『Inaba Resident』;207386197 said:
skip to 1:30 in that vid. Sees she's getting bodied by gordeau. Glad that hasnt changed
『Inaba Resident』;207386197 said:
Well my leg is in throbbing pain but better than busting my head open or breaking my back xDDamn, Q. Good to hear it wasn't more serious.
Lol man fell again today and fucked up my knee. Had to actually call 911 this time. This shit has sucked lately starting to mentally wear me down.
On a more positive note I really liked the showing of stuff at e3 this year. Lots of fun new stuff on the horizon
I do that everyday already xD
Take out your frustrations on the netplay scrubs.
Yeah just chilling in bed for the rest of the day. Thankfully my friend set it up a few weeks ago so I can play my ps4 from bed now so I'm not annoyed at my lack of being able to play gg and other stuff xD
Yeah just chilling in bed for the rest of the day. Thankfully my friend set it up a few weeks ago so I can play my ps4 from bed now so I'm not annoyed at my lack of being able to play gg and other stuff xD
when u punish sweeps IRL
Lol man fell again today and fucked up my knee. Had to actually call 911 this time. This shit has sucked lately starting to mentally wear me down.
when u punish sweeps IRL
NRS didn't fix the netcode, they rebuilt it.If NRS can fix their netcode anyone can.
Feel better, Q. :/Lol man fell again today and fucked up my knee. Had to actually call 911 this time. This shit has sucked lately starting to mentally wear me down.
On a more positive note I really liked the showing of stuff at e3 this year. Lots of fun new stuff on the horizon
Does King not have her aerial projectile?couple kof tidbits that might be old news:
when a char is on wakeup there's a 9f throw invul period, this is to focus more on neutral game as the driving factor. This is also the reason that the game is less aerial based and characters like King don't have their same air specials to the extent of other games.
links still use the hold system from previous kofs and anime like blazblue.
Game is trying to be more accessible on a gameplay level, IE not as long of combos, removal of loops etc.
Supposedly (again, not 100% sure) if there are future dlc characters, they'll be free. Cosmetic DLC will still cost money but characters won't (if there even are any that are coming).
That's about it from what I've picked up here and there from talking with people at the show.
when a char is on wakeup there's a 9f throw invul period, this is to focus more on neutral game as the driving factor.
Does King not have her aerial projectile?
NRS didn't fix the netcode, they rebuilt it.
Well my leg is in throbbing pain but better than busting my head open or breaking my back xD
when u punish sweeps IRL
The other concern was the AI. Arcade mode was criticised for having braindead AI that didn't really fight back and it felt the same for Story mode. Do enemy fighters become more difficult as the mode progresses?
PR: It does get a little harder, but in addition to that, if you want more of a challenge you can replay it in a hard mode once it's unlocked.
I'm not convinced people will want to replay a Story mode a second time. Why wouldn't you have the first time be the most optimal experience that presents a good challenge? Where's the value in playing a second time?
Would rather have hard mode available from the start tbh.
Though if it gives you more FM, I don't mind running through it twice.