A thread for the summer jam tournament...Well then what the hell is this thread?
A thread for the summer jam tournament...Well then what the hell is this thread?
And they're making a promotion out of it.
Joey Cuellar ‏@EvilMrWizard 44m44 minutes ago
This is the EXACT reason no one is allowed on the mic at Evo!
James Chen ‏@jchensor 13m13 minutes ago
Whenever the X-Mania stream starts, I'll try and startup a re-stream on http://twitch.tv/UltraChenTV ! Follow our channel to know when it starts!
James Chen ‏@jchensor 15m15 minutes ago
I was given the go-ahead by Mattsun, one of the heads of XMania, to do an ENG commentary re-stream. So if all runs according to schedule...
James Chen ‏@jchensor 16m16 minutes ago
So XMania update: ST singles ran long, they are finishing top 8 today, starts ~9:30pm PT. Then the 3v3 happens after. http://twitch.tv/mikado_ssf2x
" Just because I lost, doesn't mean I was defeated"
Mike Ross ‏@ThatMikeRossGuy Apr 30
I just have one small request to ask...Carl ''@PerfectLegend'' White...Can you please shut the hell up? Thanks.
Just went into this thread. I missed something amazing apparently![]()
Oh my god. I can't wait for the vod.Perfect Legend achieved the impossible by losing a first to ten 13-0
Yo guys wheres that scr prelude hype at
Ultrachen just went live with XMANIA English coverage.
I'm probably the only person who did not find PL vs Sonicfox entertaining. Blowouts are just boring and it was clear who was going to win the mm before they even started. I would've been more interested and hype if Sonic was against one of the yomi guys.
Ultrachen just went live with XMANIA English coverage.
Seriously if you have never seen modern day Super Street Fight 2 Turbo, you should be watching this. The game is BONKERS and broken in too many ways.
So what happened? How did someone lose a FT10 by 13?
When you talk shit after losing a FT10 10-0.
"You beat me with your side character, but I can totally beat your main character!"
That exhibition will be going down in history.
How the fuck do you lose 13-0 in a FT10 exhibition?
That is REAL LEGEND shit right there...
This is the real kicker. No one really talks about xian vs diago 10-0 anymore, but 13-0 in a first to 10 is like getting fired on your day off.
That exhibition will be going down in history.
How the fuck do you lose 13-0 in a FT10 exhibition?
That is REAL LEGEND shit right there...
Really fun commentary from him. Leagues better than his snore fighter 4 commentary.LMAO at this X Mania restream from James Chen. Someone get the man some cocaine
Perfect Legend vs Sonic Fox in MKX Ft10.I missed this. Who was playing and what game?
Perfect Legend achieved the impossible by losing a first to ten 13-0
After the 10-0, PL tried to make an excuse that he was prepping for Sonic Fox's Erron Black.
So Big E made them play a 3 out of 5 with Sonic FOX playing Erron Black.
Really fun commentary from him. Leagues better than his snore fighter 4 commentary.
So I'm clearly late to the party but how does this even work? Like Legend tried to call 3 do-overs or something? They kept playing after the 10-0 and eventually Sonic Fox got bored and walked away?
EDIT: Nevermind I saw it