The Angler Hero set is... I don't know if it's stupid or awesome. I'm a bit miffed at the fact that it's only 4 pieces instead of 5. Can't the king afford some specially-made pants for his top fisherman?
The story arcs are about 1 hour long or less, if people don't spam the story they should be able to bear with it, imo. That's an rpg.
Edit :Mean no harm, just informing people that what they might dislike is not endless or take hours.
Just want to reassure them.
Is there a good way to get Shadow/Light Mana besides repeatedly beatingand hoping to get them as a reward?Calamitus/Lightning Wraith
Now the Plushling got it. Strange. I went there before and nothing but useless stuff.Allright time to continue those subquests!
@Grizzo : no worry
Lunares merchant sell them.
It's suggested since you would have plenty of materials to work with.Should I have started as a Woodcutter to become a Carpenter?
Should I have started as a Woodcutter to become a Carpenter?
I hadn't realized how much I had missed playing games with an Uematsu soundtrack. In the hands of anyone else this game would have utterly generic fantasy RPG music, but he has such a gift for melody it elevates the whole thing into something I'll happily listen to for hours and hours.
I will never get tired of the kazoo fanfare.
I hadn't realized how much I had missed playing games with an Uematsu soundtrack. In the hands of anyone else this game would have utterly generic fantasy RPG music, but he has such a gift for melody it elevates the whole thing into something I'll happily listen to for hours and hours.
I will never get tired of the kazoo fanfare.
There is a Fantasy Life Guide somewhere on the internet and the wiki also lists every challenge for the various Lifes if you are stuck. Hope that helps! 😊I only need a few more stars to become a God Hunter, but I already did every challenges available and can't seem to find the one subquest that would give me the stars I need.
Guess I'll have to talk to absolutely everyone who has a balloon over their head!
I remember how all of us loved the soundtrack when this just released. America pls![]()
When you take a new life it asks if you want to do the tutorial quest. Just say "No" to skip the quest but still receive the bonuses. I think only the first one is required.
EU here, disliked the music since day 1![]()
I remember how all of us loved the soundtrack when this just released. America pls![]()
I love the soundtrack too bro.
Have you heard the Bravely Default one before? Beats this one by a kilometer. (Though I like the boss fight music in FL though, fits really well)Damn it
I must say I normally don't pay special attention to the soundtrack. But with this one I was actually glad someone uploaded it to Youtube![]()
Ah, good to know. I haven't started a new Life yet, but after going through the tailor tutorial the first thing I thought is how much it would suck to have to go through that for ever profession.
There is a Fantasy Life Guide somewhere on the internet and the wiki also lists every challenge for the various Lifes if you are stuck. Hope that helps! 😊
No problem. 😉Ha! Didn't know about that! Thank you Mr Cat <3
I actually did go through them for every profession and it wasn't bad at all. There's a bit of character introduction, a bit of running around town to find people/things, then a bit of practice. I zipped through each of them in about 10 minutes or so. Getting up to apprentice level in each job took considerably longer.Ah, good to know. I haven't started a new Life yet, but after going through the tailor tutorial the first thing I thought is how much it would suck to have to go through that for ever profession.
Have you heard the Bravely Default one before? Beats this one by a kilometer. (Though I like the boss fight music in FL though, fits really well)
Anyone know where I can buy evil carps? They are apparently VERY rare and I want to get to Legend Tailor soon. Annoying shy fishes they are and I haven't catched one after trying for half an hour in the.Al Maajik Outskirts
There is a Fantasy Life Guide somewhere on the internet and the wiki also lists every challenge for the various Lifes if you are stuck. Hope that helps! ��
On the first town, go to the library. Ok the second floor are bookshelves with books that tell you exactly what enemies and collectables are in each area. It makes things easy without having to cheat using a FAQ.So, where do I find Iron Ore to mine?
Shame. Thanks anyway.I think you can only fish them, I don't remember seeing any merchant selling it o.o
Whoo, finally cut down 500 trees and now I'm a God Woodcutter. Only two more lives to reach God, but they're both stuck behind skill level requirements...
So I was feeling great with myself and went to cut down a Millenial Tree... Holy, that thing heals so far my axe can't even keep up. I spend 1 minute to knock down 10% of its HP, then stop for 2 seconds to rest and it's healed it all!
I don't remember having a problem with the Golem Stone for Miner (in fact it was super easy), but maybe my Miner stats and equipment were much better...
On the first town, go to the library. Ok the second floor are bookshelves with books that tell you exactly what enemies and collectables are in each area. It makes things easy without having to cheat using a FAQ.
Are quests missable?
There's a thread on Gamefaqs with a list of each NPC for all the lives and their locations by the way.
Do you still have the link to that?![]()
I read somewhere that the Mercenary is generally less useful as a combat class than the Paladin--is this true?
They're 6 with DLC included (only 1 town for DLC) :
3 cities (Castel included)
3 towns/villages.
The story will lead you there and I think you can only buy the house when you finished the story arc of the area. Not sure, though.No kidding.
What constitutes a town?
I just got to(sort of) and don't remember seeing anything I would consider a town or village. Should I have seen any?Port Puerto
Also, my main quest isn't far enough to send me toeven though Life quests are all requiring it (at adept and expert for all). Is there an easy way to teleport to the town? I tried to buy a house, thinking I would be able to teleport there, but they won't let me.Port Puerto
You will be offered a house after you finish the part of the story there.No kidding.
What constitutes a town?
I just got to(sort of) and don't remember seeing anything I would consider a town or village. Should I have seen any?Port Puerto
Also, my main quest isn't far enough to send me toeven though Life quests are all requiring it (at adept and expert for all). Is there an easy way to teleport to the town? I tried to buy a house, thinking I would be able to teleport there, but they won't let me.Port Puerto