Not sure if this is worth making a new thread, so I'll just post it here.
There will be US-servers and from what I read you won't be able to transfer over. There will be US-exclusive servants, though its not clarified if its already existing ones or ones made exclusively for this version.
It was awkwardly worded, but the exclusive servants are meant to be exclusive/new to F/GO, not that they are new to the English/US version of the game. They mention Thomas Edison for example, who is a servant in the American chapter of the game.
But I guess it does mean they are starting out with the game updated as it is in Japan as well, minus the limited and event servants.
Does FGO have an english translation on the JP version like Granblue?
I just rolled Emiya in JP after reading a reddit post about someone happy they finally get to pick him in English after not rolling for years.
Is Heracles the best pick? Based on what I've seen I'm leaning that way, anyone here have strong opinions?
For CEs do you not get the bonus until you MAX break it?
Like for example Be Elegant starts as 25% enhancement to C Star Drop Rate and at MAX break it's 30% enhancement. Does it not gradually grow to 30%?