Professor Beef
I'd love to hear some of the folks here describe how they would make the characters in Blaz Blue look given the stories, personalities, and moveset themes the characters are supposed to utilize.
Not scour the internet looking for cool fanartists to reimagine this for them either...I want to hear how they would redesign the looks. Body type, clothing accessories, posture for the personality, various poses on the attacks described, effects. The whole nine yards all without looking up someone else with talent to do it for them and posting that or describing it instead of showing us their own creativity here.
Because I'll outright say this...folks here talk a lot of shit and have no idea how hard it is to design a character from start to finish for animation in a game. They just repost their favorite game or character from it and try to describe a fan fiction reinterpretation of it. You have to consider shit like colors, or shapes on the body competing for the eyes attention because of silly shit like too many curve shapes in a cluster, or stuff like pointed shapes accidentally creating angrier and dangerous vibes for a character than intended...sometimes just by a pose looking too sharp you can blow a character's animated personality by creating corners instead of curves or vice versa. Plus shit like too many props and accessories competing for importance on a theme crop up by folks designing a new prop for every new attack they come up with.
Focusing a design to carry a full character's theme, personality and intended playstyle is ridiculously detailed shit. Its not something you just go into because you've played a lot of games. You gotta understand a fuck load of kinematic theory, color theory, and general light/shading, and linework theory to get right.
Folks talking shit on Blaz Blue designs are just letting anime emotions or game preference shit get in the way IMO. Watch it in motion and consider the personality of the characters in the story and how they were supposed to play. That shit was designed with some pretty fucking stellar attention to detail.
Seriously...get over the forum fighting game expert mindset here and realize that this is fucking deep animation and art theory shit and its completely removed from what your opinions of a good or bad character in a game are about. You can like or hate whatever kinds of designs you feel like, but that doesn't make you qualified to claim that all designs you don't personally prefer were "badly designed".
This is a lot of words just to say "well you're not an artist so"