when's Darkstalkers 4?
at this point the only people who want a new vampire are fans of the look of the series or haven't been paying attention to capcom for the last decade. it serves no audience and shouldn't get made tbh. luckily it has less than zero chance of existing.
i want it but i have very little faith in Capcom these days. would feel better if they'd stop choosing Dimpsat this point the only people who want a new vampire are fans of the look of the series or haven't been paying attention to capcom for the last decade. it serves no audience and shouldn't get made tbh. luckily it has less than zero chance of existing.
at this point the only people who want a new vampire are fans of the look of the series or haven't been paying attention to capcom for the last decade. it serves no audience and shouldn't get made tbh. luckily it has less than zero chance of existing.
Fuck that, Ono is just going to ruin it with the SFV artstyle.
I'd sacrifice atleast a moderate amount of people for Rugal being the next guest character for Tekken 7
no one has confirmed. namco pr purposely dodged the question at a recent event. my guess is they have a timeline to release all that info and are holding off til the NJPW content going to be in the console version?
I'd sacrifice atleast a moderate amount of people for Rugal being the next guest character for Tekken 7
Got an ideais the NJPW content going to be in the console version?
can i give you a list or
IndeedDidn't Harada say he wanted Geese?
Didn't Harada say he wanted Geese?
Akuma heihachi geese rugal?
That would be the craziest tekken ever.
Throwing epithets at VSav players like that is really goddamn rude. There may not be enough interest to justify a new game, but your comment was completely unnecessary.ppl that want a new vsav or love it are the same ppl that think 3s is the best capcom fighting game ever made
Throwing epithets at VSav players like that is really goddamn rude. There may not be enough interest to justify a new game, but your comment was completely unnecessary.
WWE is paying Namco to block it, we're getting New Day's unicorn horn one has confirmed. namco pr purposely dodged the question at a recent event. my guess is they have a timeline to release all that info and are holding off til then.
ppl that want a new vsav or love it are the same ppl that think 3s is the best capcom fighting game ever made
[*]Vampire: Darkstalkers collection hits for PS2 in japan only. Has all the previous games like Chaos Tower did, but also Arranged Versions of all the Vampire games. Plus it adds the secret character DEE THE DHAMPIR. Fuck you America and Europe. Japan only gets a Dhampir.
i must be the only person who likes Krauser
Where the heck did all the awesome character modelers from MVC3 go? Those guys were the GOAT.
All the updates after VSav were only available on very specific platforms, and all of them made changes to gameplay that the remaining players found distasteful. Had Capcom actually committed and made and official fourth game with an arcade release, things might be different. Instead we got the disjointed mess of slightly modified re-releases posted above.
Also, Dee was a headswap of Demitri. He seemed like a pretty lazy character in a lot of ways.
I just want Lord raptor (or jedah) in a versus game.
chainsaw feet are cool
I don't think i've sold a game in a while, now that i have money of course. I did sell SFxT but I regret that sort of... Online was pretty much dead on PS3 (should rebuy it on PC).Yamazaki, Vanessa and Rock...
Shouldn't have sold KOF
I don't think i've sold a game in a while, now that i have money of course. I did sell SFxT but I regret that sort of... Online was pretty much dead on PS3 (should rebuy it on PC).
why is Leo in KOF?
at this point the only people who want a new vampire are fans of the look of the series or haven't been paying attention to capcom for the last decade. it serves no audience and shouldn't get made tbh. luckily it has less than zero chance of existing.