I hate FC2, Far Cry 3 is a much better game. Terrible story, though. But a better game to play in almost every way.
My man. Only I hate FC2 for its fucking bugs. Everything else is stellar to me. Shame I could never finish it.
I hate FC2, Far Cry 3 is a much better game. Terrible story, though. But a better game to play in almost every way.
you couldn't pay him to try the demo!Try the demo and see what you think.
you couldn't pay him to try the demo!
I cant tell you how warm and fuzzy it is to hear Michael Biehn doing his best Duke Nukem and chuckling when I score a headshot with the sniper rifle.
But I CAN tell you that there is a boner involved.
Oh my god. The demo is AMAZING. Far Cry 3 is similar to this? Does that (and this) still have the dogshit infinite spawning after five seconds guard posts? Because that REALLY killed FarCry 2 for me and if these two don't I'm definitely tracking down a copy of FarCry 3 and getting Blooddragon.
Sounds like I'm going to buy both FarCry 3's then. Time to get my sneak and shanking guards on.
Anyone play this on PS3? How does it run? I'm tempted to just wait for xbla version tomorrow.
It runs decently. I can't really compare it to FarCry 3 PS3 or the other versions but I didn't notice any hitches or anything of the sort that more anal people may see.
Digital Foundry said:Battle and hunting sequences give us some notable lows in performance, where during one outpost explosion we see the frame rate plummet down to 15FPS on PS3, and 18FPS on 360. The general flow of battle is generally better than this may suggest, but it's rare to see either platform hold a stable 30FPS - and the 360 usually takes the higher ground.
Anyone play this on PS3? How does it run? I'm tempted to just wait for xbla version tomorrow.
lolGood lord this game! lol
"I swore an oath to Lady Liberty that I'd never use drugs."
Has anyone here redeem the code from the AMD promotion? I can't do it.
I tried doing that, but the code doesn't make the price of the game zero, it stays the same.I think you have to buy the game through UBishop and then use the code as a voucher during checkout. Haven't done it with FC3 BD (still looking for a key) but that's how it worked with other Ubi games from video card promotions.
I tried doing that, but the code doesn't make the price of the game zero, it stays the same.
Maybe it is a Steam key?
Still waiting in Australia too]blacky[;56403584 said:The game should be available since ten hours here in Europe. Instead of that Steam tells me that it tooks 10 hours more to go. Fuck.
]blacky[;56403584 said:The game should be available since ten hours here in Europe. Instead of that Steam tells me that it tooks 10 hours more to go. Fuck.
Still waiting in Australia tooRelease date was always listed as May 2, which should make it 6 hours from now. But Steam says ten. I do not understand.
Anyone play this on PS3? How does it run? I'm tempted to just wait for xbla version tomorrow.
10 million credits to rebuild me and I'm doing this shit?
What the hell does the OT title mean?
Was able to use the AMD promo code on the Ubi website, but I've not received a follow up email, nor has the game been added to my account. Kinda bummed about that, guess I'll have to email AMD support later.
Which site did you redeem the code on?
Anyone play this on PS3? How does it run? I'm tempted to just wait for xbla version tomorrow.
Sadly, performance isn't a strong suit with sustained drops to 22FPS being common-place on both consoles, and tearing also consistently afflicting the entire screen during play.
We had hoped the focused visual style in Blood Dragon would lighten the burden on these platforms, but alas it's the same raw deal as the original Far Cry 3. Both PS3 and 360 deliver closer results in terms of image quality than before - discrepancies in resolution aside - while Microsoft's platform offers a minor advantage in frame-rate when strained.
I tried doing that, but the code doesn't make the price of the game zero, it stays the same.