2 Critical Art Urien Combo
Does fully chraged denjin still break aegis?
2 Critical Art Urien Combo
I keep seeing people say this. Why do we think her specials are not just black/purple colored now? She's got a lot of black/purple in her color scheme now anyway.
2 Critical Art Urien Combo
I hate the color black!
Venue space won't be an issue if they stay in the LVCC -- the place has up to three million square feet of space to work with and they currently are only using 140k square feet for Evo weekend. That would not be ideal since you would still have the split venues, but the event's already at the point where leasing convention center space is the only viable option. As for the game rotation, it seems straightforward enough -- Injustice 2 would replace MKXL, BBCF would replace Xrd:R (unless there's a Xrd update that's out on console a year from now, which is unlikely) and KoF XIV would probably replace whatever other game (like Pokken or KI) gets dropped. Continued support for KI is hardly a lock and if Microsoft stops cutting the check that's probably the first game to go.
If the Meele community keeps acting like shitlords then I would hope events would have no problem cutting them. Event organizers don't have time for communities that treat them like a mediocre event.
2 Critical Art Urien Combo
Because they're not black/purple, they're black/grey.I keep seeing people say this. Why do we think her specials are not just black/purple colored now? She's got a lot of black/purple in her color scheme now anyway.
Because they're not black/purple, they're black/grey.
gko Secret/Angry PoongKo Retweeted Secret/Angry PoongKo
English commentary error
I never give up SFV
just hate Character not play
Guess that's one way to kill your r/kappa sponsorship.
Black latex not enough for you?
"Is Urien's Critical Art the most significant event in videogames history?"
So what are the conditions for this to happen after his CA?
Just a PC mod
The final top 16 for this tournament will be determined by:
4 Japan-only online qualifiers on 9th, 10th, 24th & 30th July - Winners advance instantly to the final top 16
2 pre main event offline qualifiers on 23th July & 13th August, only Japan residents can participate - Winners & Runner-ups advance instantly to the final top 16
a 128-man final day qualifier on 14th August, foreign players are only allowed to participate here - Top 8 in this final qualifier will join the final top 16
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But why this doesn't happen at the story mode?That is the full animation of his CA, not a mod.
It doesn't have to, they can co exist. EVO either adds a 10th game and run two Friday day finals or drops one of their smaller games like KI next year to Move in BB.I'd be really surprised if BB usurped Xrd as the evo anime game.
So Urien is switching costumes when he does his CA. Very cool (especially the modding potential).
Guess that's one way to kill your r/kappa sponsorship.
But why this doesn't happen at the story mode?
You could like, have Cammy appear from within the pillar or something.
That is the full animation of his CA, not a mod.
Damn SonicFox is on Ibuki with the swiftness:
That reset at 2 min 30s...
continuity with the cutscenes possibly
People really wanted SFV story mode over playing online.
I can't believe it. It was embarrassing Power Rangers tier writing. I was enjoying it for the cheese appeal alone but people actively preferring to go through this three hour mode, and saying SFV has no content because the game didn't have a three hour anime movie where you can fight occasionally?
I don't get people. I'm embarrassed for you, single player content people.
In more important matters, Juri is tight af. Seriously Capcom give me Juri this month please.
As I stated before all games are power rangers writing, you will never get candide. Also you can't really know what people want. To some people just losing to nothing but sf fiends can get grating. Ideally they'd use all the content to get things out of it.
Not everybody is the competitive type and often times the competitive people ruin the games for others.
Not all games have Power Rangers writing at all. I don't really expect better from fighters, because they're fighters, but the people putting the game down because it doesn't have a Power Rangers story mode is what I find so hilarious.
Certainly a World Tour mode would be more preferable?
Given all of the characters in Cinematic Story mode, Capcom could make a heck of a World Tour mode already. Fight 5 Peter's at once!
I dunno about everyone not being competitive. I'm not saying you have to be. If you want, you could surely enjoy being in Rookie rank and fighting people at your level? It's absurd to me. It's like people not wanting to play Counter Strike or Team Fortress 2 because they'll lose. "You up for some CSGO?" "Nah, I lose all the time." I can't respect it.
It could have had Oscar caliber writing and still be a waste of space for a fighting game
Too bad the average person doesn't give a shit about fighting games.
Too bad the average person doesn't give a shit about fighting games.
I almost feel like story mode in SFV was a waste of resources for the game and I also feel like a lot of the single player camp want content for contents sake. I mean, the story mode is 3-4 hours long, and people say the same about Mortal Kombat. Is a 3-4 hour cinematic story mode really that much more in the way of actual content to change your opinion of the game? Comparing it to Blaz Blue CFE that's practically nothing. So is the problem the lack of arcade mode?
Arc gives the most value for all camps I think.
This is true.
I don't think the mechanics of a fighting game lend themselves well too a story mode where you occasionally beat up an ai. Might as well be asura's wrath, which at that point might as well be a different game.
MK has always been about the story, for better or worse. It's just that with MK9/X, the story mode came attached with games that were considered fun for the first time in years. Sometimes people wanna do more than fight others online, and that's what hurt SF5 whether or not you wanna believe it.
MK has always been about the story, for better or worse. It's just that with MK9/X, the story mode came attached with games that were considered fun for the first time in years. Sometimes people wanna do more than fight others online, and that's what hurt SF5 whether or not you wanna believe it.
Yup. To quote Iucebuce12......You're probably right, wouldn't make sense to have Urien naked there lol
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the Illuminati's tailor is one rich fucking person.
Okay. I can actually understand that because if they put in World Tour I'd be there day one.
My problem also stems from criticisms of the game from people who haven't even played it. Also, wanting more content when you're bored with online is fine, but I also think that a lot of the stuff in fighters is outdated, like the entire concept of arcade mode.
If I were to make a sp fighting game mode, it would be a side scroller that would help teach how to play the game at the same time.
What is this tower?