you guys so far in the game? I've been playing this 5 hours a day since release and am nowhere near where you guys are.
Is there a reward/xp penalty for playing online with friends and having a pretty large level gap?
Are there any store selling pink silk? Or do I have to rely on my tailor?
Don't worry, it's just because some of us are from Europe, where the game was released in the end of September![]()
I think I've read that you can get it from Cacto Cove, but I'm not sure since I haven't been there.
I get them from farming the Subterranean Cavern. There are a bunch of spiders there and they drop a Pink Silk 2/3 of the time.
OMG, I have not seen you for yonks XD
Hehe figured you would pick it up. Seeing a lot of New Leaf regulars here.
AC GAF reppin'.![]()
How are some of you guys so far in the game? I've been playing this 5 hours a day since release and am nowhere near where you guys are.
It's all about the timing. You need to take a beat between each time you press A. Also, finding easily accessible monsters that won't die until the 5th hit. (Or you could start the chain further away, but I think that's too unreliable.)So I've been trying to do the stupid tornado spon Merc quest for like an hour now and I can't get past 7 for some reason. Can someone help me here? Is there a trick to it?
I got it, but now I'm out of Merc quests. How do I get more
Are you at Legend rank? If so, and you haven't finished the first main story yet then you have to do that first.I got it, but now I'm out of Merc quests. How do I get more
So I think I'm stuck at Expert Mercenary. Kind of sucks. :/
On a good note, I finished the story!
What do you mean by stuck?
Happened to me when I was playing Fire Emblem. The placement of the button is fuel for a lot of frustration of mine. That's also why I save ever so often, to avoid losing progress in the games I'm playing.I just lost the last 2.5 hours of play (leveled up a bit, and got alchemy and cooking lifes up from the first level to the 3rd) went to pick up my 2ds, and didnt realise i was holding down the power button as i did.. so it closed the software
The Merc trainer in the castle told me to kill Turtanic or whatever (big turtle). Did the turn in at the bounty place, got nothing.
So confused.
The Merc trainer in the castle told me to kill Turtanic or whatever (big turtle). Did the turn in at the bounty place, got nothing.
So confused.
I didn't have this issue. When I realized I had to rank up to Demi-Creator, I noticed my missions already had progress from my time on the island, including the Ancient Dragon bounty I turned in. Just had to kill a few more enemies on the beach to go back and report everything in to hit Creator.I just made Hero Miner and the only challenges I have left are Dragon Scab (which I hope I can finally damage now,) mine 400 times, and mine 500 times. I'm at 366/ and trying to decide if I want to go grind out the two mining quests or just let it happen as I quest. The issue seems to be that in the base game if you complete a quest before it's given to you, you still get credit, but it seems you need to be Demi-Creator rank to get credit towards Origin Island stuff.
I didn't have this issue. When I realized I had to rank up to Demi-Creator, I noticed my missions already had progress from my time on the island, including the Ancient Dragon bounty I turned in. Just had to kill a few more enemies on the beach to go back and report everything in to hit Creator.
And I'd say just let the mining/chops happen in another class. You don't have to be a miner or woodcutter to get credit for those, so I just put them out of mind as I did whatever else.
Where did you get this idea? The vast majority of challenges can be completed as any job. There are a few that will say "As a (job) do (this) ", mainly challenges to claim a particular bounty, but most are not like that. Even then, these bounty challenges are only when you turn in the bounty, so you could kill the monster as one job, then change to the required job before turning it in.Oh yeah, I have one minor gripe, you cannot get achievements outside of your combat job in another combat job? : Aka I'd be rolling as a wizard and I find out I cannot get achievement for killing Carrotarita as a wizard when it was meant for Merc?.