Gray Matter
Co-op trophies are easy. Thanks for the help Hugs. Sucks about the party chat... PSN sucking as usual :/
You wanna try some coop now?
Co-op trophies are easy. Thanks for the help Hugs. Sucks about the party chat... PSN sucking as usual :/
You wanna try some coop now?
Sure. Give me a couple minutes and I'l be ready.
Co-op trophies are easy. Thanks for the help Hugs. Sucks about the party chat... PSN sucking as usual :/
The mission where I have tomight be the worst thing I've ever played all year which is a shame because this game is three slaves
It's like the developers designed a Splinter Cell level but put all the resources into Far Cry 4 and put it in first person. I have never been so angry at a mission than I have with this sack of shit.
Also the enemy AI is INCONSISTENT AS FUCK, in regards if a silenced weapon is fired at someone and kills them instantly. Holy shit what the fuck is wrong with this?
That was by far the most frustrating mission for me so far. I wanted to just drop the controller and walk away. Thank goodness for the check pointswhen you free each slave
heh just a few pages ago, ppl were saying it was their favorite mission : )
I like it
Just bought this from GMG. I actually have no idea what to expect.
how do you clean kill a rhino?
I really dislike the two Himalayan missions I've done. They're not fun and they're boring and long.
IGN posted an article stating that they have heard there are more endings. I think I just figured out what one of them is and I'll test it out tomorrow to see if its an ending I havent heard of or seen before.
So what is "better" to choose? I'm just sitting in the pause screen right now
APagan Minchild solider and drug nation that can grow when I take down
?a nation that is ruled by a jerk with antiquated ideas and lack of freedom for many citizens as well as no way to sustain itself
Interesting, when I finished the game yesterday I got no cutscene with. Only one withAmitaafter the end credits. It was pretty jarring to not have any story resolution for that aspect. Could it have been because I skipped the actual credits?Yogi and Reggie
heh just a few pages ago, ppl were saying it was their favorite mission : )
I like it
Hmm... I'm intrigued. I wonder what the super secret is.
Hmm... I'm intrigued. I wonder what the super secret is.
I didn't sweat these decisions much because they're purposely written to be imperfect solutions either way. Ultimately I didn't feel drugs were the key to a prosperous nation though.
If you let Pagan live, you can shoot down the helicopter. Looting his body gives you a pen that was a gift to him from your mother.
Soo is my game glitched?
(mild spoilers)
but I don't see any more primary mission markers anywhere on my map. And I can't head north across that bridge because it says I need to do more campaign missions. I've already liberated a couple strongholds as well. I'm playing on PC if that matters. I'm scanning my map and I don't see any primary icons anywhereI did the first mission where you have to choose between getting intel or defending the outpost (I chose the guy's), did a few of the crazy preacher missions, did a couple Hurk missions, and spoke to the little girl by the lake.... I googled and I don't see anything.
I'm pretty sure there should be another mission to go toLook for any letter on the map. It could be A, S, and L might progress a mission sometimes too I think. I don't think two khukri will always be the mission to go to. At the worst, quit out and jump in the game again. I don't recall having a problem at this partafter talking to Bhadra near the lake.
I've looked and looked. I never had an A or S pop up after I spoke to Bhadra. I only had H, L, and Y. I've done all those and now nothing. Damnnnn this makes me sad
You did H, L, and Y missions? I know the first Y mission is meant to unlock something in the story but if you have none of those on the map then it sounds like its a glitch :/
Yep, seems so. 15 hours in and this happens.
I know it's a long shot but does anyone know where I could download a save file close to before the "Sleeping Saints" mission by chance? I'm searching for one but they are all fake files so far.
I watched a bear and Bengal tiger duke it out for a few minutes. The tiger won.
I took both their pelts.
Sorry to hear that. Restarting the game doesn't change anything? And just to be clear, you completed the arena mission, right?
Yeah, and then I did the trippy drugged mission as well. And a couple of the blood diamond ones, and then the Hurk/elephant one. I've tried signing out, in, deleting my saves and resyncing with Uplay, nothing. Thanks for trying to help at least.
I've looked and looked. I never had an A or S pop up after I spoke to Bhadra. I only had H, L, and Y. I've done all those and now nothing. Damnnnn this makes me sad
The Y is the campaign mission. Bhadra talks to you about the Ghale homestead, and the first Y mission is the homestead. I found that deeply confusing at first, and I think the game should use a regular objective marker for that.
I think it should open up a Golden Path mission (symbol: Golden Path logo, *not* a letter).
I watched a bear and Bengal tiger duke it out for a few minutes. The tiger won.
I took both their pelts.
Loving this so far, and it seems gigantic. how long is a fairly thorough single playthrough taking people? not necessarily platinuming it, just seeing everything?
Think of Far Cry 3 as the prototype for Far Cry 4.
It really is. My favorite animal interaction so far has been watching a honey badger chase off a pack of wolves. Love those little shits.Yeah, that shit is awesome.
I saw a royal bengal lion taking on around 4 wolves, the lion fucked the shit out of them.
Also, one of the outposts had a caged elephant, i shot the elephant cage, the outpost called reinforcements, but the elephant pretty much took out around 20 guys and i was just crouching in a nearby set of bushes.
The ambient AI in the game is awesome.
Enemy AI with stealth. Why is it when I kill a guy and his body is found, every enemy on the map instantly runs/walks toward my position? They would not know where I was, and would actually start fanning out looking for me in real life. It would have been much better if they had just been put on high alert and spot you quicker when a body was found.