Osu 16 Bit
Who's the best cute girl I can play in SFV that's not Cammy
Chun Li
Who's the best cute girl I can play in SFV that's not Cammy
We don't even know if there will be online lobbies yet. I'm sure I won't be the only one pissed about non-existant lobbies at launch.
Battle Lounge will probably replace Endless Lobbies. Wish they tested it during beta 4.Doesn't look like Endless is coming back, which surprises me. I thought that was popular as much as ranked mode was.
New character specific video series leading up to launch.
Who's the best cute girl I can play in SFV that's not Cammy
Who's the best cute girl I can play in SFV that's not Cammy
Who's the best cute girl I can play in SFV that's not Cammy
Who's the best cute girl I can play in SFV that's not Cammy
^ It's Rice-Eater.
Yams wanted to do a serious tournament. I wanted to do non serious tournament, but still with a prize on the line. So far only Beef and mpbm have joined, if more people don't join then I'm going to have to cancel it. If people are only willing to join if it was a serious tournament then I'll change my mind, but I'd still force it to be Edition Select. If people don't like that idea then the tournament is canceled. Sorry to Beef and mbpm if that's the case.
I mean, I already have a season pass I realized, so that's also a disincentive at this point.
The problem lies in the heart of battl....in the fact that the syllables that we show starting with "r" in english aren't R at all. You can hear a really good example of りゅ (which is the same as the リユ that forms the first element of Ryu's name, リュウat Tae Kim's site (scroll down to Y-vowel sounds and click りゅ
Accurate ryu/ryo pronunciation is hard and I wouldn't expect anyone not learning Japanese to actually do that. reeyou is fine. RAIyou is horrible.
How do you pronounce Ryo?
Easier and closer to think of it has "yo" with a slight r sound at the start. Say it like that and keep it one syllable
I'll reinstall SF4 to play in the tournament sure, only if it's random select.
its random select
Mike Ross will campaign for him to get in even though he really doesn't like using him.I'm calling foul if E Honda is back. Capcom has no idea how to make that character good.
Saw in this in the SFV roster thread. Made me LOL hard.
Where's the PS4 one?
who the fuck plays sf4 on a ps4
who the fuck plays sf4 on a ps4
How is beef better than K Sabot?I said I would do both but I took that back since I didn't want to blow money on a Season Pass twice since I have to spend a bunch of money on other stuff soon. Sorry if any of you guys were looking forward to that. Join PC if possible though. Beef needs his season pass.
How is beef better than K Sabot?
How is beef better than K Sabot?
So this popped up on my twitter feed.
You now have a vid of me getting my ass destroyed by Arturo on the internet forever, do with it as you will.
He could beat me
I haven't played SF4 in like 7 months and I only played like 5 characters at most in that game.
If I get Fuerte, I lose.
Lol, I was being flippant. Thanks for the serious answers though. Certainly have more thought than I did for my post.That's not what I meant. Besides, it's not a tournament of skill, it's random with Edition Select. I only said Beef because he was the first one to join and comment. For a while there only him and Rock seemed really up for it(Rock came later though).
Is air legs safe on block?
I played Arturo like 10 times during the last beta. Got like 2 games on him. Dhalsim is super scary in this game.
what about at worst? Will u,qcf+k do it or do you need a more complex input?
At worst it can be like -2 if the last kick of your air kicks whiffs. You can do U, qcf+K as fast as possible, but doing it with upfoward gives you a better chance of hitting with all the kicks on the way down. There are situations where I'll do neutral jump into it such as after I cross under somebody, just so I don't accidentally go over their head with it.
The fall of SFIV has been a weird thing for me personally. I came back briefly for Super then moved to KoFXIII and SCV. The DL practices of SFxT broke me and stopped playing Fighters completely until Smash 4 and Ultra brought me back.
That said, before that, while the release of a new Street Fighter always is exciting, its not like I quit the previous version cols turkey. I still play Alpha 2/3 to this day for instance and I still acrub it out in 3S from time to time. I don't think I will go back to IV ever though. I realize that game is not for me.
cool, thanks. Can't wait to try it. Hopefully I can start doing it instantly since it's the same input as Kitana's instant air fan.
Do you think her bnb is difficult? I suck at links.
cool, thanks. Can't wait to try it. Hopefully I can start doing it instantly since it's the same input as Kitana's instant air fan.
Do you think her bnb is difficult? I suck at links.