Yah I hope they polish it the fuck up. Game looks so is still fucking ugly though
Yah I hope they polish it the fuck up. Game looks so is still fucking ugly though
MvCI isn't TvC2, I still don't know why people are saying this unless they're just regurgitating for the sake of regurgitating?
MvCI isn't TvC2, I still don't know why people are saying this unless they're just regurgitating for the sake of regurgitating?
You are right
It's SFxT 2
Congrats!That feeling when you finish your MA last night and then wake up to find out your favorite game franchise isn't ruined.
It's a good day God damn it.
ESPN acting like they are Capcom this week. The purge is real.
Feels uncanny valley-ish. I do like some of the Chun combos. Anyone have gameplay videos that are in HD? The ones I searched look grainy to me.
That feeling when you finish your MA last night and then wake up to find out your favorite game franchise isn't ruined.
It's a good day God damn it.
Damn, if Infinite is going to have rounds, then Top 8's are going to take even longer than Pokken.
Things I noticed from the Marvel gameplay.
-Only character that was air dashing without help from a stone was Ultron, Chun Li and Thor never air dashed once. Chris Airdashed with the Time Stone. Air dashing is fucking slow.
Marvel Infinite seems to have rounds as well. At least 2/3 in the videos shown.
I guess RIP in peace 3/5 Marvel matches then.
Chun airdashes first thing when she appears in the video.
This is just SF style rounds, don't know if resources reset or not (I think Stone bar might be reset but not meter). It's still possible that round lengths are short and they can still have 3/5 matches like SFV does.If resources reset, wouldn't a match be 2/3?
Then all you'd need to do for finals would be bump the rounds up to 3, right?
Damn, I really can't wait to dive into the deep Customization Mode of T7.
Options are great
As long as people don't go for their usual madness customs
It'll never reach SCV fuzzy dildo Voldos tho
Is burst it's on meter?And yeah this is no where as bad as what I heard. I heard some pretty wonky stuff like characters couldn't air dash without a gem, glad to see that's not true. Most of the other stuff like Bursts and Auto Combos seems true though.
Is burst it's on meter?
Is burst it's on meter?
It costs 2 super meter. Not sure how many uses you are allowed with it.Is burst it's on meter?
And yeah this is no where as bad as what I heard. I heard some pretty wonky stuff like characters couldn't air dash without a gem, glad to see that's not true. Most of the other stuff like Bursts and Auto Combos seems true though.
It costs 2 super meter. Not sure how many uses you are allowed with it.
Those freaking showerheads that spray yellow water, UGGGHHH. Why would anyone PAY to use that with their character?
Ultron was tri-dashing, I can't see two button dashing not being in the game. Otherwise it would end up being more awkward than need be.
Unless there's a separate dash button that we don't know about.
Piss fetishists of courseThose freaking showerheads that spray yellow water, UGGGHHH. Why would anyone PAY to use that with their character?
That's actually quite interesting. Potentially you could hit the panic button, cone in and then get your *other* character mixed up and bodied if your opponent is smart.Costs two bars. You gain control of your off screen character and can attack the opponent while they still juggle your other character.
Nothing but it seems unnecessarily awkward.What's stopping him from jumping and tapping d/f twice?
Would be pretty funny if someone attempts a Burst and gets both characters caught in a happy birthday.
I'll probably end up playing Ultron a lot on teams. Those drone lasers into tag will mean great stuff if I use it right. Plus I am super into that air diving command grab. I love grabs and I love dives. I get the feeling their will be some dirty tag or stone setups for that grab. Plus that screen of him using 2 hand beams at once looked great.
I'll probably end up playing Ultron a lot on teams. Those drone lasers into tag will mean great stuff if I use it right. Plus I am super into that air diving command grab. I love grabs and I love dives. I get the feeling their will be some dirty tag or stone setups for that grab. Plus that screen of him using 2 hand beams at once looked great.