yeah i just put the bow away and take out the rifles whenever i hear those fucking badgers
the rare skin mission for the badger was hilarious though, ahh i love this game
Do you guys have any tips for a newcomer to the series? What should I focus on first? Should I ever buy guns or just wait to conquer outposts? How do I earn money and earn skill points?
Do you guys have any tips for a newcomer to the series? What should I focus on first? Should I ever buy guns or just wait to conquer outposts? How do I earn money and earn skill points?
I just got this game on PS4 recently and haven't been able to connect to a coop game, not even once. I never have any problems with other games, what gives?
I am 30% complete with about 20 hours into the game. I am having a great time. I will find every mask andhopefully kill the serial killer, The Goat
I have no problem taking outposts undetected using the compound bow and silenced signature smg (and or the silenced pistol from UPlay). I finally unlocked the M700 sniper with silencer, scope, and extended clip but have little luck hitting anything. I have a problem zooming in with it (as it is not zooming in). I must be doing something wrong but I am clicking R3 to little affect.
FC4 Gold Edition is supposed to come with Hurk's Redemption and some other content but didn't (for me anyway) on Xbox One. Anyone else have this problem?
From what I've gathered, "Hurk's Redemption" was a pre-order bonus. So if you bought the Gold Edition/season pass just after launch(like me) then you won't get Hurk's missions straight away. They will apparently unlock at a later, unknown date.
I bought the PS4 Gold Edition and Hurk's cut-scene played, but the H never showed up on the map. I've completed the main game and almost 100%'d it too, so if it was going to show up it would have done so by now.
Ubisoft are as clear as mud on this, so I might be wrong and it may be a bug...
Also, I think Kyrat is based on the Indian state of Sikkim given the geography. This is a photo from when I was there last month:
Lucky bastard, this looks amazing![]()
I just finished it on PS4 and overall despite how much I loved the previous games I gotta say I'm a little disappointed that they did so little with the setting. The level design is just very similar to 3's, it's basically two big vallleys with more elevation than in 3 but not nearly as much as what the E3 demo was hinting at.
The fact that the actual snow covered mountains of the Himalayas are unreachable in the open world and relagated to a couple of small mission specific maps is a huge let down. Instead of figuring out ways to design a systemic climbing mechanic they just bolted on a grappling hook that only works in very specific places. It sort of goes against the entire concept of Far Cry 3 and 4 really.
The writing was all over the fucking place too. You've got wacky and insufferable characters like Y&R (shittiest set of side missions I've played in a while), attempts at more grounded political conflic (Amita & Sabal) and then Pagan Min. None of these characters feel like they live in the same world. Ubisoft in general really need to get some better writers, between this, Watch Dogs and ACU this year they've really missed the mark.
Still, the core gameplay loop remains hugely enjoyable, but they need to be more ambitious with the next game, because it's the first Far Cry that doesn't feel like it's own unique game, but rather just another sequel.
Could anyone explain how one acquires ammo in co op? There aren't any stores
From what I've gathered, "Hurk's Redemption" was a pre-order bonus. So if you bought the Gold Edition/season pass just after launch(like me) then you won't get Hurk's missions straight away. They will apparently unlock at a later, unknown date.
I bought the PS4 Gold Edition and Hurk's cut-scene played, but the H never showed up on the map. I've completed the main game and almost 100%'d it too, so if it was going to show up it would have done so by now.
Ubisoft are as clear as mud on this, so I might be wrong and it may be a bug...
Has xbox version always had god rays?
Are you still looking for someone to quickly do those co-op trophies with?Anyone on PS4 willing to invite me for a real quick trophy session tonight or tomorrow? I just want to capture an outpost as Hurk and do the vehicle takedown from a passenger seat. I'm willing to play more than that if you are, of course, but I'd like to get the trophies since they're some of the only ones I have left.
From what I've gathered, "Hurk's Redemption" was a pre-order bonus. So if you bought the Gold Edition/season pass just after launch(like me) then you won't get Hurk's missions straight away. They will apparently unlock at a later, unknown date.
I bought the PS4 Gold Edition and Hurk's cut-scene played, but the H never showed up on the map. I've completed the main game and almost 100%'d it too, so if it was going to show up it would have done so by now.
Ubisoft are as clear as mud on this, so I might be wrong and it may be a bug...
Can someone help me get the two co-op trophies? Those are all I'm missing from platinum.
I am on PS4, PSN username glaurung
Ubisoft finally responded to me with more than a form response, and you're right.
PS4 and XB1 users who purchased the Gold edition but did not pre-order get the additional content "as soon as it is available."
PC users get it immediately regardless of when they purchased.
The "as soon as it is available" is annoying since it obviously already is available but whatever.
Are there any game breaking bugs or issues with the x1 version of the game?
I am a little hesitant due to it being and ubisoft game.![]()
I completed the game on the Xbox without experiencing any bugs.
My only issue (which is probably not software-related) is finding multiplayer sessions.
Here's a shoutout to UnwrittenZero who helped me with the two co-op trophies!I'll help or if there is anyone else that wants to team up and get the trophies. Psn UnwrittenZero
So I played some coop today and while it was fun, almost no challenge was present. It doesn't seem like the level of difficulty adjusts itself to having twice the manpower so we'll probably manually switch to Hard next time. Is there a way to do that without having to restart the campaign from scratch?